Three | Will

-Like a star in the daylight,

unseen but burning bright-

Will watched as the dark haired boy slept. After stitching him up properly and getting some fruit in his system, Will had insisted on getting him back to sleep. Nico hadn't been very happy about it but now he seemed peaceful with his eyes closed, the dark locks in his face. A small frown was still left but he seemed a lot more at peace than Will had ever seen.

Will on the other hand was sitting in his office chair behind a desk. The yellow covered journal open in front of him, the pen in his hand. Will always enjoyed drawing and writing. The journal had been a gift from his mom last Christmas. Late nights and early mornings in the infirmary was always quiet and outside the big windows the nature was beautiful. The moonlight shined through the glass and the sky was scattered in stars. Despite being a son of Apollo, Will enjoyed the late nights. The stars shining glow and the bright, silver moon lit up the world around him. Early mornings was something he was used to, the Apollo campers were always up at the crack of dawn. There wasn't even once were Will had missed the Sunrise since he moved to Camp Half-Blood. He'd always see the first orange sunbeams hit the camps hills and valleys. And it was always as breathtaking.

A scream made Will whip around in his chair and his eyes swept over the room. The son of Hades was sitting up in his bed, eyes closed and hair in his face. His head hung low and he pulled a hand through his hair, Will had figured that over the years that that was a habit he had when he was stressed. Nico looked up and met Will's eyes in the dark. A look of pain flashed over his face before he looked down again. Will's eyes softened and he carefully placed the pencil on the table behind him and stood up from the chair. He went for a cup of water before going to Nico. His torn up shirt was on again after Will had cleaned his wounds. He gave Nico the cup of water without a word and Nico took it and drank it all. Carefully he took the cup out of Nico's hand and placed it on the small table beside the bed.

"Go back to sleep, Nico," he mumbled softly. The small boy carefully laid back down and let Will pull the covers over him again. Nico curled up in a ball and fell on the side and closed his eyes. He flinched a little when Will pulled away his hair from his face but Will just smiled a little and went back to his chair.

Legs pulled up from the floor and a blanket covered his legs. He continued drawing in his journal and softly hummed a melody of an old ancient Greek song. The pencil flew over the paper creating something as beautiful as the night sky. He smiled softly. He threw a glance over his shoulder at Nico. He was shaking slightly and Will decided to get up and put an extra blanket over his thin frame. His breathing wasn't as rhythmic as it should be but Will figured he was too drained for even breathing by normal standards. He sat down on the bed beside Nico's, watching carefully over the boy in front of him. He wasn't necessarily as scary as everyone though he was. He was just as any other camper inside the camp's barriers. Just a bit more broken than everyone else. The dark hair was dirty and a mess on the white pillow, his thin shirt would get him cold in an instant. A scratch from the battle was visible in his forehead and Will suspected that wasn't the only injury from the battle, and definitely not the worst. He shook his head at the careless boy infront of him.

He pulled himself up from the bed, getting a bit startled when the wheels hadn't been locked and it rolled away a few decimeters. Will took a neatly folded hoodie and a pair of sweatpants from his desk and ripped a page from his journal. He wrote a short message on it before placing it all on Nico's bedside table. Then he laid back down on the bunk he'd been on earlier, locking the wheels first. The sun was on its way up and the clock showed 5 am. Sleep took over him not many minutes later and soon he was out like a light. 
