
America hopped off the swing and strolled home, a flurry of thoughts and feelings bouncing around in his head. How do I break it to him? What will he think? Will he hate me? What if he likes me too? He stopped mid-thought and looked around, taking in an array of foreign details. Where was he? This wasn't an area of the neighborhood he had been in before. In a panic, America grabbed his phone from his pocket and called Russia. Dial tone, dial tone... "Hello?" America sighed with relief. "Russ! Thank goodness! I was on my way home from the park and I wasn't paying attention and... Well... I think I'm lost". Russia groaned. "What do you see around you?" America peered around, stating the things he noticed into the phone. "Big green house, cozy red cottage, parked black SUV... Aha! Apparently, I'm on Lindon Street!" "Oh, you're about two blocks away from my house. Need a chaperone?" Giggling, America agreed. The conversation ended and America sat on the curb, waiting for his knight in shining armor.

Russia put his phone in his back pocket, pulling his jacket off of the doorknob to his room and shoving his arms in the sleeves. On the way out of his room, he ran into Third, who had just put away another suitcase. "Ya goin' somewhere, big guy?" Russia stalled, never known to lie, but afraid of the consequences. "Oh, well- I- Um-" His stepfather cut him of with a laugh. "Don't worry, you don't have to tell us everything. But if you're bringing someone home, use the back entrance, yeah? I'm sure you don't want to be quizzed by the rest of us". With a wink, Third left Russia on the stairs. Afterwards, he snuck down the steps and out to where America sat, lost and in love.


America tapped his foot against the pavement, anxious for Russia to arrive at his side. Maybe Russia would let him stay over again, and let him nuzzle up against him and fall asleep in his warm embrace. It was a comforting thought that kept him busy until he heard someone shout his name. "Meri!"

America exited his dreamscape and looked over to find Russia walking towards him, hand raised in a wave. He stood up and met him with a hug, happy to see that he was there with him. "So are we going to my house or yours?" "Preferably yours," the short country answered, "but either would work, I guess". "Mine, then. There's something I want to talk about".

The two countries walked the streets in silence, but it was comfortable, intentional. Russia looked down at America from the corner of his eye, thinking deeply as he had on the way to find him. There was something off about his feelings toward the little attention hog. He was beginning to grow fonder and fonder of him, a small smile turning up on his face whenever he was mentioned or waiting expectantly for his texts. It was definitely time to address it, once and for all- and maybe see if America felt the same.


Russia snuck himself and America through the back entrance and up the stairs, closing the door so lightly that all could be heard was the click of the knob. With a sigh, the taller country turned to look at his companion. "Welcome back".

"So what did you want to talk about?" America blurted out, blunt and to the point. While a little startled, Russia motioned for America to sit down on his neatly-made bed. Once they were both seated, he began to speak.

"Um.. So. I've noticed something over the past few days. I've..." He looked down at the covers, not being able to maintain eye contact. "Well, I've began thinking about you a lot. Whenever you text me, I smile, and when you're around me, I feel helpless and soft. And when you're in bed with me..." At this point, America was red and his eyes were glossy. "What do you think this all means, Meri?" "Russia, I think... I think you love me."

Love. Love him. America. Did... Do I? Do I love America? So soon?

America's eyes began to water. "And I feel like that too, Russ." He wiped away his almost-tears and looked Russia in the eyes. "Is that how you feel?" Slowly, Russia nodded. "I think so. I think... I think I-" Russia's words were cut off by a kiss from America, who's eyes were squeezed shut and arms were around his dearest friend. Russia let his eyes close, leaning into America. It was quiet in the room- a warm, and rather loving quiet. America pulled away, flustered, and gave a small smile. "I'm not ready, you know". America chuckled. "Yeah, I didn't think so, but I'll wait."
