Chapter ll


Recap:I open the door to something i'd never think would happen.
"STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING." Tim was raping my sister. Her vagina was red and she was crying really hard and still screaming.

"Baby I aint."He got up off of her.

"No don't baby me. Why would you rape my sister." I began to break down.

"I'm leaving here fuck you don't ever talk to me again."I felt as if I had the balls to leave him.

"You ain't going nowhere."I made a run for it and he pulled my long ponytail to the ground.

"FUCK YOU TIM." He punched me dead in the side of my face constantly.

"I'm going to the store and when I come back you better be here and fuck chris brown you ain't going." He grabbed his keys and left. Luckily I had my own car.

"Violeta grab your bag and get some clothes now."She climbed off of her bed and walked into her closet as fast.

I ran into my room getting my duffle bag stuffing clothes and shoes in.
"Come on let's go." She didn't bother to get her shoes on. She grabbed her bag and had her shoes in her hand. I grabbed my keys and we both ran to the car. I was shaking so bad I couldn't put the keys in. When I finally put the keys in, I hurried and sped off.

"Where are we going to go." She turned to me and had a very pale face.

"I don't know but I don't have enough for a hotel. I'll just sit outside the place chris wanted me to go."

It was only 3 in the morning and we starting the video at 9 am. When we pulled up to the place we slowly fell asleep in the car.


"Come on chris get up. Video shoot." I flutter my eyes to see katena my manager.

"Can we push it back i'm tired."I yawned and closed my eyes back.

"No your camera mans are only free for those times."I sighed and rose up. I took a shower and got myself together and fresh.

My driver took me to the building I was recording in. It was a car sitting there and it wasn't supposed to be.

I knocked on the window and a familiar face popped up. She yawned and opened the window.
"Aliya what are you doing here so early." She turned to the side and her face was bruised up and I was worried. She stepped out of the car and the bruise looked even worse.
"I'm sorry my face uh.. I don't want to go in the video shoot with a bruise you'll have to find someone else."
"Nah we have makeup artist we'll fix that up for you."She was a beautiful women and whatever happen to her face or whoever did this was bogus."her sister was asleep on the side of her.
"Come on an get y'all thing and come inside there's breakfast and stuff." I can tell she was in the struggle because she didn't have a too nice car or the things other people had but she had a beautiful face and she kept herself up, She could dance beautifully and had a nice shape.

I watched as her and her sister walked in. Something was off about them two. I haven't knew them for long but I think there was a man involved. Aliya sat at the table and ate her food. She had tears dripping from her face and she looked really hurt. Her sister had only took a bite of her food and had her head down.

An hour passed and everyone was dressed and ready to dance. I pulled aliya to the side to tell her how she was going to be.

"I don't want you dancing in with all the rest. I want you to be in by yourself. You're very unique."She smiled. Her bruised was covered and her hair was fixed.

Her sister sat and watched but I wanted her to be apart of it too.
"Can you dance." I asked her sister.
"No i'm horrible."
"Come on let me teach you a little something." She followed what I did and she was really good.
"Lil mama you are good at dancing. You think you can remember everything I taught you."
"Yeah it was pretty easy. It was something like this."She repeated what I did and did it perfectly.
"I think you should be in."I looked around for my manger. She came strolling in with her clipboard.
"Katena, can you get-."
"It's Violeta."
"Yes get this young lady an outfit so she can be in this."
"yes but she needs to hurry because it's about to start." She ran to the back to get her clothes on.

Aliya pov

I stood in the place they wanted me to. They placed a blue light on and started to roll the cameras.
"Light, camera action." The music started playing and I got on the ground and start twerking. I was really impressed at the dress attire. It white my favorite color.

After my little spotlight moment I watched chris and his other dancers dance. I looked closely to see my sister killing her shit out there. I didn't know she could dance. I smiled to myself at that thought. I really hope it was her because i've always tried to get her to dance but she was always very timid.

After they switched cameras and position we were all wore out and tired. My sister came over to me breathing like she just got chased by cats and dogs.
"Girl i'm not use to all this dance shit." She bent down to her knees and was breathing heavy.
"You did good."I gave her a high five. Chris was talking to the camera man and looked over at me.

He walked towards me with a smile.
"You both did good." He hugged me and for some reason I felt really safe. Like I haven't felt this way since both my parents died. We were still hugging until I realize I was doing too much.

I pulled away and he looked at me with a smirk.
"Well me and a couple of friends are going out to eat. You want to come."
"Yeah sure." I wanted to take a shower but I couldn't go home.
"I'm going to go home first you guys can follow me and there so y'all can get dressed." I felt embarrassed and I felt poor but I couldn't tell him that because what if he wouldn't ever talk to me again.
"Okay that sounds great." It was like he read my mind that's what I loved about him.

We pulled up into this house on the hills and it was gated.
"Sis this is so beautiful." We both smiled and was really happy.

We parked on the side of the rode and got our stuff out the car walking up to the front door.
Chris got out of the car and walked up to the front door and put a key in the door. He held the door open for us and we walked in. The house was beautiful. We looked up and seen the upstairs.
"Your place is beautiful."
"Thank you. There's two bathrooms down the hallway."
"Okay thank you." I walked into the nice bathroom and it had a golden sink.
"Woah." there's was extra towels and I decided to just take a shower.

After I got finished I dried off and fixed my hair.

I went a little shopping for me and Violeta last week. So I put on my target jeans and my adida jacket.

I came out the bathroom and went to see if Violeta was ready. When I walked where the entrance was chris and violeta were playing video games.
"Hey guys."I smile because they were getting along so well.
"you look nice."Violeta told me.
"For real." Chris said looking me up and down.
"Thank you guys."
"Well y'all ladies ready."We both nodded and he grabbed his keys.
"Let's drive in my car."

We followed him into his garage. When he opened the door it was 4 cars in here but he still had more down the street.

We hopped in his BMW which was so cute. It was a bluish teal color.

Once we got to the restaurant it looked really expensive. I never even heard of this. I forgot I only had 50 dollars on me and I didn't want to be doing extra.

He opened the door for me and Violeta and led us inside of the food place.

"How can I help y'all." The lady said.
"I already have a table reserved under brown." She typed on her computer and led us to the table.
"Right this way."When we got to the table it was Trey songs, August Alsina and some other little boy. He looked around 17 18.
"Wassup dog." They did their little hand shake which was nice.
"Ain't gon introduce us to these ladies." August said. Beautiful accent.
"Oh my bad. This is aliya janell and Violeta janell. I put them in my new music video I made today. Very good dancers. Aliya and Violeta this is August, Trey, and Christian."
"Hi." We said shyly.
"Take a seat." Chris said. Violeta scooted in the booth for me and chris could get in. I sat in the middle and chris sat on the outside.
"how old are you ma." christian asked Violeta.
"I'm 16 going on 17 next week." He nodded and licked his lips.
"Well i'm 17. What schoo you go to."
"Angel high." My sister was a very shy girl so a boy talking to her made her feel good.
"That's wassup I used to go there but I got homeschooled."
"That's cool."
"soo chris I see you got you a fine thang."
"Nah we ain't like that plus we just met."
"You gotta boyfriend." Trey said.
"Yes."I looked down and rolled my eyes.
I knew chris knew how my body language was. I didn't know where I was going to stay but I was definitely not going back. I can't it's hard. Everyday I look in the mirror and I feel like shit. I think i'm ugly I think I can't dance. Tim has made me insecure and now I don't know how to cope. But I do regret ever being with him and getting my self in that situation. Before my mom died she told me she didn't like tim and to be very careful. I knew then that I needed to leave but I just loved him too much. But I see what love will do to you.

