
[not edited]

*Niall's POV*

I sighed putting quarters into the fizzy drink machine. I'm not supposed to be drinking this. It's going to mess up my face but it's hot as hell outside and I need something with acid that is also extremely cold.

Someone stood on the side of me and began getting some chips and I looked at him and it was the same guy. The homophobic prick. So I hurried and got my drink and ran to the elevator. I clicked my floor and clicked the 'close door' button but he was just as fast as me putting his arm in the door.

When he got in he looked at me and rolled his eyes. I stood on one side and he stood on the other. There was no talking in the elevator except when I was about to get off the elevator when he mumbled 'faggot'.

"Your dick's small." I said hunching and getting off the elevator and he was about to say something else but the door closed and I went to my apartment.

I fiddled with my keys before getting in my apartment. I sat down on my couch and opened up the can of pop and began drinking it. I sighed because to much acid but I was finally relaxing. I heard a knock at my door and I rolled my eyes getting up. I opened the door and I leaned against my door frame.

"Yes." I said looking at the elevator guy.

"You have fucking problems, don't say shit about me." He said and I sighed.

"How do you know what apartment I live in?" I asked him.

"Your gay ass welcome mat." He said.

"Did you really have to come all the way to my apartment to tell me not to say shit about you. Wow you must really do have a small dick." I said.

"No I don't you just need to be put in your place." He said.

"Alright. Nice to know. Bye now." I said  going in about to close the door.

"Say something negatively to me again and I'll threaten you." He said.

"Oh really?" I asked

"Didn't you just hear me?" He said.  

"God you're so irrelevant. Go home." I said laughing and closing the door on him.

"You'll see." He said.

"And then I'd just reciprocate whatever." I said through the door.

"We'll see about that." He said.

"You try to get to me so much. You really do you try to hurt my insides but you know being gay and all for years I've grown some thick skin so this is only really getting to you. I mean you're outside my door." I said.

"If it didn't get to you then why do you respond?" He asked.

"Because you don't get to say what you want. There are people who belong to the LGBTQIAP community that doesn't have thick skin and while you can throw remarks at me personally, don't think it's okay to say that to everyone you see." I said.

"You do understand that I'll do whatever I want and your opinion won't matter any." He said and I opened the door.

"Are you really about to discuss this because I have all day." I said and he looked in my apartment.

"I'd rather not." He said.

"Being gay is not a disease and it's not contagious." I said.

"Ah but from being gay it created a disease. HIV. That's fucking disgusting." He said.

"Every gay person doesn't have it. And not every straight person doesn't  either. It's sexually transmitted and I unfortunately don't have unprotected sex and anyone who does are at risk unless the person they're messing with is a virgin but then again it could have been inherited which isn't really probable but it can happen , umm blood transfusion but that's barely plausible, and shared needles but who does that besides people trying to shoot up? And study a little bit more about that before go around specifically pointing fingers." I said.

"You guys are sick either way." He said. 

"Alright good bye." I said ready to close the door.

"What happened to you lame excuse of discussing gays." He said.

"They type of discussions I have usually require equally intelligent people." I said.

"Damn well you can't partake in this then." I said.

"I think you should go." I said.

"You know what maybe you're right. I don't understand how I was able to stand here and talk to you for that long anyway." He said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"You act like gay people are hard to talk to. You probably talk to someone gays all the time. Probably work with lesbians too. You just wouldn't know because they aren't actively advocating.  We're a big community. So that just makes you ignorant." I said.

"How does that make me ignorant?" He said.

"When you're talking to someone who's not wearing a rainbow button and is apart of the LGBTQIAP community then it's fine. But when people are hella flamboyant and talking to you there is a big deal and the priority  is to bash them." I said. "You get that you only discriminate to people who in your stereotypical eyes 'looks gay' to you." I said.

"It doesn't matter." He said and my eyes widened.

"Yes it does. That's like someone treating you properly because how you look now but then them treating you like a terrorist when you have on a turban and a thobe." I said and he looked mad.

"I'm not a fucking terrorist." He said.

"I didn't say you were. But that doesn't feel good right? When people fucking classify you as something and drag you because how you look and what you do." I said. "Some gays don't get pushed around because they 'look straight' and that is fine. But gays that 'look gay' get pushed around and it's not fair. But you understand now because the shoe is on the other foot. I'm not going to lie I know you face discrimination because I heard you a couple days ago yelling at your girl friend on the phone. So why do you choose to discriminate. You should know the struggle and how bad it feels. Because you've been through it." I said and he sighed running a hand through his hair.

"You're a person. And no matter what you believe in, what your skin color is, who you want to be with. It shouldn't matter." I said.

"Don't compare us. I'm nothing like you." He said.

"Yes you are. Close your mouth for once and open your ears. You're a person with rights just like I am but if you don't get that and not help fight for your rights then you will continue to be ignorant and continue to be oppressed." I said and slammed my door.

I let it get to me. I really did and now I mad. How in the fuck does someone get discriminated against and then discriminate against others. That's fucking foul.

I sat down and drunk my drink. I was now pissed but I was trying to calm down. I crossed my legs and turned on the tv.


I sat on my terrace/ balcony once again just because I heard the singing. I didn't know this song either but it was nice and it made me smile looking at the sun finally set.

It's supposed to rain tomorrow but that only means I'm staying in tomorrow. Rain makes me sad. Plus it's like living somewhere that is hot a lot and want snow. It's always rainy here but I want sun.

"Shit I have to right that down." The singing abruptly stopped and I knew exactly that the same person who sings is that same ignorant bastard.

How can something so beautiful come out of a mouth so foul. Good lord what am I up against.

He continued singing the hook again and I didn't know how I felt about it then. It's still beautiful but it's like supporting a artist that things gays are disgusting. That also means he might live one or two floors above me.

I went in and closed the door. I went and laid in bed. Nameless, beautiful, with a personality that makes him absolutely hideous. I'm not saying I like the guy but he's cute it's just his whole fucking demeanor, disposition, and politics are just fucking wrong and stupid.

My phone vibrated and I slid the answer button and answered it.

"Niall." Louis said.

"Yes." I said.

"I know you hate when people play matchmaker but it's this new guy in my condominium and he's bi and he's a journalist. Shoot your shot 2016." He said.

"I don't know is he even cute?" I asked.

"I would set you up with someone who isn't. His name is Calum. Maybe you can come over and meet him sometimes." He said.

"Sure. Thanks for telling me." I said.

"You're welcome. See you tomorrow." He said.

"Yeah tomorrow if it doesn't rain." I said and he laughed before hanging up.

As if. I'm not going over there to talk to this Calum guy. I don't know how he operates, how he looks, nothing of that sort.

Plus my last relationship ended badly. I wasn't devoting enough time to them because what I do on a regular basis. I didn't have time to be with him all the time and he was tired of being neglected.

I smiled though. I loved the guy and he was patient for a long time. But I neglected him and it was for the best.

Fuck I'm so lonely. I sighed.
