Chapter 9

"Two months?!" John shouted through the phone making Stiles and Derek wince. "We had just decided to stay longer before we left. It was my idea really. We need a break dad." Stiles explained and his dad sighed a long suffering sigh.

"I wish you would've told me earlier, but I give you permission to stay. Be safe and call me if you guys need anything." John says and Stiles agrees quickly. They talk for a few more minutes before Stiles hangs up with a yawn.

It's only eleven and Derek went to the gym while Stiles was still talking to his dad, so why not go back to sleep until his boyfriend comes back.


When he finally wakes up it's from the shower running in the attached bathroom.

Stiles smiled and climbed out of bed before undressing to climb in the shower with him.

"Hey sleepy head." Derek chuckled and turned around to hug Stiles to him.

As soon as they pull away Stiles grabs the shampoo to rub into Derek's scalp, while Derek rubs a soapy towel along his chest.

They switch jobs and soon deem eachother clean enough to get out.

Before Stiles can walk out Derek drags him close to throw a towel over his head.

"You know you get sick way to easily babe." He heard his Derek say and resists the urge to call him mom.

When Derek takes the towel off him he makes a funny face, that makes Derek laugh so hard he snorts.

They eventually dry off and get dressed before going to try to find food somewhere in town.

They end up at a 50's based diner that is anything but old.

Stiles' eyes light up like stars when he sees cutly fries on the menu and Derek smiles fondly at him.

While they're eating two middle age men come in and Stiles' hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

"Der, can we get the food to go?" Stiles asks him quietly and Derek gives him a confused look but nods.

They talk to the waitress and she says it'll be ten minutes but that seems like forever.

Stiles was right.

"Damn, would you look it here. We got a little fag." One of the guys say and Stiles freezes in the booth.

Derek is across the room waiting for their food and won't be able to see him.

The guys sits down next to him and he smells of whiskey and Stiles chokes on it.

"You're a pretty little thang aren't you." The asshole says leaning in close and Stiles closes his eyes.

There's a hand running up his thigh and he wants to scream but his voice is caught in his throat.

"You wanna come home with me. I can show you what a real man feels like." He whispers in Stiles' ear and his hand keeps moving up and he's almost there when suddenly his body is completely gone.

Stiles opens his eyes to see the man on the floor and none other than Peter Hale standing there.

Derek rushes over and snatches Stiles into a hug.

"Oh god i'm so sorry Stiles." He says and Stiles is crying.

"Come on guys let's get you back to the house, we'll come get my car later." Peter says guiding the couple out and to Derek's truck.

-Uncle Peter is the bestestestestest
