Hell: Back in the Smithy

"So, Laddie, what did you make of 'em? Think they'll be of any use to us?"

"I suppose. They did seem very, um ... surprised to see me."

"Oh, I don't doubt that." The Master grinned. "You haven't been to Earth before, have you? Demon summoning is a bit of a lost art these days, sad to say. 'Nother symptom of what's wrong with the modern world. Their belief is wavering, see. Maybe it's time we got a bit more proactive about showing 'em what's what. But all that's for another day. Right now, it should work in our favor – means we catch 'em off guard."

"Fair enough, but how will that help with getting them to do what we want?"

"Makes 'em receptive. Off balance and open to new ideas... What we need now is to weave them a story. That's how it always is with humans. Find the right story to tell 'em and they follow you like a lamb what's lost its mother."

"A lamb?"

"Small cuddly animal." The Master shook his head. "Poor old Moonbeam, you really have led a stunted existence. Never mind – now's your chance to live a little. Meantimes, we need to be planning your next trip back. If it's a story you're going to be selling you had better get it straight."
