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It's almost eleven o'clock in the evening when he hears the front door open abruptly and bang against the wall, and a few seconds later it slams shut just as loudly. Quiet curses and scuffles can be heard in the corridor. Shota closes his eyes briefly, rubs them with his fingers, sighs, and puts one of his students ' work aside without checking it out. Anyway, now he doesn't have a chance to finish checking, no matter how hard he tries and no matter how much he wants to do everything today.

So he decides that it's better to be ready right away, so he gets up and yawns, puts everything in a folder, and then in a desk drawer, deciding that if he puts it on the shelf, he'll just postpone until the last moment. And so at least a couple of times he will pay attention to the unfinished work when he'll want to get something, maybe at least it motivates to do everything in advance. Because when he sits down to work every time, one fiery beast immediately appears.
By the way, speaking of him.

Dabi doesn't enter, oh no, he bursts into the room, continuing to quietly swear at someone , while the fire runs through his hands and a little through his hair, and then immediately disappears, but still he slows down closer to the sofa that he ends up falling on, almost immediately staring at the ceiling, arms outstretched. His face can be seen traces of blood near the lines of scars with those staples a long time ago already it's time to change it, to bad they didn't fly the hell. There was blood on his clothes and hands, too, but it wasn't his. There were also footprints or dirt or some other dark-colored shit. But it is better not to think about its origin, he never knew where Dabi was during the execution of the next assignment this time.

Shota involuntarily recalls how one day Dabi come to his apartment covered in blood and with a bullet wound in the shoulder, and a bullet stuck in it. Because of this, they spent half the night in the bathroom, dealing with the consequences of another failure, but he decides not to think about it, shakes his head and folds his arms over his chest, continuing to look at the disaster on his couch. In addition to dirt and blood, there were new holes on his clothes, and in some places along the edges of his jacket was more torn than usual, which involuntarily again prompts the desire to get him a new one in the end, so that he does not go in some rags, but again he decides to ignore these thoughts.

"I want you to fuck me, " they both have no extra emotions on their faces: Dabi, because, to be honest, he fucked up, and Aizawa is just not surprised, just raises an eyebrow slightly, waiting for any explanations that usually followed such sharp and sudden statements. Dabi speaks dryly and directly, knowing that here he is not expected to make beautiful speeches, but just the opposite, so that he speaks directly and honestly about his desires, only now he is pausing, choosing the right words with which he could explain more precisely what he wants. But Shota does not hurry, simply noting that he did not waste his time and nerves in vain to teach the guy to talk at least with him calmly about everything he wanted, and not to evade, lie or hide the main point behind unnecessary phrases.

"Just so I can lose my voice. Hurt me or I don't know. I need the hardest session you can give me, and I know you can do a lot. Today I need the maximum, like-“

"No," he doesn't even let him finish, watching the same way, almost indifferently, as Dabi immediately sits down, looking at him indignantly, frowning and clutching the edge of his jacket with his fingers. Aizawa perfectly remembers their first moments when they were just beginning to get closer, when Dabi could not relax and give someone else control of the s someone else, not allowing himself to be tied up or blindfolded, growling, almost all the time trying to overwhelm his partner and ride his hips on his own, instead of calmly allowing him to do something with himself, and do pleasant things. But still, after a decent amount of time, a lot of conversations and attempts, full of both mistakes and small victories, Dabi honestly said what he wants at the moment, not blindly adjusting to the partner, not scared of some manifestations of affection or attention, and also without indignation gave control of his body, feelings and condition to Aizawa, showing that he received a lot of pleasure, savoring his submission.

"What?" What do you mean, "no"? Didn't you say I should-

"My answer is no. Shota raises his voice slightly in response to Dabi's loud displeasure, which is about to flare up and a blue light flickered in his hair again, so the man sighed again and lowered his hands, coming closer and sinking down next to him on the sofa, ignoring the look that the villain seemed to want to incinerate him. "You don't realize what you really want right now, and you're asking for it thoughtlessly. At least I can say for sure that I'm against it, because you're asking for something that requires an understanding of boundaries. But you will remain silent until the last moment, no matter how painful and unpleasant it is, and you will not say a safe word or say that the color has long been changed to red and you are unpleasant. You can't use a session to find an outlet for anger, discontent, or other heavy emotions, either to the one from below or to the one from above, do you understand that?
He gets a faint nod in response and Dabi, who is quiet after his small and strict lecture, looks down at him without even looking at him at the moment, which causes Shota to tilt her head slightly to the side to catch his eye and sees that all that anger is gradually receding. At least temporarily, though not all at once. Yes, he was still frowning with displeasure, his hands clenched into fists, but his gaze became softer and his features did not go crazy, wanting to burn everything around with the owner, which means you can continue. Sometimes the guy needed to be reminded to return to reality, distracted from his plans for revenge and sometimes uncontrollable emotions that pulled him so far that he lost all control, so Aizawa is even glad that today he did not have to bother for a long time to draw attention to himself and convey the essence of the problem to the guy, so he gently touches his cheek and runs his fingers over the still intact skin of the fire.

"Can I take care of you now?" Or do you just want to be alone? - such and similar questions were a standard part of their communication in private, because still, as if Dabi could not cope with himself and talk about his own desires, it happened, as now, when he was lost and clarification was necessary. And after one small pause, the man still hears the answer, which in its own way pleased him.


He gets up almost immediately to take the blue-eyed man's hands and leads him to the bathroom, where he slowly pulls off his dirty jacket, then his t-shirt, at this moment often touching the skin with his hands, lightly tracing the edges of the scars and then putting the clothes aside. Then Dabi undresses himself, and Aizawa gathers his hair in a ponytail, pulling the elastic band from his arm and rolling the sleeves of his sweater up to the elbow, turns on the water, immediately setting the temperature to warm. And while the tub is half full, he hears the guy put things down with the others and come up behind him, burying his forehead in his shoulder, so that he raises his hand and strokes his dyed hair.

For the next half hour, if not more, from the moment when the villain descends into the water, Shota removes all the dirt and traces of blood from someone else's body with a soft sponge and careful touches, washing everything away. He carefully washes all of Dabi's body, especially his hands, but without a sponge, running his fingers over the marks several times, keeping their hands partially in water, and then adds more soap and finally removes everything, making sure that they are clean. Next, he forces the guy to fall back, lying down, but his height still does not allow him to straighten up completely in the bathroom, so he has to bend his legs so that his hair touches the water, while Aizawa's hand is held at the back of his head. It would be easier to use the shower, but it's not the first time they do this, and the man knows that Dabi likes this option more, so without further ADO, Shota lowers his hand lower, the second helping to wet all the hair and then holds it so that you can easily sit down.

The guy has a detached look and his hands are slightly shaking, lying on his thighs partially under water, and even when he sits down, he gives Aizawa the opportunity to wash his hair, too, without his special participation, which He does, after which he washes everything off with water from the shower and pulls it out of the bathroom, so that when the guy gets out, throw one large towel over his shoulders and wrap himself up, and then on his head similar and the same soft, but smaller. He notices that the steamed Dabi is a little dizzy and leads him to the side, so while he wipes, he lets him hold on to himself, checking that all the braces are now in place. And when he finishes, he sends him to stomp quickly into the room and get under the covers so as not to get cold, stroking his back before pushing it quite easily in the right direction and then throwing his things to wash, going after the guy after that.

In the room, he sees Dabi already crawling under the covers and sits down next to him, knowing that it is useless to try to put something on him right now. Still, he often said that at home, especially at Aizawa's, he feels more comfortable this way, when, for example, he feels the coolness of a clean and pleasant-to-touch fabric on his skin. Sitting up and leaning on the headboard, the man smiles a little as the entire blanket bundle moves over him, resting his head on his shoulder and hugging him under his arms.

They sit for so long while Shota listens to the boy's condition in her arms, stroking his back through the blanket and closing his eyes. And then he bows his head a little and touches his lips to the neck that is not covered by the blanket, leaving a few light kisses and rising higher to his ear, then biting the edge of it, trying not to touch the earring with his teeth. But after all this, he stops and looks back into the open blue eyes.

"What color?"

Dabi is silent for a moment and looks away, listening to his feelings. He knew that he was not in a hurry and it was important to correctly understand how he perceived all these caresses now, but the guy calmly comes to the conclusion that he feels better and is not afraid, probably, will continue.

"Green," he finally says, and then he puts his arms around the man's neck and pulls him along so that he falls back on the bed and has to hang over him, leaning his hands on either side of Dabi's head, immediately pulling him into a kiss and biting his lips lightly during it. He couldn't describe what it felt like at such moments if asked, and he definitely wouldn't say it out loud, but this guy definitely did something to him every time, so Aizawa was drawn to start as soon as possible, wait for the body to relax under him and allow him to do almost anything with himself, and even if they didn't like it and a safe word sounded, they would continue after a while, having rested before and choosing what else to replace the part of the session that caused discomfort. Well, or just continue to relax together, maybe discuss the latest events, or maybe go straight to the bedroom to go to bed, referring to the late time.

His hands quickly get under the covers and Shota doesn't hold back a smile when he sees Dabi twitch slightly, looking into his eyes at the moment when cold hands touch the warm body, after which the guy mirrors the smile, easily running his fingers over the back of his head and neck, not hidden by the high collar of the sweater, all thinking whether he should bury his hand in his long hair or not touch the beautifully careless tail, and finally decides to pay attention to that very collar, then just climbing under it with his fingers, then pulling down. Dabi knows that most likely only he will be completely naked, but what can you do about the fact that his partner preferred to stay dressed if possible, if this or that part of the session allowed it. Nothing serious was going to happen to him right now, which was clearly indicated by Aizawa's look and the fact that he was more careful with it, not forgetting to carefully monitor the reaction to his actions. And then the guy realized that in General, and not really against such prospects for tonight. After all, he might not have had anything at all today, and he really just needed to relax already, not squeezing someone else's clothes with his fingers and just enjoying when his lips touched his neck and then went further down to his collarbones and shoulders.

Dabi tilts his head back, closing his eyes and giving more access to his neck, immediately receiving a kiss just below the chin, and the hands on his thighs press against the protruding bones. Shota leaves a series of light kisses on the burned neck, and then touches the skin right at the edge of the scars, from which the guy under him twitches, still clutching his sweater in his hands again and only holding it closer to him. He knew that the skin was always more sensitive here, so he touched it carefully, barely suppressing a smile when the villain twitched or began to cling more tightly to his clothes, breathing unevenly.

The man unhurriedly untangles Dabi from his cocoon, spreading the blanket slightly under him to make it easier to lie down and, after kissing the corner of his lips, continues to descend further with kisses, slightly biting the skin with his teeth and pulling, and then tracing the reddening traces with his tongue and biting a second time, hearing a ragged sigh. He runs his hand up his stomach, gently touching and stroking, and then his fingers circle the nipple and squeeze with his fingers, slightly pulling and hearing the guy inhale sharply, lowering one hand from his shoulder to the bed, immediately squeezing the blanket with his fingers and not taking his eyes off Aizawa, not stopping to follow his actions, being unable to restrain the trembling in his whole body, even from light touches. Usually, when his partners did something like this, he looked more bored at the ceiling, waiting for it to get to the point. Probably, that's why I was more often eager to take the initiative, not wanting to wait for the partner to finish the uninteresting preludes before. But with Aizawa, for some reason, everything was perceived differently, even somehow easier. And although there were no drastic changes in the sensations, Dabi thought that it was so easy to perceive it because the man was carefully watching his reaction and listening to his desires, instead of blindly pressing him to the bed like the others. He really tried to make sure that he was comfortable in the process and the pleasure made him shiver, as, for example, now.

He easily runs his hand through someone else's hair, but immediately squeezes them in his hand, immediately ruffling the tail, which he previously decided not to touch as soon as he felt hands on his thighs, but then one of them moved to his penis. Shota covered it with almost the entire palm, then slowly and gently running his fingers along the entire length, while looking at the guy's face, chuckling at how charmingly he began to squint, bite his lips and continue to squeeze the blanket and long hair with his hands,from which the elastic band still slips, falling on the bed, allowing him to touch the strands with his fingers calmly. And the man continued to slowly descend lower and lower with each kiss, then very lightly biting near the scars, then gently kissing several times in the same places and near, and then breaks away from the guy and, getting out of bed, goes to the table to get out of the drawer condoms and lubricant, which last time he put away. He takes a look at the tests that haven't been tested yet, but immediately puts off thinking about work for later, returning back to Dabi, who was lying with his hands over his face.


"Green, don't worry, I just-

"I know, everything is fine," Aizawa again falls next to Dabi, and not letting him finish, knowing already perfectly well how he was sometimes embarrassed and did not want to show himself so vulnerable, but he did not ask, except for some moments during the sessions, and then only being sure that everything is normal and serious discomfort does not bring. If it was more convenient for the guy to cover his face with his hands or turn away, or maybe even roll over on his stomach, then Shota just helped him get comfortable, and then continued. So now he doesn't say anything superfluous, just smiling out of the corner of his lips when Dabi spreads his legs on his own, allowing him to start preparing himself without any problems. The villain's breath was completely lost as two fingers touched the entrance, smearing the grease and so far only a little pressure. And after a couple of minutes, two fingers are already moving in it, and the man returned to his occupation and, leaning on his free hand, leaving a scattering of the same light kisses, only sometimes grabbing the skin with his lips a little harder to leave another filling Hickey. There will be a lot of them, especially on the inner side of the thighs, and both of them are well aware of this, because it was repeated from time to time. They hadn't seen each other at all recently, so there were no marks on the skin at the moment. So, a couple of bruises on his legs, on his shoulder, and on his right hip (which he kisses with special tenderness), but no hint of what he did to Aizawa's boyfriend last time. Dabi, meanwhile, puts his hand over his mouth and still looks down, but at the same time he collides with other people's eyes, sees a weak and yet sly smile on his lips, and then squints again, trying to stifle a moan with his hand, when the fingers in it spread a little to the sides.

"You know that you can relax and not shut yourself up," but in response, the guy only shakes his head actively and mumbles in protest, after which Aizawa stops moving his hand, but does not remove it and returns to the stranger's face, pausing a little and still pressing his lips to his temple. A couple of seconds after this silent request, Dabi lowers his hand, the second continuing to cover part of his face. Sobs when the movement resumes. And Shota no longer pulls away, again kissing the face and after a while the guy puts his hand on someone else's shoulder, still shy, but not holding back the rare and very quiet moans, with his eyes closed, clinging to the man.

Since then, the training will be slightly delayed and the man especially does not hurry, not speeding up the movement of a hand, even a finger in some point adding the third, and so clinging to finally release at the moment, the situation Dhabi, leaving him available now skin kissing, feeling in response to his hair again for someone else's hand. And at first everything is quiet and calm, they enjoy the moment in almost complete silence, interrupted by Dabi's broken breath and his moans from faster movements, which were supplemented by a quiet squish of grease,which in General made the guy blush more and more, even though he tried not to hide from someone else's eyes. If Shota didn't want to see his face, he would have told him to turn away and not asked him to relax with such tenderness in his voice, the villain assures himself and spreads his legs a little wider for comfort. But soon, just lying around, burning from the inside with desire, he gets bored. And it would not be so terrible if his feelings now were like an almost familiar raging flame, like a real one that can't be controlled. No, today it felt like the fire was barely burning and crawling slowly, but it was confusing. If you can't stop the raging elements, then you take it calmly, not considering it your mistake, then this calmness and still defiance were perceived as a challenge, they say, you can't take control, then let the fire flare up with your help and burn in it without a shadow of emotions. But having got used to the fact that fire, even as the personification of feelings, only does what it burns, I did not notice that this time it runs through my veins and ... weakly and pleasantly warms.

Still, he squirms under Aizawa at first, but biting his lip at the sensation and holding back another moan as his fingers Flex, stroking the walls, he makes an attempt to lift himself up. And then he grumbles quietly, looking into other people's eyes and ignoring his cheeks burning with embarrassment, voicing that enough foreplay is enough, you can start to get down to business, but sees that they are not going to listen to him, which is outrageous, but expected. After that, he makes an attempt to fill up Aizawa, straddling his hips and doing everything on his own, feeling how he removes his hand, after which it becomes even somehow unpleasant to the banal feeling of emptiness, which makes him want to return this very hand again for a couple of seconds. His thirst for something more interesting than a near-passive lovemaking on the bed was gradually returning, so without planning to resist his desire, he grabs the man by the shoulder, pulling him away from him and, just about to pin him to the bed, placing himself on top of him, so they immediately break him off, showing that they should have been faster and more persistent. They grab him by the hand and by the hair, putting his chest on the bed not so abruptly, even slowly, but with pressure, now not allowing him to twitch once again, holding him in place with a strong grip for the first time, until the guy planned to give up and retreat from his plans, which looked so good in his head.

"Okay, if you really think that's enough, then let's move on to the more interesting part," Shota holds the still - unwilling guy with unflappable ease, but that's not surprising. Dabi steamed after bathing, kissed and generally tired for the day, to be honest, could not seriously resist, even if it was not for the sake of a tick. Still, it added its own zest to the moment, and it was more interesting than if he calmly continued to spread his legs in front of his partner. Although both options have their advantages, he thinks. Still, he calms down slowly, lying flat under Aizawa, but not completely giving up, just pretending that the victory is not for him yet, turning his head slightly to the side so that at least a little bit of what is happening behind him, while the man lifted his hips, placing a pillow, after which Dabi involuntarily gasped at how easily his legs parted when he tried to get to his knees,but only He grumbles, but gets a soft Pat in response, even though the same hand still wouldn't let him get up. Only shading his eyes with a sigh, the villain again hears the click of the lube and, with a gulp, gets easier, and after a couple of seconds while the man smeared cock, feels like it is attached first, and then helping yourself with a hand, slowly begins to come in, holding firmly by the hip to the guy and didn't think to stop his pace. With a long moan, Dabi arches up and clings to the blanket under her, clutching it. And at first, he unconsciously jerks to the side, as he expected shot, and because the latter only holds in place, squeezing his hips a little harder with both hands and continuing to enter in one slow push to the end, with a hoarse and quiet moan, closing his eyes and pressing his hips against someone else's, stroking already more than holding the trembling guy. It was always like this: you had to hold it in place for the first few seconds, and then you could stroke it and let it move towards you.

Shota first snuggles up and freezes for a while, leaning down and leaving a kiss between Dabi's shoulder blades, which only seems to get bigger in response to this action, began to tremble, whimpering something unintelligible and again quieting down. And then he makes the first movements, only a couple of times while getting out and pushing back, but the guy under him even jerks, eyes wide, and moans loudly again, then goes to a quieter and again unintelligible mumbling, sometimes pausing for a couple of seconds, but soon continuing again, as soon as Aizawa makes a sharper push, pulling him by the hips. And although he sometimes sped up a little to hear a couple of louder moans, but mostly immediately returning to the pace of a steadily slow, looking quite at how the guy at these moments only began to whimper more, trying to move his hips towards other people's thrusts, at least slightly speeding up the process, only now he was only stronger with a dissatisfied growl pressed to the bed, Still, once he turns to look at the man, but almost immediately blushes even more, seeing in someone else's eyes that until he asks, the pace will not change. This has already happened. Many times. And each of them looked at him just like that, and then he listened and asked. Not right away, of course, but it was still not enough to show, as if at the click of someone else's fingers, that he did not mind following all these instructions, for the sake of their common pleasure. But in the end, everything ended up the way Shota wanted it to. Probably, he would never say it out loud, but somewhere deep inside, where he hid all the feelings and all the memories that he madly cherished, there was a place dedicated specifically to gratitude for the fact that Aizawa so skillfully understood what he needed at one time or another, helping also with the fulfillment of certain desires that the guy would hardly have voiced to anyone, but Shota calmly almost as without words learned everything by some details that sometimes even Dabi himself did not notice.

He's a little hesitant to oppose this is optional Eisawy or have to let go, and eventually lifted, thinking that to change things in their favor and force the pace, just feels like crawling back from another push and trying not to fall back to chest on the bed, transfixed so, leaning his arms on this very bed, what time is poor clenching the blanket with his hands. But a man suddenly snuggles up to him from behind, kissing the back of his head, neck and right shoulder, then puts him back, taking his hands and bringing them back. Dabi knows what is going to happen and is right when they pull away from him again and Shota straightens up, squeezing his hands at the elbows and pulling him back a little, forcing him to bend more, and then starts to accelerate. The angle of penetration changes, and the guy almost chokes on moans, moving from a simple whimper to loud and long, losing all desire to resist and trembling from each deep push. Perhaps if he could have cried, tears would have rolled down his cheeks right now.

And this position they do not change for a long time, while Aizawa with a quiet growl at a fast pace moves inside him, feeling Dabi clench, but in the end he can not stand it and, wanting to quickly start leaving kisses on his face and neck again, lets go of his hands, letting them fall back, ceasing to arch up to a pleasant pulling feeling in the back, bordering on pain. And then he comes out of it and slowly turns it over, first laying it on its side, and then completely on its back, stroking the legs and not yet spreading them apart, tracing the knees with his fingers and then slightly stroking the sensitive spot under them. Shota leads his hand to the foot, raises the leg higher and leaves a kiss on the protruding bone, then rises with the same light touches of the lips higher, pressing them to the knee and slightly biting the most sensitive place, from which the guy jerks his leg, indignantly mumbling, being unable to respond clearly. Aizawa only grins in response and climbs higher, kissing his thigh, then leaves a few kisses on his stomach, rises to his chest and, biting him not too hard next to the scars on his shoulder, finally stops at his face and kisses on the lips, without closing his eyes and seeing how the guy melts under the caress, while he again settles between his legs, lowering one hand on his hip and entering, after which he immediately leans towards Dabi to snuggle up to him, kissing and again starting at a slow pace, only almost immediately moving on fast.

He catches the moans with his lips, not allowing him to breathe calmly, biting and running his tongue over the reddening bite marks, all the while not closing his eyes and watching with pleasure as the guy then squints again, then opens his eyes and catches his gaze, it is only necessary to start slowly coming out of it,but after a second to push sharply back. Dabi's vision is blurry and he feels like he's suffocating, but he just clings to the man, wrapping his arms around his neck and pressing against him as hard as he can. At one point, he returns briefly to reality and bites his ear until he is carried away again, after a return bite to the neck and sharp thrusts. And then they cling tightly to each other, trying to touch as gently as possible, without squeezing hard or scratching.

Forehead to forehead.

Heart to heart.

Aizawa puts his hand on the guy's cock, feeling how he can no longer stand it, trembling more and more and wanting to touch himself, and he feels the approaching discharge, and then wrapping his fingers around it, makes just a few movements, after which Dabi arches, throwing his head back and, without stopping loudly moaning and sobbing in his hands, ends. And it is a little quiet down, breathing heavily and closing her eyes, Shota puts it carefully on the bed and went out with a squelch, the remaining lubricant, helps his hand, soon to stain the thighs of the guy leaning on it unwittingly and into her shoulder. They both recover for a couple of minutes, still breathing heavily and clinging to each other until the world around them finally falls into place and the man rises to swallow and look at the still recovering Dabi, smiling faintly for the umpteenth time that evening and touching his lips to someone else's lips in a light kiss, running his hand over his hip, and then getting up and going to the kitchen, adjusting his pants and changing his sweater for a more comfortable t-shirt on the way. Dhabi with a quiet groan lifted, finally reacting to what is happening around and he watched the man, being not yet able to ask what happened, just ayzava so once gone, it seems only kissed him and stroked, but almost immediately the guy falls back on the bed with another groan, trying to keep his feet, but to no avail. He closes his eyes again until he hears footsteps, and the bed soon buckles next to him under someone else's weight, after which the warm wet cloth gently touches his inner thighs and Shota slowly removes all traces of what they were doing earlier, stroking his stomach with his other hand until the guy relaxes completely, not wanting to move or think, but still realizing that at this rate, just start to doze off.

"You're a real gentleman," he mumbles weakly, and yet he opens his eyes, barely smiling, but when someone pats his cheek, the smile is not so weak. How good it was with Aizawa at such moments (and not only at such moments), who would know. When the man puts the towel aside, after finishing, helps Dabi sit down and, taking a glass of water from the bedside table, leaves a kiss on someone else's temple, brings the glass to the guy's lips and watches as all the water is drunk in seconds. The glass is returned to the bedside table, and Dabi is placed on the pillows and lying down next to him, Shota again gently kisses him, covering him with a blanket. They lie quietly and say nothing to each other, until at one point the villain moves closer and, burying somewhere in the man's chest, calms down, enjoying the warmth of someone else's body and starting to doze off, as he thought, and then completely falling asleep in the warmth and comfort, while his hair is stroked. Aizawa himself buried his fingers in his short hair, too, and began to gradually fall asleep. Sometimes it was hard with Dabi. He is often unstable emotionally, there are times when in absolutely any situation he can reach a state on the verge of insanity, when you had to use a quirk and strictly urge him to calm down, not to mention the moments when the guy behaved worse than his students. Still, the challenges were worth it. For evenings like this, when after all they'd done, Dabi would cling to him, falling asleep quietly and actually resting until they got up for Breakfast together in the morning. These were the moments he promised himself to keep in his memory the most, for they were closer together now than at any other time.

Face to face.

Soul inside out.

Word count>6025
