Chapter 13

We are back to the OG timeline so after thanksgiving dinner and whatever not

(A week later)

It had been a calm week overall. The day after Thanksgiving Eleonor had asked Dan and Blair if they were okay with a party that was going to be specifically to present Dan to all the families friends and family. They both agreed to it. Today Eleanor gave them the list of the guests who could each bring a plus one, after breakfast of course because who would like to wake up to that with nothing in their stomach? Not Dan that's for sure.

At the moment Dan and Blair were sitting in the smaller living room going over the list, which each of them with a copy of.

- Nate and Serena are on it. -said Blair-

- The whole Van der Humphrey clan too. -he said back still looking at the list- Do you think they will bring that guy? -Dan avoided Chuck's name like the plague-

- If they do we won't really care now will we? -said Blair- As long as he doesn't do anything to get kicked out I guess. -she says smiling at Dan-

- Hm okay. I will be with you all the time either way besides maybe I get an opportunity to punch him! -said the dark haired man before continuing to read-

- You will do no such thing Dan, you are a gentleman, and we will be around family and friends of my mom and dad and step dads. -said the brunette- You can punch him all you want when we aren't surrounded by these people.

- Alright I promise to be THE gentleman the day of the party. -he said-

After a few minutes of reading they finished reading the list and gave the green light to Eleanor so she could send out the invitations. The party was going to happen a week from now, not at the Waldorf house because it wasn't big enough for that many people.

Today Dan was planning on surprising Blair with her wedding present which he had gotten from the loft the night before with the help of Dorota and brought it to the Waldorf residence, specifically Blair's room, without Blair noticing. Now he planned to make this day a great day for Blair and giving her the present at night. So after they gave Eleanor the green light Dan took his opportunity to ask Blair for them to go out the whole day.

- Do you want to go shopping? -asked Dan and the moment he said it he regretted it, not because he didn't like shopping that much but because it sounded so forced that Blair would know something is up-

And Blair did so. She looked at Dan with a look of surprise and curiosity before saying:

- You -pointing at Dan- are asking to go shopping? -she smirked- now that's a first.

- Well I am in need of more clothes -he lies and everyone can tell, more so than anyone BLAIR-

- Alright then. -she answered letting this go for the sake of not distressing Dan- We can go in an hour.

The dark haired man let out a breath of relief and smiled before turning on his computer to start doing some university work. A hour passed and they both got into the car and went to Blair's favorite stores. At this point the brunette was certain that something was going on, but she just went with it, who can say no to a shopping spree? Not her that's for certain. In each store the biggest problem was the two of them fighting over who would pay for the things, mainly Blair's, and that was on of the brunettes arguments. She bought the most this she should pay for everything but Dan did not agree with that he wanted to pay for her stuff. In the end they came to an agreement., they would spit the bill in all shops and each pays half but Blair gets to pay for Dan's food every time they go out to eat together for the rest of their lives. So in the end who really won? Blair.

At the moment Blair was in trying a red dress, mainly to show it to Dan because she knows all her measurements so perfectly that just by looking at something she knows if it will fit her or not but it's always good to have someone validate how fitting and gorgeous she is in a dress.

The moment Blair stepped out of the dressing room Dan felt his heart beat faster as he looked at her in awe. The red of the dress was the same shade as their engagement ring, it fit her perfectly. The brunette had always looked splendid in red clothes.

- You look marvelous, my love -said the man still looking at her in awe-

- Thank you, my good sir. -said Blair before turning around to look at herself in the mirror, pleased with the reaction she got from the man- I was thinking of wearing it for the party.

- I should start getting some fighting lessons then -said Dan looking at Blair through the mirror-

- And Why is that? -she asked-

- Well the guys at the party will try to woo you -he answered and the brunette laughed-

- Most of the guys there will be as old as my dad if not more! -she said as if what Dan implied was ridiculous-

- We both know that doesn't stop them from hitting on beautiful ladies. -said Dan- Besides I can say I saw at least 20 guys that are close to our age. That's enough for me to start training.

- They all know I am married to you. -she said turning around, now facing Dan- If they even try something we can get them escorted out -she said and he smiled-

- Of course you would prefer peace over drama. -he said sarcastically-

- I love drama, but only when it doesn't involve me -she said stepping closer to where he was sitting- or you. -she said caressing his check slightly-

Dan simply shook his head in understanding.

- I'll go change out of the dress so we can pay and go eat at the caffe I was telling you about. -said Blair going back into the dressing room-

- God she will be the death of me -he whispered to himself putting his hands to his face-

After paying for the dress and a few other clothes that Blair picked and two pants and long sleeve shirts that Dan wanted they went to the caffe that she talked about. Balir ordered for herself and Dan, because he couldn't choose exactly what he wanted, he seemed to want to try everything and that is a sin. Gluttony. So she picked one sandwich, drink, and pâtisserie for him. They chatted a little until the food got there and Dan went heads first into the sandwich.

- Hmmm it's very good -he said after swallowing a bite of the sandwich-

- Of course it is Cabbage Patch. I picked it myself for you. Besides I told you the food here was divine. -said Blair taking a sip of her fruit juice-

- You are always right. -he said sarcastically-

- And you are talking too much for someone who is supposedly eating. -she said before starting to eat her own food-

They ate in silence after that. Not because Dan or Blair were offended by anything the other had said, in fact they loved this... thing they had. They simply stopped talking because while outside of the house they didn't really feel comfortable nor liked talking while eating that much, besides the fact that it could be impolite to do so of course.

When they finished eating they gave each other a few more backhanded comments before paying the bill and leaving. After that both of them went to the New York library, they first went to the section of French literature, which was one of the interests they shared, and right after picking each a few books, which they would share after reading, they went after old English literature, which they both did like but in this case it was mainly because of certain works that Dan was searching has a part of his mid year project that was due in a month.

Both were quite happy with what they got, so they checked out the books and went home. By now it was already late afternoon almost night and with the tragic of New York it would take them quite some time to get to the Waldorf residence and Dan was sure that everything would be ready for Blair's surprise by the time they got back. He was also smiling ever so slightly which Blair noticed.

- You have been very smily today. -she said and he looked away from the window moving his eyes towards her face-

- Well I am shocked you noticed, I didn't know you liked my face that much. -Dan said taking this opportunity to tease Blair-

- I think the Waldorf ego is getting to your head. -she said still not looking directly at him-

- Might be true, I might be spending too much time with you. Its deteriorating for my health I fear -he says faking a few coughs-

- You think you are hilarious don't you? -she says rolling her eyes-

- You have to admit it I am quite funny -he said, now smiling at her-

- In your dreams maybe. -she said looking at him with a smirk-

- We have arrived. -said the driver-

Dan then opened the car door and helped Blair get out of the car before saying a "thank you" to the driver. As they walked up the stairs that led to the Waldorf entrance the dark haired man started felling nervous, maybe she wouldn't like it? Maybe this was too much? HELL MAYBE THIS WAS TOO LITTLE? He was basically trembling while opening the door. Once the door opened Dorota, Harold and Cyrus screamed "Surprise!!!" while Roman and Eleanor clapped.
Blair was in fact surprised by this even though she was 100% suspicious of Dans behavior this whole time.

- Thank you -said Blair hugging them- but what is this for? -she asked confused-

- Oh! -Dorota kind of forgot that she was only going to see the present once in the room- Mister Dan finally willingly went shopping with you Miss Blair!

- That...explains nothing. -said Blair- I will let this on slide as I know you all are up to something. -she said looking Dan up and down before looking at the dinner table- Well all my favorite foods in one table is quite the surprise. -she said smiling before going to sit, of course Dan pulled the chair for her-

Everyone sat down at the table and started eating.

- Did Daniel actually buy anything decent, dear? -asked Eleanor looking at Blair for an answer-

- Yes he bought a few of his basic clothes. -said Blair-

- Pants and long sleeves. -complemented Eleanor-

- It's okay to be basic Daniel. -said Roman trying to comfort the dark haired-

- Yeah. Thank you. -said Dan defeated-

- Daniel. We would like if you and Blair could accompany us in a few days to go pick our clothes to wear at the party. -said Cyrus-

- We are all going to pick similar patterns -said Harold-

- Of course we  -he said looking at Blair for an answer, and she nodded- would.

- Have you both thought about what I asked? -said Eleanor looking at the pair-

- Yes. Me and Dan will be models for you mother. -said Blair and Eleanor nodded smiling- But only once.

- I can live with that. It will just have to be a very long photo shot. -said Eleanor-

After that they kept on all talking and eating. When everyone was done Blair and Dan excused themselves and went upstairs to their room. Once they were at the door Dan put his hands above Blair's eyes so she couldn't see.
He asked her to open the door, which she did.

- Surprise! -he said putting his hand away so she could see her present-

There it was the little black dress, designed by Hubert de Givenchy together with Edith Head, for the iconic Audrey Hepburn. It was worn by a manikin with the long black gloves, and the jewels, the heels, even the glasses! This outfit is the outfit that Blair's favorite actress wore in the opening scene of Breakfast at Tiffany's, her favorite movie of all times.

- That's the... -started Blair but she couldn't get another word out, she was too stunned to process-

- Yes. -he said pulling her closer to the manikin wearing the dress- The original, worn by the one and only Audrey's Hepburn.

The brunette kept admiring the outfit. It was truly stunning. It was the best present she had ever gotten. Dan knew while looking at her admiring it, how much she loved it. It was harsh for him to come up with something that could even compare to Blair's gift to him. Her buying and keeping the loft for him was truly touching, knowing how much he loved it, how many  memories it had. He knew how much Blair loved the actress, the movie and everything about it. So he thought this would be the best thing he could get her. It seems he thought right. It was also in a manikin because of the simple fact that he knew Blair would never wear such an important outfit, that in her eyes was everything. She wouldn't want it changed to her measures, she wouldn't want it damaged in any way. It was perfect as it was.

- How did you...? -asked Blair-

- I know a few people here and there you know. -he said with a smile-

- Thank you Dan. -she said before hugging him-

- You are very welcomed. -he said hugging her back- So that means you liked your marriage present? -he asked jokingly-

- I love it. But you know I can't keep such a valuable thing forever right? -she said still hugging him-

- Why is that? -he asked-

- This is one of the most iconic outfits to ever exist in cinema and in fashion. It has a deep meaning for many people from both sides. I am part of those people, I can't imagine it being locked away in a persons house for only their pleasure and hidden from everyone else. -she said before looking at him-

- It was inside someone's collection before I got it. You are right. It is something that is for every fashion fan, cinema fan, Audrey Hepburn fan. Never to be hidden away again. -he said smiling down at her-

The brunette felt understood, heard and loved. He had gone through a lot to get it, of that she was certain, and still he accepted that she wanted to give it away in a selfless act.

- I... -she tried, but couldn't find the words to tell him how much she appreciated and loved him-

- No need, my love. -he said kissing the top of her head-

They stayed in each others arms for a few more minutes, before Blair pulled away a little and kissed his check a little too close to his lips, which made both of their hearts beat a little too fast. Both were now blushing furiously.

- I need to go take a shower! -said the brunette hurrying off to her bathroom-

Once the bathroom door closed. Dan fell onto their bed with his hand on his face.

- Oh Blair. You shall be the death of me. -he said to himself while smiling-

After 30 minutes of day dreaming the dark haired man got up to go to his bathroom to take a bath and change into pijamas. After they were both ready for bed, they laid down side by side and spent the rest of the night talking as always.


Good night my dear readers. Today it seems it was a very busy day for our favorite couple. They were seen shopping all over the city and then at B's favorite caffe.
(Pictures of them at those places)
They were enjoying themselves quite a lot it seems. Is this true love? Maybe. They were also seen at the city's library. Who would have thought. Queen B at a library. They are truly the perfect match after all. A little birdie also told me that there might be a party coming soon, so get your dresses ready ladies! One thing we know about the upper east parties is they always end up in drama.

You know you love me: XOXO, Gossip Girl.
