Chapter 8

Blinding sunrays forced themselves inside the huge windows and woke me up. I slowly opened my eyes and scrunched my face and rubbed my eyes. I saw Win sleeping beside me with his head rested on my arm. My arm was sore and numb but I didn't want to wake him up. 

I gazed at him for a few moments, he looked like a peaceful child in his sleep, I leaned in to kiss his forehead but was interrupted by the flashy entrance of a middle schooler. 

He barged into the room and started screaming when he saw me, "WHO ARE YOU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON PHI WIN'S BED!!" his loud yelling woke my peaceful baby up abruptly. 

Win sprung up from his bed from the noise and narrowed his eyes, he stared at the young boy for a second, and then his eyes lit up. The boy ran to Win and hugged him tightly and glared at me and said, "Phi Win who is this hooligan, and what is he doing on your bed?" 

Win pulled him closer and ruffled his hair, "You are here? when did you get here? I thought you would be here at noon?" 

He replied, "Phi it's past noon, look at the clock!" Win's eyes opened wide, "What! it's past noon!" the little brat politely nodded his head at Win. 

Win finally turned his head towards me blushed and looked away, It seemed like he remembered yesterday. "This guy here is Bright, he is a friend of mine, he stayed over because we were working till late last night, be nice." 

We got off the bed, freshened up, and went downstairs.

 A man and a woman with prominent auras stood in the hall talking to the head butler. The man was tall, well built, handsome, and gave off a professional look. He wore an expensive suit, gelled hair, polished shoes, and a really expensive-looking watch, his partner was no less. She wore expensive but delicate jewelry and carried herself gracefully with poise. 

As we walked down the stairs, two absolutely stunning women coordinately walked into the main hall from the neighboring room.

I realized they were his family. 

Win politely welcomed them and introduced me to the, "Welcome back father and mother, ahh he is Bright Vachirawit a friend from college..." I bowed slightly and greeted them. They gave a professional smile. 

The twins walked up to me, circled around, and scanned me, "Hmm, pretty handsome, tall, well built, looks smart, good fashion sense..." Win covered their eyes from behind and pulled them and said, "Leave him alone." The twins grinned at him and said in synchrony, "Hehe, jealous huh?"

Win slightly blushed and hit them on their heads. 

He looked at me, held my wrist, and told his family, " I'll send him off." and stormed out. 


Hiya! hope u like my work!

