
JOEY POTTER noticed the two twins walk through the school doors. She shut her lockers and joined by their side. "Hey!" she exclaimed. "Um, I needed to talk to the both of you," she stated, and the two looked at her, indicating she could continue talking. "So, the icehouse is catering a wedding, and we could really use the help. Do you guys think you could be there?"

Aurora's ideal weekend didn't include going to a wedding, unless it was her own, but Joey was her best friend, and she knew they needed the help. A small smile appeared on her face as she crossed her arms, "how much money are we talking here?"

"Sixty bucks."

Aurora's eyes widened, it didn't seem like a lot of money, but for her it was. "Sold," she stated as she nodded and looked back at the Potter girl. "I'll see you at the wedding, Potter. Just tell me about the details during lunch."

Joey nodded, "I will. Thank you so much, Rora."

The two girls now faced their attention toward the boy with a curious yet teasing look on their face. Lucas looked down at the both of them, "okay, this little teasing thing is pathetic," he stated, before mumbling under his breath, "but I'll be there."

- - - - - - - - - -

THE GROUP of friends had now all been dressed up suits provided for the wedding. Aurora agreed to the suits during lunch until she realized how terrible they had looked. Joey paced back and forth in front of them. "Okay, Lucas and Andie, if you can take care of the wedding cake. Pacey and Aurora you can arrange the buffet table. Jack and Dawson, if you can take care of the champagne and the appetizers, and if there are any catastrophes, just come to me. I'll either be in the kitchen or on the floor."

Aurora and Pacey the two of them alone to talk and headed over toward the buffet table. Neither one of them knew really what they were doing, but Pacey seemed to pick it up fast. He began to arrange the buffet table, and Aurora looked at him with impressed smile. "Wow, you're a natural, Pace. I think you'd make a fine chef one day in the future, but I'd have to taste your cooking first."

Pacey turned around and scoffed a laugh, "I can cook, Benson."

Aurora shrugged, "I don't know that. You'll have to show me one day."

- - - - - - - - - -

THE CEREMORY was supposed to start soon but the bride seemed to have been missing, or at least that's what she heard from the bridesmaid. Everyone had begun to take a seat and the caters for the wedding had taken a stand in the back. Pacey and Aurora had nothing much left to do, so they were able to watch the wedding.

It took a little while, but the bride had finally returned, and now she was walking down the aisle. Aurora smiled at the woman, her dress was beautiful, and the woman herself looked stunning. After the two had finished their vows, they were officially pronounced husband and wife.

Aurora noticed the two girls stood in the corner, as she was about to walk over, Andie made it over there beforehand. Aurora was about to walk over to help but instead she ran into someone. She looked up and noticed the blonde, "oh, I am so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, and, uh-"

The blonde chuckled at her rambling, "it's fine. You're fine," she told the girl. "Hey, uh, I saw you decorating the buffet table earlier with that boy, and you guys did a pretty good job. It looks amazing."

Aurora smiled, "oh, thank you. I mean I had no idea what I was supposed to do, but Pacey seemed to have it all under control," she told him, and the blonde nodded with a small smile. "Um, well I should get back to my job."

Before the girl was able to walk off, the blonde stopped her and called out, "uh, I'm Haley, Haley Monroe," she introduced herself. 

Aurora smiled, "I'm Aurora," she introduced herself as well. "Um, how do you know the bride? Or groom."

"The bride's my aunt," Haley stated. "Uh, do you go to Cape side high?"

Aurora nodded. Haley let out a small sigh of relief, "okay, that's good. At least I'll know one person," she stated. "I'm starting to go to school there soon. My mom wanted to live closer to her sister or whatever, so we moved down here to Cape side."

"Out of all places? Why, Cape side?" Aurora joked.

Haley chuckled and shrugged, "truly, I don't know, but I'm pretty sure it's a lot better than Colorado."

"I don't know about that," Aurora stated, "uh, listen, I would really love to keep talking, but I should go," she told the girl with a small smile. "Hey, uh, we could try to meet up on your first day, maybe by the entrance or something. Just look for me, and this time I will not being wearing a suit."

Haley nodded, "sounds great, thank you," she said. "It was nice meeting you, Aurora."

- - - - - - - - - -

LUCAS WALKED out of the building and decided to take a small walk alongside the boardwalk. His hands were stuffed in his jacket pocket that he wore over his uniform now since it had been much colder outside. With all of this drama with his dad, he didn't really feel like he could show how he felt about the situation, he had to be there for his twin.

It was quiet outside; it was enough to leave Lucas and his thoughts alone for a while. He looked around and out at the water, but as he looked, he took notice to the two drunken girls up on one of the railings at the top. 

Lucas knew it wasn't safe for either one of them to be up there. He made his way up the staircase and as soon as he did, the two girls noticed him. "Oh, Lucas? Well, this is a surprise," Abby smirked. "Did you finally get tired of blondie and decided to come in search of a real woman," she drunkenly slurred.

Lucas shook his head, "no, I came to make sure you two don't do anything stupid. Andie told me about your little interaction at the wedding. She told me you took a bottle of champagne, I knew this couldn't end well, so I came to clear my head and find you two."

Abby snatched the bottle from Jen's grip, "well, we don't need a babysitter, thanks anyways, Lukey," she stated before she began to chug the champagne before she stumbled and slipped on the ground, hitting her head. Jen laughed, as Lucas went over to help her up. "Don't laugh. That hurt, you bitch."

Abby held her head as she went to go sit on the railing. As she went to lay back, it was too late for her to realize nothing had been behind her to support her. She flipped over the edge of the railing and into the water. "Abby!"

Lucas and Jen rushed over and peered over the edge, panicked. Abby didn't come back up. "Jen, Jen, go get help!" he shouted, and the blonde hesitated before she ran to go find help. Lucas didn't hesitation, he took off his jacket and jumped into the cold water.

He came back up to the surface and looked around for the girl, but there was no sign of her. "Abby!" he shouted. "Shit, Abby!" he shouted once more before he dived back underneath the water.

- - - - - - - - - -

MEANWHILE, THE couple swayed back and forth to the music. Aurora realized that she hadn't seen her brother in a while, and neither, Jen nor Abby had come back they had said they would. "Hey, Pace," she spoke up, he hummed in response with a smile on his face. "Have you seen Lucas?"

Pacey nodded, "yeah, he took a walk."

"How long has he been gone?"

Pacey furrowed his eyebrows, he wasn't sure, but it's been for quite a while now. Aurora unraveled her arms out from around him. "I'm going to go look for him, why don't you, uh, talk to Andie. I'll be right back."

Pacey watched at the brunette walked out of the building. Aurora pushed open the door and looked back and forth with a worried expression. But her worry grew worse, as she looked more down, she saw ambulance lights.

Aurora began to walk more toward it and as she got closer, her eyes widened. Lucas was stood far back from the ambulance, but he was drenched, and had a blanket, they had provided for him wrapped around him.

Lucas glanced back and caught a glimpse of his sister from the corner of his eye. He turned around and as she stepped closer to him, his eyes were teary. "Luke, what happened? What's wrong?"

"I tried to save her, Rora. I really did," Lucas said with a shaky tone. "Abby, she fell over, and I tried to help her, but I couldn't. I found her body, she was cold, and- and" he stammered over his words, "but it was too late."

Aurora felt the shock go through her body; Abby Morgan was dead. Without another thought, Aurora brought him in for an embrace. He hugged her, and gripped onto the back of her shirt, like if he let go, he'd lose her too.
