First kiss

You and Yoongi sat on the couch, his arms around your shoulder as the both of you watched some television shows. 

Yoongi's phone vibrated, so he reached into his pocket and fished out his phone, turning it on. He scrolled through something as your eyes were still glued onto the television screen. 

"Holy shit-" You heard Yoongi say beside you. You turned to look at him, his eyeballs were glittering and his hands were clasped over his mouth. "Why?" You asked him as you looked at his phone which he was staring at and analyzing so intently. 

"D-2" by BTS' Suga debuts at No.11 on Billboard 200 , becoming the highest charting album on the Billboard 200 by a Korean solo artist. 

The article headliner read. You looked back at Yoongi's face, as he eyed the words over and over again as if he though the read it wrong. You smiled at him. 

His hands dropped, revealing the biggest smile you've ever seen plastered on his face. He looked up at you, "Can you believe it omg," He exclaimed, almost dropping his phone. "My album omg I composed it omg," His eyes were barely visible. 

"Congrats!" You cupped his cheeks. "I'm so proud of you," 

He fell onto you, giving you a bone crushing hug, before releasing you and looking at his phone again. His smile simply grew bigger, if that was even possible, as he read through the article. His gums were on full display, and his cheeks looked more pokable then ever.

"Can you belive it what the heck. The billboard charts!!"

"Yeah see, you're so successful,"

"I'm so excited I could kiss you," He blurted out. Your smile faltered as you stared at him. You thought he said something wrong so you ignored it. He looked up at you, still smiling. "So can I?" 


"You've heard me," He used his index finger to poke your cheeks. You felt blood glowing under your cheeks as you looked at him, some part of you hoping he'd make the first move. But he didn't inch closer; he was genuinely asking, waiting for an answer that you knew you couldn't squeeze out of yourself. Your face burned. 

"I...I mean like..." You couldn't think of words, your mind shut down completely as you struggled to make eye contact with the man sitting in front of you. "Just say yes or no," He said. 

"Ye-" You barely finished uttering the syllable when he smashed his lips onto yours. You eyes grew wider, before slowly melting under his touch. You closed your eyes and felt his lips on yours. They were soft, soft like a first snowball, soft like biting into cotton candy. You breathed in his sweet scent as he breathed in yours. You hands went up to his soft, mint hair, lighting pushing his face closer to yours. 

You felt him smile against your lips as his hands snaked around your waist. Your heart started calming down, it stopped beating as fast as your cheeks stopped burning as much. You strained your neck, wanting to feel his silken, pillowly lips more until he pulled away. 

"Namjoon said he left something, he's coming over," 

You rolled your eyes at him, "Why-" 

There was a knock on the door, interrupting you. Yoongi stood up, his hands leaving your waist as he opened the door, though his touch lingered. 

"Hi I left my phone," Namjoon said. You smiled at Namjoon a little as you gave him a wave. "It's there," Namjoon pointed to his phone sitting on the coffee table. You picked it up and handed it to Namjoon. He took it and uttered a thanks before walking away. 

"Well," Yoongi shut the door. 

"It's hot," You nervously chuckled as you fanned yourself with your hands. "It's not?" 

"Shut up it is," You glared at Yoongi. "It's just you," Yoongi licked his lips and walked away. "Hey come back what the heck," You ran behind Yoongi. "Why?" He asked as he continued walking into the bedroom. 

You entered the bedroom behind him. "You're mean," You pouted as you watched him get into bed. "Why?" He pouted as well as he looked at you. "You're mean," You repeated. "I'm not mean you're just horny," 

You scoffed at him. 

"Aw are you mad?" He asked. 

"No," You replied as you got on the bed and sat up with your arms crossed. "Alright then," He said as he laid on on the bed and slept with his back facing you. There was silence for a few seconds. "Ok yes I'm mad at you," You confessed. 

"Why are you mad?" He turned around and looked at you. "Because I hate you," You replied. 

"No you don't," He said with this cheeky smile on his face. "Yes I do,"

He propped himself up with his elbow and pecked you on your lips lightly. "You still hate me now?" 

"Y.E.S." You spelled out for him. "Well that's too bad," He shrugged and continued lying down to sleep.

"You suck," You laid down as well. "I hate you a lot," You said. 

There wasn't a reply. "I said I hate you a lot," 

No reply. "MIN YOONGI," You shrieked, hitting his back. He opened his eyes. "What?" 

"I said I hate you," 

He rolled his eyes, stretching his hands out and wrapping it around your neck. He pulled you down and connected your lips. You smiled slightly as you uncrossed you arms and placed it on his chest lightly. You closed your eyes, fulling engrossing yourself under his touch as you put your full body weight onto him and removed your hands from his chest, just lingering it on his waist.

This time, you pulled away first, smiling. "Are you still mad?" He asked. 

"No," You shook your head and smiled before lying down onto the bed, hugging his waist tight as you fell asleep. 
