Chapter Seventeen

Issac Poulton is played by Tom Hiddleston. I am so, so sorry for leaving the update this long! I just hope you guys are still into it. Leave comments in the box if you have any comments, concerns or criticism! Enjoy! Xx

My mom had literally bought half of Primark. At least that's how it looked, the basket was overflowing with clothes.
"When you said I needed new clothes, I didn't think you'd be changing my entire bloody wardrobe!" I hissed to my mom so that Isaac couldn't hear. He'd tagged along with us after mom had introduced the two of us. Rude.
Mom chuckled lightly.
"Relax, you didn't even pay a penny!"
She had a point. I could get used to this; mom paying for all my expenses, with  me just trailing around and making her buy random shit that I didn't need.
"Hey mom, could we do this more often?"
Mom giggled and whacked me playfully around the head with a gentle hand.
"I think not," she smiled as she bumped shoulders with me. I shrugged, it was worth a try!
"Hey ma‚ is your boyfriend coming down for lunch with us?"
Mum shot me a dirty look before casting a quick glance at Isaac to see if he had heard. He seemed not to have noticed; his eyes were currently trained on my mother's behind. Ew.
"Maybe he will be," mum shot back at me.
Oh boy.

Back at the house, Isaac was wondering around the place as if he owned it. I scowled at his black head as he picked up picture frames to examine, ran his finger over the ornaments and, heaven forbid! - pressed the keys down on the piano that sat in the corner, the high-pitched tones ringing through the house.
"You play?" I asked, gesturing toward the instrument. He shook his head with a grin.
Holy hell, this guy was a douche. I watched him as he once again pressed down the keys of the piano, in an errate and staccato manner than drove my brain insane. Growling, I shut the key cover on the piano and watched with delight as the young man had to snatch those long, lean fingers out of the way before they were sliced clean off. He turned to glare at me, clutching his hands to his chest.
"What was that for?" He demanded as he continued to throw daggers at me with those baby blue eyes. I returned the look with as much venom as I could muster,  my green irises boring into his blue ones with enough force for them to drive the back of his skull out.
"Right guys, tea and coffee!" It was mom. She stopped in the living room to see us staring at each other in venom.
Isaac didn't blink. Neither did I.
Louder this time.
"Guys!" A shout. We both snapped out of our glare-fest as mom screamed at us. Isaac smiled sheepishly whilst I had no remorse; he started it!
"Both of you, that's enough!" Mom scowled at us as though we were naughty toddlers and I couldn't help but smile meekly at her in apology.  As she turned away to pour the tea, in the corner of my eye, I could see Isaac shoot me an evil look. Sticking my tongue out at him, I scrunched up my face and glared. He pulled a face.
God, I hope mom sees sense! He's a moron! And as if to prove my point, he blew a raspberry at me and stalked off to sit beside mom with a smug little smile on his face as he picked up my tea and dribbled in it.
