A poll.

Hi guys, it's me again :3

This time I wanna ask you 2 questions:

1.Smut or no smut

YES ---->

NO ---->

If no, then there's no sex scenes but it will be as a plot.

AND 2.Which ship?

I'm sentimental to Din x Lang x Oti, because when I was younger I used to ship them lol(💀)

But now I see that Oti has Fara, andddd I kinda want to add the poly ship cause Oti won't be in the story if not in this ship😢


Oti x Din x Lang ---->

Din x Lang ---->

I'll probably delete this post after a week or two, so please vote!

Thank you, bye pookies <333

(please don't hate😭😭😭😭😭)
