Yeonbin moment in stage

Soobin: "Stop holding my hand it's embarrassing were on stage and people are looking at us".

Yeonjun: "NO, I won't let you go they should know that your only mine".

Soobin:"It's emberassing please stop". >\\\\<

Yeonjun: "Fine but their is a deal".

Soobin: "what is it?"

Yeonjun: "The deal was to call me Daddy". πŸ˜‰πŸ˜—

Soobin: "are you insane".

Yeonjun: "Nope I'm serious".

Soobin: "F-fine".

Soobin: "D-daddy could you let go of my hand". (Makes a cute voice)

Yeonjun: >\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\< (Yeonjin blush hardly enough).

Soobin: "Hey are you okay".

Yeonjun: "y-yeah I'm totally fine".

Yeonjun let go of soobin hand a blush even hard thinking about soobin saying daddy to him πŸ’–πŸ’•
