-Happy Ending快乐的结局-


"I love you, Hanako" she whispered in his ears and hugged him very tightly.

She was blushing when she said this, and tears kept coming out. Hanako was very shocked too, he never thought that Yashiro would like him back, because she said he was never her type. Hanako's face immediately went red.

Then, Hanako broke the hug.

She held Yashiro's hands tightly and looked into her eyes.

Both of their faces were very red (imagine how cute would that be)

"Yashiro... I forgive you. I love you too" He looked away when he told her this.

Yashiro couldn't believed what she heard. She just paniked and her heart is going to explode any minute.

Then Hanako told Yashiro that X-san was just an illusion that was made by the School Mystery No. 4. X-san went into the girl's toilet. Hanako snapped his fingers and *poof* she was gone.

"I-I did this because I wanted to see whether you liked me or not.. I'm so sorry Yashiro. I shouldn't have hurt your feelings like that Yashiro.." he confessed as he puts his right hand on her cheek.

Yashiro smiled and told him "It's fine Hanako, at least the both of us finally confessed our feelings to each other, right?"

"Y-yeah..." he blushed and smiled.

Hanako slowly pulled her face closer..

And planted a kiss on her lips. <3

Yashiro kissed him back and that lasted for 1-2 minutes.

When they both broke the kiss, they were both flustered.

Yashiro hugged Hanako and whispered into his ear "Promise you'll never leave me, okay?"

"You too, my cute Daikon" He whispered back.


Sum fan art I drew uwu. It doesn't look that nice lol :'D

A/N: Yeet I finished this whole story bruh I it's 1:22a.m. right now. Well it was very fun!! I kinda enjoyed it lmao. Well thank you all for ur support uwu. i mIGhT mAkE sOMe mINIstORiEs. (maybe) It depends cuz my mind is literally blank rn and i need to ask my friend for some ideas heh. Welp thank u for reading this! I really appreciate ur support!
