Forever: Saki x Kokona

Before I start, there's something I want to tell you guys.

A reader contacted me about what I said about not being able to write guy x guy one-shots. Please allow me to explain further, before jumping to conclusions.

I find it difficult to write from the perspective of a male, because, well, I just do. I have nothing against the LGBTQ+ community (I mean, I am lesbian), I just have trouble with writing the perspective of a male. If I did, it wouldn't be very good (i.e. terrible). 

I apologize to everyone!

Kokona and Saki. Saki and Kokona. 

Best Friends Forever.

Sure, they were a part of the Rainbow Girls, plus Musume, and they were all friends.

But it was Saki who Kokona told about her father, and about her compensated dating. 

But it was Kokona who Saki told about her mother being in jail, and about her working for Info-chan.

They were the pair, always together, since they were children.

It was only natural that they would love each other.


"Run!" Kokona screamed as Ayano tore through the school, bloody knife in her hand. That utter idiot Taro Yamada-Senpai to most of the grade- had rejected her proposal to him.

Well, at least they knew what had happened to Amai and Muja.

Saki sprinted alongside her best friend, heading towards the school gates. Suddenly, they abruptly closed, and a face flashed on the keypad.

"Sorry girls." Ayano said, grinning maniacally. She held up the dead body of Info-chan. "I'm in control now!"

Kokona was frozen in fear. Through Saki, she had learned Info-chan, whoever she was, was in a situation very similar to her own. Overtime, they had become, well, semi-partners. They split money they made between their two families, with Saki as the messenger.

"-ona!" Saki was yelling. "We have to run!"

They turned, about to jump over the fence, as Ayano appeared at the locker area. The dying Megami lunged for her, but Ayano finished off the student council president easily.

"Koko-chan! How greeeeaaaat to see you." Ayano said, laughing. The mystery sound that had filled the school for so long was revealed.

"How did you get here so fast?!" Saki demanded. 

"Oh, that was a recording on the gates. Anyway~" Ayano began, pulling two knives out of her pockets. "Kokona, I'm pretty sure Senpai rejected me because of you. I mean, I eliminated the others... So it had to be you!"

"I haven't had a crush on Taro since middle school!" Kokona exclaimed. She turned red as she muttered "I like someone else."

"Yes, well, he must like you. Shield your eyes, Saki darling. I've got to get rid of this upstart." Ayano hissed, drawing back her hand.

"NO!" Saki screamed, and her world seemed to slow down. The knife hurtling towards the girl she loved. Ayano's crazed face. Jumping in the way.

As Saki crumpled to the ground, her long hair splayed across the ground. Kokona fell to her knees as red sprayed onto the cobblestones.

"Saki? Please be okay! Please!" Kokona wailed, cradling the other girl's head in her lap. Ayano looked on indifferently. 

Saki's teal eyes focused on the purple-haired girl. "Kokona... I... Love you... Goodbye."

"Don't leave me! You're going to be fine! I love you too!" Kokona exclaimed, kissing Saki desperately. Saki returned the kiss, but her eyes slowly grew blank, her body cold.

Kokona sobbed, draped over her friend. Slowly, she removed the knife, positioning it towards her neck. Ayano grinned.

She plunged it into her throat, dropping next to the girl she loved. 

Maybe it was a coincidence, but their limbs formed a loose heart.


