Dandelion wine

You were walking towards a very friendly and famous tavern. Your 'boyfriends' tavern. You only went there for a dandrlion wine.

You walk into the cozy tavern, it was raining and you were drenched. You saw Kaeya and Rosari, Stanly and Jack were even there. It was quite late and Venti was still on his Harp.

The one thing that caught you off guard was the fact that a certain red head wasnt there.

The door flung open, 'Aether? Whats happened?!' you rush towards Aether, he was bleeding, extremely bad. You heard footsteps quickly coming down the stairs, Diluc.

You and Diluc rushed the aid of the blondie but the aura wasnt friendly. Paimon was out cold and Aether was struggling staying awake as Diluc was frustrated. 'First off why are you doing commissions so late at night and second of all, why are you at a tavern so late at night, Y/n.'

To be honest, you and Aether have never seen this man so angry at someone who isnt Kaeya. The tavern was completely empty and the silence was loud. 'wel-' Aether was cut off by a loud sound from downstairs. 'you two stay here.'

You heard swords be drawn and bangs being created.

After a while the red head came back, he took off his 'coat' and sat down next you you.
The night became still, Aether and paimon were tucked in, you and Diluc decided that it was time to head to bed. 'I should go..' you got up just to be forced down again, 'no. Itd not safe Y/n, i have a bedroom, you can stay with me.' you nod, the fuck were you meant to do? Say'no' and be completely ignored by the man for tjmhe rest off your life?!

You were lying next to him, you could feel his eyes on you; the night was silent and you were still awake. 'Whats wrong love?' You were forced to face the red head. 'nothing..' he smiled, 'i shall get us a drink. You stay here.'

Diluc came back with two drinks, he gave you one and sat down. One sip and eberything fell dark, your eyes fell shut and your body numb.

You're eyes fluttered open, 'morning darling,' Diluc whispered in your right ear, hands were bound as so legs, you became scared; Diluc watched as youstarted thrashing around in the bed, he put a hand around your mouth, 'no lovr dont scream its alright.. Your safe darling.'

Its been years and the bitch got married
( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
