
Pride Ring, Justice's Mansion

This takes place a few weeks after Beelzebub, Tindria and Y/n get out the Abyss.

Everyone excluding Pandemonica and Judgement is now living in Justice's Mansion. Which means a lot more mess and work.

You were walking out the kitchen two plates in hands, one in tail. You walk into the living room. Where the three strongest demons you've ever met sit at the table waiting for their meals.

Y/n: "Pancakes for Lucy, Steak for Justice and you wanted to try chocolate covered waffles Beel."

You place the plates down on the table.

Y/n: "I'm guessing you'll all be wanting seconds." You sigh.

Justice: "Thirds."

Beelzebub: "And fourths."

Lucifer: "However many they have."

Y/n: "On it." You walk back to the kitchen.


Outside in the forest with Cerberus.

Y/n: "Do I have to."

Cerberus: "Yes!"

Y/n: "Can we not play anything else."

Cerberus: "Nope."

Y/n: "[Sigh] [Whispering] Just don't get caught don't get caught don't get caught..."

You begin zipping of into the forest while the wolf-transformed Cerberus follows behind as you play 'catch' for the next five hours.

This was not normal catch, like catch the ball, this was catch the person. You, we're the person.


At Hell's customer service you were swamped with work paper just kept coming in.

Y/n: "Where the hell are all these papers coming from." You say from your desk.

Pandemonica: "I don't know, don't care let's just get these done!" She say writing and signing papers like a madwoman.

Y/n: "[Groan]"


Justice wanted you to clean her room. You open the door, sorry you struggle got open the door as the trash behind it is heavy.

For some reason there was other stuff then trash like glass, wood and metal bars.

Y/n: "Justice, what the actual fuck? Are you building a house... did you destroy a house?"


You were currently trying to teach Azazel the basics of Alchemy.

Y/n: "I'm not an expert, alright. Just don't blow anything up."

Leaving her with your alchemy set and some ingredients you got. You are trying to learn a bit of alchemy so you can make some health potions, they'll be good to sell, and you can trust those more then what others make.

As soon as you close the door you hear an explosion and smoke come out of Azazel's door.

Opening the door you see your alchemy set with the ingredients destroyed, along with a dazed angel.

Picking her up and taking her up and placing her on her bed to heal her, you sighed.


Just wanting to go to bed you lift your covers to reveal a naked Modeus...

Y/n: "..."

Modeus: "Hello."

You just drop the covers back on her and walk out.


Your following behind Tindria because she wanted something, only to reveal she needed help cleaning sludge from her brand new room.

To make matters worse the sludge that comes from her hardens making it more difficult to remove.

You stare at the small purple woman.

She just looks away.

You sigh.


You come back to your bed a few hours later hoping that Modeus is gone.

Opening the door you hear.

Beelzebub: "Oh Y/n~"

That's enough for you to close the door and walk away.


Lucifer needed you to take care of a demonic beast, that was apparently wreaking havoc in the Pride Ring. She couldn't because she was apparently too busy so were all the other demons under her command.

However it wasn't one beast.

Oh no.

That would make life easy.

It was a full fucking herd.

Y/n: "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-" You scream flying over the horde of monsters.

Your phone rings.

Y/n: "Hello." You sigh.

Justice: "Hey dude, uhh quick order. Try and keep those beasts intact so we I can eat them, they are great to eat. Alright bye."


You're to tired for this.


You come back to the mansion bloodied, pissed, dirty and worst of all tired. You hadn't had a break for days. And you'd just dropped giant beast corpses on the front lawn.

Judgement: "Hey Y/n- holy shit, what happened to you."

Y/n: "Don't want to talk about it. If you wanted to fight today I'm sorry but no."

Judgement: "Seems fair enough considering the state you're in."

You walk through the house straight to the couch and just collapse face first into the cushion.

Eventually Lucifer comes by, then Beelzebub, Pandemonica also shows up cause she needed something, until everyone excluding Zdrada and Malina, is kinda just watching Y/n on the couch.


Lucifer: "I'm gonna get him up."

Justice: "Think that's a good idea."

Azazel: "He looks so peaceful."

Lucifer: "Well he can't just lay there."

Lucifer walks over to you.

She bends her knees slightly. She begins to shake you by the shoulder.

Lucifer: "Get up." No response. "Hey, get up!" No response. "As your Queen I order you to get up!"

Azazel: "Is he dead?!"

The girls eyes widen.

Lucifer quickly checks your pulse.

Lucifer: "He's alive."

The girls sigh.

Judgement: "He looked tired when he came in, maybe he's in a deep sleep."

Modeus: "I doubt it, if you move him too much he wakes up, he should've woken up when you shook him."

The girls looks at her.

Beelzebub: "I can confirm that."

The girls then looks at her.

Zdrada: "What's going on losers." The girls watch as Zdrada stretches her arms in the air while walking down the stairs.

Cerberus: "We're trying to figure out what's going on with Master."

Zdrada: "What's wrong with the fucker?"

Lucifer: "He's alive, but asleep and won't wake up."

She looks confused before she comes over to look at you.

Zdrada: "...You burnt him out?" She says surprised.

Judgement: "What?"

Zdrada: "Y'know burn out, when you get to tired either with your body or in your head. I can't actually believe you burnt him out, how hard did you push him?" She says annoyed.

Judgement: "We know what burn out is, but he's not even waking up."

Zdrada: "Well that's just Y/n, he works hard all the time, he's not normal when it comes to stamina like his. The only way he can get like this is if he's had no break for days, have any of you seen him relax at all for the past couple days." She says suspicious of the group.

They just murmur.

Zdrada: "He's like this because you didn't give him a break." She says angrily. "Though the dumbass should've really just said no, he considers helping people top priority. But hey, don't worry me and Malinka will get him back to normal then he can go back to being your slave. She says with a bit of malice at the end. "Because at this point that's what your treating him as, getting him to this state."

She walks back upstairs to go knock on Malina's room.

Malina: "[Muffled] Who is it."

Zdrada: "It's me."

Malina: "[Muffled] Fuck off."

Zdrada: "It's about Y/n.

A couple seconds pass and the door opens.

Malina: "What?"

Zdrada: "The bitches burnt him out."

Malina's eyes widen.

Malina: "Shit."

She walks past Zdrada and Zdrada follows.

The walk downstairs to where you are while the girls watch.

Malina throws you over her shoulder. She looks over to Zdrada, who has her phone out.

Zdrada: "Yeah yeah, I'm finding a couple places."

Malina: "Let's go then."

The sisters start walking off.

Beelzebub: "Where do you think your going with my servant?"

Malina: "To help him." She says without stopping.

Lucifer: "How."

Zdrada: "Nunya."

Lucifer: "Nunya?"

Zdrada: "Nunya business." She laughs. "Cannot believe you fell for that."

Lucifer seems embarrassed

Lucifer: "How can we trust you two with him."

Modeus: "Yes, you two are the most reckless."

Azazel: "Maybe it's better if we got him to a doctor."

Cerberus: "Yeah, Master should stay with us."

Beelzebub: "You two especially could potentially hurt him more."

The sisters stop walking.

They both turn with a pissed off expression looking at them.

Zdrada: "Hurt him? No. That's what you just did."

Malina: "If you think for second we would ever hurt him.

Zdrada: "You'd be dead fucking wrong."

Malina: "You all may be older than us even if it's by a bit, but we've known Y/n a lot longer."

Zdrada: "He is one of the most important people in our lives and us to him."

Malina: "You don't know our past."

Zdrada: "And your sure as hell don't know our relationship with him."

Malina: "We have a bond that you could only hope to have."

Zdrada: "That bond is fucking unbreakable."

Malina: "So fuck off and let us help our friend."

They turn back around and walk out the door.

The room is quiet.

Judgement: "They really care about him."

Pandemonica: "They do, and all they said was the truth."

The girls felt guilty excluding Judgement, yet at the same time Lucifer felt angry. She just allowed them to talk down to her, then walk out and the thing was she thought she should let them get away with it, because they were right.

Beelzebub felt angry yet sad, she should be the one taking care of you.

Justice felt upset, useless that she couldn't help you.

-Timeskip, brought to you by the Chibi Author trying to figure out what to make this Timeskip-

It's dark.

You can hear people talking.

You're head is throbbing, it feels like the strings of your mind are unraveling.

You're eyes start to flicker open.

You hear rain.

You see a table, a covered cup, you see your friends.

There were on the opposite side of you in a booth.

Y/n: "What the hell happened. Argh." You hold your head in your hands.

Zdrada: "You worked yourself to brain damage, though it didn't change much."

Y/n: "Of course I did."

Malina: "Here." She holds out two tablets.

You grab them, put the them in your mouth, and drink the drink on the table, which was f/cd (favourite cafe drink).

It's instant relief.

Zdrada passes a book to you.

Y/n: "Hm?"

Zdrada: "You're going to stay here and chill out for a bit."

Y/n: "What if-"

Zdrada: "Chill out for a bit."

Malina: "Don't be a dumbass, you're just gonna hurt yourself more. Not even you are immune to metal tiredness."

Zdrada pulls out a pair of headphones while Malina pulls out a Nintendo switch.

Malina: "I know it's not your usual library cafe, but this was the only one close by."

You look around to see it is a library cafe, there were hundreds of bookshelves and a barista behind a counter.

Y/n: "Well I still appreciate it. I was actually trying to find a good arcade bar and walking path for you."

Zdrada: "Eh, the forest outside is good enough."

Malina: "Keep looking for that arcade bar though."

You open the book they got, and you got really into it. They do know you well.

While Malina played games.

And Zdrada slept while listening to music.

It was a good day.

-Timeskip, brought to you by the Chibi trio chilling in the library cafe-

You walk back into the mansion with Zdrada on your back and Malina in your arms both asleep.

You pass by the ominous feeling in the living room.

Up the stairs and place both of them into their separate rooms.

Silently thanking them both.

Now time to confront the three people in the living room.

Y/n: "What is it?" You ask the three people sitting at the table.

Beelzebub: "...Are they more important to you then us."

That was... a hard hitting question.

To be honest you never thought of it like that.

Y/n: "[Sigh] Ok... well I, I think so."

Lucifer: "You think?"

Y/n: "I would like to think all of my friends as equals, but that's difficult when their the first people I was friends with."

Justice: "Does that mean you think less of us."

Y/n: "No!" You quickly say. "It's just... their like family to me. But different. I don't know how to explain it. Look I've known Beel for two years, justice for a couple and Lucy for a few months, but I've known them basically my entire life. We've helped each other a lot, been through a lot, without each other neither of us would be in this house today. I'd be alone, they'd be... trapped."

Justice: "There like the most important thing in Hell for you."

Y/n: "Yeah."

Justice: "I have Judgement so I guess I can understand."

Beelzebub: "Tindria, has always by my side."

Justice walks off with a satisfactory smile. Reminiscing.

Beelzebub buzzes off. Remembering.

However Lucifer stayed. Thinking. What did she have that was important to her. Nothing.

You weren't going to let her think this way.

Y/n: "Your people."

Lucifer: "What?"

Y/n: "Your people. Your kingdom. Is that not what's important to you, everything you made for the past two-thousand years."

You were right yet Lucifer kept thinking. What the point in building something so grand if you had no one to share it with.

Y/n: "You have friends, we are here. I, am here." You hug her.

She was confused but still she hugged back.

Y/n: "If you hadn't made this now you wouldn't have the Overseers or Justice or us. You have people to share it with."


Lucifer: "I don't understand how you could have read my mind."

Y/n: "I read your problems, your not alone, at least, not anymore."

Lucifer held tighter.

She didn't have any plans of letting go either.

The word 'Alone' disappears from around her.

You smile satisfied that you finally got rid of that word.
