
I can't wait until the day when I wake up in your arms.

When your body's so close I can hear your heart as it beats in the beautiful way that it does.

When I can cry and feel you wipe my tears

When I my belly is round and I feel your baby's kicks

When I hold your baby close and kiss her beautiful face

When I watch as you fall in love all over again with our daughter, our beautiful baby

When I hold her little hand

When I hold yours and say "I've loved you since the day..."

When I kiss you

When I feel your arms wrapped around me holding me tight and protecting me from all the things that I fear.

I cannot wait too look into your eyes and know that you will always be mine

To never say goodbye only goodnight

To hear your voice any hour of the day

I love you
I love you
I love you

I can't wait for my belly to get round again and to hear Cassie say "oh wow mom what did you eat" "Cassie that's your baby brother" " mom whyd you eat him" : P

I know i can wait because I really want to relish in every day every minute I spend with you loving you. But you know I just can't wait to hold my baby close.

For now I cannot wait until I hold your hand and I hear you say my name . I can't wait to feel your lips on mine and I can tell you I love you and you hear it no phone no messaging really real real time right here in this very moment breathing the same air you breath.
And look into your eyes because they're the most beautiful I have ever seen.
And remember the first time I looked into them and the last time that I did before then. I've missed you so much and it's coming up on the day when I see you again and now all I can think of is when you leave again. But as I said I'll stay in the moment with you because that is an important thing for me to do for one to not be afraid of when I'm going to miss you but instead just be happy you're with me then. And for another reason because my anxiety is triggered if I think to far (oh no)

One day I'll be your wife redacted
It's gonna be great

You're my soulmate and my truest love
My strongest love
My forever and always
I love you
-439 words
