Jeff Hardy

How y'all meet

Y'all meet at the movies

How he asked you out

He asked you at your house

First date

He took you to a cafe

How y'all walk together
Y'all walk hand in hand

Type of couple y'all are

The extreme couple

Your job


How y'all cuddle

Y'all  get close together as possible

How y'all hug

You wrap your arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around your waist

First kiss

Yalls first kiss happened at the first smackdown  you went to

How y'all kiss

Butterfly kisses

Favorite app

Cooking games

His ex that you hate

Liita because she cheated on him

Your ex that he hates

Daniel  . because he cheated on you with Brie 

Your nickname/name in his phone


His nickname/name in your phone

My extreme boyfriend

Cute moment

Yalls cutest moment happened while you was working out together     

Favorite youtuber

Matt Stonie

Your girl best friend

Mickie James

Your guy best friend

Dolph Ziggler

His diva best friend

Sunny or sonny 

His guy best friend


The first to say I love you


The type of boyfriend he is

The fun  boyfriend

The type of girlfriend you are

The dont do that girlfriend

What y'all do on fall days

Play games 

What y'all do on winter days

Watch TV

Favorite coke


Favorite adult cartoon


Break up

Y'all don't break up

Getting back together

Y'all never broke up

His favourite spot to kiss on you

Your feet 

How he turns you on

When he acts stupid

How you turn him on

When You dress like him

His favourite body part on you
The small of your back because he loves putting his hands there

Your favorite body part on him

His hands because you love how they feel on the small of your back

Favorite social media


Favorite fast food place


How he sings

He's a bad singer

What you do that he hates

When you call yourself stupid

What he does that you hate

When he gets drunk

Favorite place to make out

In the ring 

Favorite food

Grilled chicken

Pets you both have

He has a husky named peep 

How many kids y'all have


The gender/genders of y'alls kids


Child's / children's name

Hannah Hardy

Favorite place to have sex

In a hotel bed

Favorite sex

Slow  sex

When he's jealous

When Jeff is jealous he chases the guy off

Family in Wwe

No one

Couple song

Y'all haven't choose one yet

Your favorite picture of you two
Y'all were racing each other

His favourite picture of you two

e's doesn't have one

Baby and daddy picture

e was helping her walk

Your favorite gif of him

Favorite pentatonix song

All of them 

Picture of you two doing yalls favorite thing together

Dressing up

Pick up line

Did it hurt when  you fell from heaven

Where y'all go for the honeymoon

Y'all didn't go on a honeymoon

Your favorite picture of him

im in his willow gear

Him or you calming each other while they cry

Why he  were crying: because he  lost his   dog 

When you're on your period

Jeff  listens to  you

Your favorite video of him

His willow promos

What y'all give each other for Christmas

Y'all both gave each other toy dogs

Your favorite book series

You hate reading

How you wake him up

You throw water on him 

New day or the Wyatt's


He shows PDA in public due to a fan saying something inappropriate

He doesn't show pda

He asks for permission to marry you

He face timed your dad

He shops for your ring

Already had it 

He asks you to marry him

Cass asked you live on smackdown 


Engagement announcement on Twitter

His Twitter



His sister 

Bridesmaid's dress

A purple dress

Flower girl / boy

His  niece 

What the flower girl /boy wears

red dress

Wedding bouquet you throw

ink roses

Your Wedding dress

hite dress

Best man

His brother 

Best man tux

His tux

Wedding rings

His :

Yours :

His vows to you

With this ring, I give you my promise
that from this day forward
I will give you all my love,
and you shall not walk alone.
I have no greater gift to give.
As your love is my anchor,
and your trust is my strength,
May my heart be your shelter
and my arms be your home.
As this ring has no end or beginning,
so shall my love for you be.
As I place it on your finger,
I give you all that I am,
and all that I shall become.
Your vows to him

In your eyes, I have found my home.

In your heart, I have found my love.

In your soul, I have found my mate.

With you, I am whole, full, alive.

You make me laugh. You let me cry.

You are my breath, my every heartbeat.

Wedding theme

ou don't have a theme

Wedding cake

Your celb crush he's jealous of

Mike tyson

Picture your mom took

Daughter and daddy dance
My daughters in the water

Jeff Hardy Smut
Jeff smirks as he thrusted into you "mmm sweety do you love this, do you like having my big, fat cock inside of you" he asked barely above a whisper. You nod and whine due to the slight pain. He had forgotten foreplay and that only made it worse " Good " he smirked as he thrusted deeper into you. A few minutes later he came deep into you and pulled out (sorry this was short but we might have our internet might be turned off soon )

Telling him you're pregnant

You made a slide show for him

Twitter pregnancy announcement

Mood swings

Jeff always be there for you

Hannah Hardy

How y'all sleep

Where you live with him

Savannah Georgia

Couple Halloween custome

Who's house y'all go to on Thanksgiving

Your moms

Matching sweatshirts

Who you voted for

