Fandango was known for his smooth moves and impressive dance skills, and he was always eager to share his passion with others. So, when his husband Y/N expressed an interest in learning how to dance, Fandango jumped at the opportunity to teach him.

"Alright, partner," said Fandango, as he took Y/N's hand and led him to the dance floor. "Are you ready to get started?"

"I'm ready," said Y/N, a look of determination in his eyes. "I want to be able to keep up with you on the dance floor."

Fandango started by teaching Y/N the basics of salsa dancing, showing him how to move his feet and hips in time with the music. Y/N was a quick learner, and soon he was able to follow along with Fandango's lead.

"You're doing great," said Fandango, a smile spreading across his face. "I can tell you're going to be a natural."

Y/N continued to practice with Fandango, learning new steps and dance patterns. They danced for hours, until Y/N was exhausted and covered in sweat.

"I can't believe how much I've learned," said Y/N, panting and smiling. "I never thought I would be able to dance like this."

"I told you, you're a natural," said Fandango, giving Y/N a playful smile. "And you're only going to get better from here."

Over the next few months, Y/N continued to practice with Fandango, becoming more confident and skilled with each passing day. They started to dance together at events and parties, and their friends and family were always impressed by their grace and fluidity on the dance floor.

"You're amazing," said Fandango, as they danced together at a wedding reception. "I couldn't be more proud of you."

"I couldn't have done it without you," said Y/N, smiling up at Fandango. "You're the best teacher and partner I could have asked for."

As they danced together, twirling and moving in perfect harmony, Fandango and Y/N were filled with a sense of love and happiness, knowing that they were meant to be together, on and off the dance floor
