Descriptive words (Color Terms)

Sometimes there's not enough ways to describe the color yellow. For this, I like to use Color Terms most of which can be used when describing a complexion or eye color. 

Color Terms

Aeneous - shining bronze color

Albicant - whitish; becoming white

Albugineous - like the white of an eye or an egg; white-coloured

Amaranthine - immortal; undying; deep purple-red color

Argent - the heraldic color silver or white

Atrous - jet black

Aubergine - eggplant; a dark purple color

Aurulent - gold-colored

Azuline - Blue

Azure - light or sky blue

Badious - chestnut-coloured

Beige - light creamy white-brown

Brunneous - dark brown

Burnet - dark brown; dark woolen cloth

Caesious - bluish or greyish green

Cardinal - deep scarlet red color

Castaneous - chestnut-coloured

Castory - brown

Celadon - pale green

Celeste - sky blue

Cerulean - a mix of sky-blue; dark blue; and sea-green

Cesious - bluish-grey

Chartreuse - yellow-green color

Chlorochrous - green-coloured

Chrysochlorous - greenish-gold

Cinerious - ashen; ash-grey

Cinnabar - deep red or scarlet color

Citreous - lemon-coloured; lemony

Citrine - dark greenish-yellow

Claret - dark red-purple color resembling wine

Coccineous - bright red

Columbine - dove white

Coquelicot - brilliant poppy red

Corbeau - blackish green

Cramoisy- crimson

Cretaceous - whitish chalky color

Croceate - saffron-coloured

Cyaneous - sky blue

Eburnean - Ivory

Erythraean - reddish color

Ferruginous - of the color of rust

Filemot - dull brown like dead-leaves

Flammeous - flame-coloured

Flavescent - yellowish or turning yellow

Fuliginous - sooty; dusky; soot-colored; pertaining to soot

Fulvous - dull yellow; tawny

Fuscous - tawny brown

Gamboge - reddish-yellow color

Glaucous - sea-green; greyish-blue

Goldenrod - dark golden yellow

Greige - of a grey-beige color

Gridelin - violet-grey

Griseous - pearl-grey or blue-grey

Haematic - blood-coloured

Heliotrope - purplish hue

Hoary - pale silver-grey

Hyacinthine - bluish purple

Ianthine - violet

Ibis - pale apricot color

Icterine - yellowish

Icteritious - jaundiced; yellow

Incarnadine - blood-red

Indigo - deep blue-violet color

Infuscate - cloudy brown color

Isabelline - greyish yellow

Jacinthe - orange

Jessamy - yellow like a jasmine

Kermes - brilliant red color

Khaki - light brown or tan

Lateritious - brick-red

Leucochroic - white or pale-colored

Liard - grey; dapple-grey

Lovat - greyish-green

Lurid - yellow-brown

Luteolous - yellowish

Luteous - golden-yellow

Lutescent - yellowish

Madder - reddish-orange color

Magenta - reddish purple/ hot pink

Maroon - brownish crimson

Mauve - light bluish purple

Mazarine - rich blue or reddish-blue color

Melanic - black; very dark

Melichrous - honey-like color

Meline - canary-yellow

Miniaceous color of reddish lead

Minimum-vermilion - red lead

Modena - crimson

Morel - blackish color

Nacarat - bright orange-red

Nankeen - Pale buff-colored

Niveous - snowy white

Ochre - yellowish or yellow-brown color

Ochroleucous - yellowish white

Olivaceous - olive-colored/ golden or yellow

Pavonated - peacock-blue

Periwinkle - a bluish or azure color

Perse - dark blue or bluish-grey

Phoeniceous - bright scarlet-red color

Piceous - reddish-black

Plumbeous - lead-coloured

Ponceau - poppy red

Porphyrous - purple

Porraceous - leek-green

Prasinous - leek-green

Primrose - pale yellow

Puccoon - dark red color

Puce - brownish-purple or purplish-pink

Puniceous - bright purplish-red

Purpure - purple

Purpureal - purple

Pyrrhous - ruddy red

Rhodopsin - visual purple

Rubiginous - rusty-coloured

Rubious - rusty ruby red

Rufous - brownish-red

Russet - reddish brown

Sable - black

Saffron - orange-yellow

Sage - grey-green

Sanguineous - bloody red

Sapphire - deep pure blue

Sarcoline - white flesh-coloured

Sepia - fine brown

Sinopia - reddish-brown color

Slate - dull dark blue-grey

Smalt - deep blue

Smaragdine - emerald green

Solferino - purplish red

Sorrel - reddish-brown; light chestnut

Spadiceous - chestnut-coloured

Stammel - bright red color

Stramineous - straw-coloured

Suede - light beige

Sulphureous - bright yellow

Tan - tawny brown

Taupe - brownish-grey

Tawny - brownish-yellow

Teal - greenish-blue

Terracotta - reddish-brown

Testaceous - brick-red

Tilleul - pale yellowish-green

Titian - red-gold or reddish-brown

Topaz - dark yellow

Turquoise - blue-green

Ultramarine - deep blue

Umber - brownish red

Vermeil - bright red or vermilion color

Vermilion - bright red

Vinaceous - wine-coloured

Vinous - deep red; burgundy

Violaceous - violet-coloured

Violet - bluish purple

Virescent - greenish

Virid - green

Viridian - chrome green

Vitellary - bright yellow

Wallflower - yellowish-red

Watchet - pale blue

Wheaten - the golden color of ripe wheat

Whey - off-white

Willowish - of the color of willow leaves

Xanthic - yellow; yellowish

Zinnober - chrome green
