Kerstin Casparij - SO LEAVE

YN.YL = Veronica Miedema
Kerstin Casparji = herself

"No I'm not okay it's not right to me that you sign for a one year contract and then you say city didn't give you the right amount of game time or city's not good enough for me" Kerstin yelled

"But it's not good for me I left Arsenal because I was sick of constantly being compared to Viv all the time, so when I got a contract to city I was soo excited because you were here I ." I got interrupted

"Then why don't you sign the contract extension and stay here with me, get more game time from city and actually make it work for you" she said

"But I don't want it to work here at city I want to join Barca it's been a dream of mine to play at Barca and it would be an amazing opportunity for me. I would make a name for myself not just Vivianne miedema's  little sister"

"Then leave, leave like you always do the second something doesn't go your way you leave SO LEAVE" she said staring dead at me then walked away to the spare room.

I didn't know what to do was it so hard for her to accept that I had and amazing opportunity for Barca. Did she not think I was good enough or did she only want me to stay so she could be with me at city. What do I do I thought.

Kerstin's pov:

The next day was awkward we didn't speak to each other at all we didn't take the same car to training which made it obvious to others we were arguing. Something I learnt about Veronica she wasn't one to give in and she was very good at the silent treatment. But if Ronnie was gonna play the silent game
so was i.

Everyone was around the breakfast room and was chatting away eating before warm up. I sat with Mary and a couple of the other girls whilst instead of have Ronnie next to me usually half asleep I watched her walk into the cafeteria and go sit with Hempo, Esme and Sandy. Hempo gave me a look as general confusion but I just shrugged it off not really want to talk to everyone about it and effect the team, I mean Ronnie can't avoid me forever we play right next to each other in games.

Veronica's POV

I was asked to go to one of the stuffs room that focus around our contracts and a payment and stuff like that. I was being payed quite a lot to play at city and that was really appreciated, I hadn't looked into the Barcelona contract deal and the payment, game time and stuff like that so I though maybe it was about my other option for clubs and Barcaldine included. Whilst walking there I saw some of the girls and started to walk over to them since I don't think I'm in a rush to get the the staffs room, until I saw Kerstin was there then immediately turned around that didn't go unnoticed by her. We don't usually argue but when we do it's big well bigger for us. I restarted to walk the staffs room and eventually got there. Knocking on the door then walking in to being greeted by the staff member

"Hello Veronica" he spoke whilst sitting down with a desktop facing in between were we sat across from on another and 5 pieces of paper spread out as well " I think you could take a guess about why your here and that's for you potential other contracts or your city contract" The staff member flip the sheets of paper over to reveal the other side that had the teams that were interested in me two including Manchester City and Barcelona "Now I know you have leaned toward going to Barca but there were other options like Bayern, Liverpool and one other one but I'm not sure how you'll feel about it but it's Arsenal and I know you've made it clear that your not interested in going back to the gunners team but they have offered the same amount of money and your expected to have more game time then beforehand, your contract would be for 2 years, city have a similar offer with more money, your currently being payed 300k but there contract has changed for 350k they would sign you for a 3 year contract deal"

"Ok So my former club Arsenal is telling us that I'll have more game time and the same amount of money when that exact same club said that the first time and I was completely overlooked and robbed, if you can't tell arsenal isn't an option" I say say looking very unimpressed with arsenal but trying to be more understanding

"Okay so no arsenal have you thought about Bayern and Liverpool" he moved the sheets of paper in front of me for a look

"Bayern are offering you the exact same contract as city did when you first joined, whilst Liverpool are only offering you 200k which is a step down so I'm not positive on you salary step down but it depends on what you want to do, your contract would include 2 years with them, now I'll get to Barcelona once you get let's say three out of the way and will leave it to Barcelona and another club to decide, I'm going to duck out for a second but I'll be back soon"

I was looking through the papers and immediately put Arsenal to the side along with Liverpool, I hadn't really thought of Bayern before I mean I've heard great thing from it and when Georgia and I hung out she spoke about how she enjoyed it so much but then again you really didn't feel like going somewhere people are going to still compare you to Viv, because Viv was fantastic at Bayern one of there former best players and almost everyone will expect you to be even better then her. I put Bayern to the side And look what's staring at me MANCHESTER CITY in bright blue writing, a pay up I would be put into the top 10 most expensive players not that I care about how much I'm worth but that's kinda cool to see people paying you so much that your in a top 10 most expensive with world class players, I guess it's back down to City and Barca.

"Ah I'm assuming your choosing between City and Barcelona, well what are you leaning towards" the man said walking through the door and taking his seat again

"Well I mean a Barcelona would be great to play at but now I think about it more and more I really do wanna give city a better try but I mean it is Barcelona so who knows the opportunities I could get you know" I say completely distraught on the decision

"Yes well depending on you feel with your salary your mind might change on Barcelona" he says looking at me after reading the city contract then the Barcelona contract"

Kerstin's pov

"Yeah I don't know Mary and now we're both giving each other the silent treatment and it's just not a fun feeling knowing your partner want to move away from you" I say looking down after explaining why Ronnie and I haven't been speaking

"Well if I'm being completely honest you should be happy she could possibly be going to Barcelona like she's just proving she and amazing player and plus I don't think she want to move away but she's doing to to benefit her career don't you think that's a good thing"

"Yeah but you know I'm really proud of her and happy for her but it's just not how I would have wanted our relationship to pan out and I don't know if I could do long distance and I don't wanna ruin our relationship"

"Your not going to ruin the relationship, she loves you and I'm pretty you love her"

"Okay but what do I do now, do I wait at home for her do I stay here, do I March in the office saying I am proud of you for getting an offer at Barca and I love you so take it" I say making weird voices

"Wait for her at her car and then talk to her"

"Okay I will" I say hugging Mary as she stands up

Veronica's POV

"So you're telling me a huge club that pays crazy amounts for play wants to change my pay from 300k to 150k and they want to quarter my game time and take me on a loan after my contract is up" I say looking at the man shocked

"Yes and if I'm being completely honest it is a huge step down and for you personally wouldn't be the step you should take" he responds "I know you have spoken to me about you city contract and your not positive on it but now that you've seen the other contracts including the Barca one maybe you would reconsider or maybe having a look at one of the other ones again"

"Yeah but I know this might be a biased question for you but what's the best step" I say hoping for a non biased answer considering he works under the Manchester City club name

"I say your best options are City, Bayern or Arsenal" He immediately answered

"Okay I'm not going back to arsenal but I'm rethinking Bayern again" I said out loud when really I was thinking to say it in my head

"So where declining Liverpool, Barcelona and Arsenal" he questions turning the desktop to face me more

"Yes" that was my final answer for those 3

"Now you can have a think about those two considering you have a lot more to think about now price range and game and also contract wise how long you gonna be there for "We can set up another meeting for maybe a week from today or you can send an email of your decision"

"Would it be fine to set up a meeting but cancel if I send an email"

"Of course, it was a pleasure doing this with you, I might say your quite professional" he shook my hand across his desk "I'll send the emails to your rejected clubs and keep a close eye if anything has been changed or has been offered"

"Thank you and I do very much appreciate it" I shook his hand back then exiting the room

That was not what I expected I expected to immediately accept Barcelonas offer but not after what I saw one that contract not at all. But now I'm stuck between to options again Manchester City or Bayern Munich.

A/N: Part two anyone ???? Or just leave it there
