"I Blew Up A Volcano."

ive been reading other percy jackson fanfics and harry potter fanfics and i have to say...when i see the words rape or self-harm, i stop reading.
i don't feel comfortable reading it, because i have friends who do...hurt themselves and one of them because she was violated as a child.
thankfully i am not a victim of either, other traumas, yes, but would not reading about it on a website that is supposed to entertain others and show off the creative vibes people have, trigger bad memories for those who have suffered?
im don't mean to sound like im preaching or anything, it's just my view on the concept.


Bruce held a gamma ray detection scanner as he ran it over Loki's sceptre for any radiation.

Perci lazily kicked her legs out while sitting on a bench and Tony kept his eyes on his monitors, solving every and any equation he came across.

Banner, with his eyes still on the weapon, spoke, "The gamma readings are definitely consistent with Selvig's reports on the Tesseract. But it's gonna take weeks to process."

"If we bypass their mainframe and direct a reroute to the Homer cluster, we can clock this around six hundred teraflops."

The demigoddess groaned, "I have no idea what you guys are saying."

Bruce gave her an amused look, "All I packed was a toothbrush."

Perci grinned back and pulled out a capped Riptide, "And I only brought a pen."

Tony smiled at the both of them, "You know, you should come by Stark Towers sometime. Top ten floors, all R&D p. You'd love it. It's candy land."

The sea green-eyed woman perked up at the word candy, "You got a pool?"

But the billionaire frowned, "Do you want one?"

"Hades yeah!"

Bruce scoffed softly and timidly replied, "Thanks, but the last time I was in New York I kind of broke...Harlem."

Perci raised an eyebrow, "I blew up a volcano. Beat that."

Both looked at her in shock.

Tony shrugged, "Well I promise a stress-free environment. No tension. No surprises."

Perci's eyes widened when the scientist jumped because Tony had stabbed him with a little taser.

"Ow!" Bruce complained.

"Dude!! Don't do that!"

Steve walked in and glared at the billionaire.

Tony leant in close, "Nothing?"

"Hey! Are you nuts?" Steve yelled.

"You really have a lid on it, haven't you? What's your secret? Mellow jazz?"

Perci then chimed in, "Bongo drums?" She then pulled a blue cookie from nowhere and Tony could only guess from between her...in her breastplate.

"Huge bag of weed?"

The Captain looked between the two with a shocked face, "Is everything a joke to you two?"

"Funny things are'" The demigoddess grinned.

"What she said," Tony said, pointing back at her.

Steve's expression hardened, "Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship isn't funny. No offence, Doctor."

Banner shook his head, "No it's alright. I wouldn't have come aboard if I couldn't handle pointy things."

A wide grin spread across Perci's face, "I wouldn't hurt you, Bruce...hard."

The doctor gave her an incredulous look and Steve glared in her direction.

Tony turned back to Banner, "You're tiptoeing, big man. You need to strut."

"Like a peacock..." Perci whispered.

"And you need to focus on the problem, Mr Stark."

The billionaire gave him a look, "You think I'm not? Why did Fury call us and why now? Why not before? What isn't he telling us? I can't do the equation unless I have all the variables."

Perci's head tilted to the side. That sounds like something Annabeth would say.

"You think Fury's hiding something?"

"He's a spy Captain. He's the spy."

The demigoddess continued for Tony, "His secrets have secrets."

The billionaire passed the blueberry packet to her and she snatched a couple before he pointed at Bruce who stuttered, "Uh...I just wanna finish my work here and..."

Steve frowned slightly, "Doctor?"

There was a pause and Perci began to bounce in place with anticipation.

"'A warm light for all of mankind,' Loki's jab at Fury about the cube."

The Captain nodded, "I heard it."

"Well, I think that was meant for you," Banner gestured to Tony.

"Even Barton didn't post that all over the news."

Percy scrunched her nose up, "The Stark Tower? That big ugly-" Tony glared at her, "-building in New York?"

Bruce picked up before they could say anything, but just missed Perci poke her tongue out at the billionaire, "It's powered by Stark Reactors, self-sustaining energy source. That building will run itself for what, a year?"

Tony handed him the blueberry packet, "That's just the prototype. I'm kind of the only name in clean energy right now."

Again referring to Tony, Bruce said, "So, why didn't SHIELD bring in on the Tesseract project? I mean, what are they doing in the energy business in the first place?"

"I should probably look into that once my decryption programmer finishes breaking into all of SHIELD's secure files."

Steve looks shocked, almost scandalised, "I'm sorry...did you say.."

Perci muttered, "So that's what that thing was."

Tony is uncaring as he says, "Jarvis has been running it since I hit the bridge. In a few hours, we'll know every dirty secret SHIELD has ever tried to hide."

Percy shuffled a little bit, feeling uneasy. Including her secrets?

The billionaire held out the blueberry packet, "Blueberry?"

Steve ignores it, "Yet you're confused about why they didn't want you around?"

"An intelligence organisation that fears intelligence? Historically, not possible."

The Captain's voice turned hard, "I think Loki's trying to wind us up. This is a man who means to start a war, and if we don't stay focused, he'll succeed. We have orders, we should follow them."

Tony shrugged a shoulder, "Following isn't really my style."

Perci grinned, "Neither."

Steve smiled, condescendingly, "And you're all about style."

The billionaire's jaw clenched, "Of all the people in this room, which one is, A. wearing a spangly, and B. not of use?"

The demigoddess threw her hand up, "Pick me. Pick me!! Ooo ooo!! I know the answer!!"

Tony grinned back at her.

Bruce spoke up, "Steve tell me none of this smells a little funky to you?"

But the Super Soldier ignored it all. As he stormed out of the room, he muttered, "Just find the cube."

The three exchange glances and Tony moves back to his monitor, "That's the guy my dad never shut up about? Wondering if they shouldn't have kept him on ice."

Perci made a face, "Kinda sounds like he's got a stick up his ass."
