Before You Read

~ ♡ ~ I gladly dedicate this book to my amazing sister. ~ ♡ ~

Hi. I am confused as to why you are here. But, alas, one cannot undo what has already been done. So I wish you the best of enjoyment and ask of you to continue reading this book until it is completed. Thank You.

Plus... it will be great for your health. No joke. 

Now, there are some things to keep in mind before reading:

~ ♡ ~

Number 1: Yes, it contains some violent content which may or may not be of disturbance to some readers. But then again, what's a apocalyptic novel with no violence?

Number 2: The characters in this book do not relate to any real people. They are all fictional. Coincidences, on the other hand... Also except for maybe Eric. I created him after this boy I knew in middle school. No harm done, though. Plus, Eric is much better. Trust me.

Number 3: The characters are all teenagers, which means they will act like teenagers and thus, this will not be your typical Christian Minecraft server. (If ya know what I'm saying). It's not rated Mature though so I can assure you that there wouldn't be anything too obscene. 

Number 4: This is the first part of a series and the whole plot is already been planned out. (It's actually a very lit role play in between my sister and I). Now, this means that everything is original and has not been plagiarized in any way. So, don't go screaming at me. 

Number 5: Since, this is all original, I would highly appreciate it if no one goes around copying my hard work. Or anyone else's for that matter. A-thank you, a-thank you very much.

Number 6: Yes, I know I may have some typos and misspellings here and there. I am currently editing as much as I can. Anyone who wishes to is more than welcome to point out any mistakes so I can edit and fix them.

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Well, I think that's about it. Sorry to drag it this far. Now I appreciate every single precious reader and their amazing support. I love you all. 

Please, do not give up on this book and continue supporting as much you can. Give me ideas, suggestions, advices, etc. 

Thank you so much to everyone.

