Untitled Part 12

(this is for the people who commented, i wouldn't have continued if you hadn't persisted)

stiles was giddy, he had been buzzing since he woke up, hiss body was still but his mind was reliving the night before, being still almost physically hurt, but he didn't want to wake the werewolf next to him.

Loki was also strangely absent, the pest normally was in his face by now demanding food, but stiles wasn't worried enough to move yet, Derek was warm and smelt so masculine stiles wasn't too surprised when Derek rolled ontop of him smirking that stupidly hansom smirk.

"as much as i would love to revisit that though, you need to recover"

"i do no-t"

he winced as he sat up in protest.

"fine but its just because the pups will need a real meal since we flaked last night"

the two dressed slowly, shooting heated looks and exchanging stolen touches before stiles found himself in the kitchen.

the sound of pancakes cooking was nice and so was the chattering as the pups barged in Erika had a cute little fox in hand who looked suspiciously" fat, that explained where Loki went.

"pancakes yum"

Izaak murmured sparking agreements as everyone sat down, Loki scattered across the floor and with a little trouble up stiles back hovering.

"oh don't even try it you aren't starving you are such a glutton"

he booped the little nose and stroked his furry head before shooing him.

the critter went to perch on Izaak's lap waiting deviously.

stiles couldn't help smiling as he sat down with the food, everyone chatting and genuinly happy to see him.

"hey guys, thank you"

"ah why?"

the young man looked at Derek.

"because im home, i don't need anything else in my life"

the whole pack embarrassed him leaving their scent on him.

"welcome home"

The End.

(i know its an odd place end but i think with this one i didn't want him to magically make up with his dad and Scott, some things cant be fixed and you cant choose the family you are born with but you can choose the one you will make)
