Chapter 1

The leap through the force field guarding Exile was horrible. It's meant to keep your cells from reforming if you leap through it. We had special clocks on to protect us though so we survived but it was not pleasant. As my particles were coming back together it felt like they were being pulled away from each other and towards each other at the same time. Like a tug of war in your body. I hope Fitz isn't conscious enough to feel it.

I look at down at his body. His pristine tunic is covered in blood. His breathing is ragged and his face is pale. I couldn't even make myself look at the bug tentacle impaling his stomach.

I know elvin medicine is very powerful but how powerful? Surely it can't heal everything. To what extent can it save?

The crystal leaped us to the base of the tree houses at Alluveterre. Someone must have contacted a physician because a woman with dark skin and hair leaps a few yards away from us. She is wearing a purple and gold half mask with the same colors in her braided hair.

"W-who are you?" I'm not proud of the quaver in my voice but I don't care right now. Fitz is hurt and it's my fault.

"Well, my code name is Physic and I would tell you my real name but Mr. Forkle would probably get mad at me," she says. She walks over to where we were and crouched down beside us. "That's pretty bad. But I can fix it!" She flashes me a smile. "Can you help me carry him to his bedroom

I could hardly find the voice in him to choke out, "yeah."

Fitz was going to be alright! He won't die at the hand of my invention! I feel like I could cry with relief.

I grab his legs as Physic grabs his arms and together we carry him up the stairs to his room. When we get there we lay him on his bed and Physic gets to work.

She starts by pulling the tentacle out of his chest with a disgusting sound. Then she turns around and says, "you might want to leave, things are about to get messy."

I nod and walk out. I sit down and hug my knees to my chest by the fire.

This is all my fault. I killed Wonderboy.

I feel tears in my eyes and don't try to stop them. They just fall and fall and fall and fall.

I killed Wonderboy. I killed him. It's all my fault. My stupid inventions did this.

I then promised myself to never make anything ever again.

My tears have finally stopped even though my cheeks are still wet and my eyes are red.

I sniff jut before everyone scrambles in.

Sophie is the first to speak, "can we see him?"

I explained Physic said things might get messy.

"I am his mother, I can handle messy," Della says.

Mr. Forkle jumps in, "I can as well."

Sophie comes and sits next to me, "Hey. You okay?"

I sniff again, "my invention caused all of this."

She tries to persuade me that it was the Council's fault and not mine. But I know that it wasmy fault. Myinvention blasted him into that stupid bug.

Keefe cracks a few jokes about kidnapping Elwin before Mr Forkle walks in and says, "Physic has things stabilized if you would like to see Mr. Vacker."

Even Keefe can't make a joke when we see Fitz. He is shirtless and unconscious with black veins of venom like spider webs all over his chest.

"I killed Wonderboy," I whisper. It's all my fault.

Everybody and every sound is blurry. I can't see any specifics, nor can I hear what Physic is saying more than a few words.

I killed him. It's my fault.

I always thought I hated him but mane I don't. He was just so perfect with his perfect family and his perfect life. And I was like dirt to him. I was the son of a bad match. Everything about him used to annoy me. I didhate him. But I don't anymore.

As I come to this revelation I realize I need to apologize. I had been so unfair to him and he is actually a decent guy.

Once everyone is quiet again I say, "I need to talk to you. Alone."

Della ushers everyone out of the room and there is a slightly awkward silence before Fitz asks, "what is it?"

"I-I um. I'm sorry."

"Look don't worry about it. It's not your fault."

"Not just for almost killing you. I'm sorry for hating you."

"Oh. Well let's put that behind us, okay?"

"I really am sorry. I am." I walk over to were he's laying and sit down in a chair. I feel tears burn in my eyes again and reach over his chest. "This is all my fault."

"No," Fitz says forcefully. "It's not your fault. If anything it's my fault for not paying attention."

I stare at my shoes. He grabs my face in his hands and whispers, "seriously. Don't blame yourself. Remember what guilt did to my dad?"

I nod a little and before I know what's happening his lips are on mine. I'm surprised and I jerk away, blushing madly.

"S-sorry," Fitz mumbles, his face on fire as well. "I shouldn't have done that."

"N-no. It's fine. I'm just surprised. I thought you liked Sophie."

"I did too. Until right now."

It's a few awkward seconds before I go on. "But....I kinda liked it," I tell him timidly.



He smiles and cups my face in his hands and, more gently this time, kisses me. I kiss him back. It's not harsh kissing, our lips are hardly touching, but it's sweet kissing.

We gently pull away from each other, both of us blushing like crazy. He smiles at me and says, "emotions can be confusing sometimes, but I think I've figured mine out. For this stuff anyway."

I blush even more and stare at his pretty face. Why would he want me? He's Wonderboy! I'm just the son of a bad match. "What's in it for you?"

"You're kidding right?" Fitz looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Yeah I mean, you're perfect and stuff and everyone has a crush on you while I'm just in the background and nerdy and weird."

Fitz grabs my face in his hands again, "you listen to me." His voice is stern. "You're not some random guy in the background. You're Dex Dizznee. One of the best guys I know."

I still don't feel like that but I don't want to argue right now so I say, "okay. Oh I should probably leave, people will wonder what we're doing in here."

"Oh crap. We have to hide this from Keefe," Fitz says and he looks so adorably scared.

But he has a point. "Just try to keep your emotions less obvious. Or think of a good cover story. Wait I know! We could say we're both in love with Sophie!"

"Brilliant idea! He won't be able to question it. Sophie's amazing. And I'm almost positive he's in love with her. Like hardcore in love."

"Oh yeahhe is. But every time he tries to flirt with her she takes it the wrong way. She can be so oblivious."

Fitz laughs, "yeah. She can be. She didn't even know she was an elf for 12 years."

I stand up and am about to head for the door when I decide to lean down and kiss his forehead. As I walk to the door I whisper, "get better Wonderboy. We need you."
