home for christmas.

it was october. karissa had dreamed of joining the army, just like her father. she was in basic training in fort sill, oklahoma. she wouldn't be home for 2 and a half months, and you were bored and lonely without her. you remember her hug, and how she held you for a couple minutes longer than she usually would. you remember every small detail.

"that should last a while." she said, smiling.

"i'm gonna miss you kay. i don't know what i'm gonna do." you say, crying.

"i'll be home soon baby. i'll go by fast i promise. don't cry." she says, wiping your tears off your cheeks. "i'll be your muscular hot wife."

you laugh through the tears. "yeah i guess."

she hugs you tightly once more. "wanna drive me to the airport?"

"yes please."

karissa wore camo army pants, boots, and a green t-shirt. her hair was up in a sleek bun, in which stayed still because of the gel in her hair.

"you look hot baby." you say, getting in the car and heading out.

"yeah? you like the military fit?"

"i dooo. when can i talk to you?"

"i think we get our phones for the day every sunday. i'm not sure though but i'll definitely call you."

"i'll just write to you honestly."

"that works too."

"fuck i'm just gonna miss you."

"i know love. im gonna miss you too."

"can you keep your ring on?"

"i hope so. if not i'll just put it on my tags."

"why do you need tags? you aren't gonna die or anything!"

"don't worry love. i'll come home, it's just training. we get 'em for identification."

"thank god. i really hope your home for christmas."

"i will be morgan, my mom said she's gonna come over a lot too."

"i love your mom."

"she loves you more than me i swear!"

"oh that isn't true."

"it is! she talks about you like she's your wife!"

"pfft yeah right!"

"it's true!"

"we are here lovely."

"okay. your gonna come to the gate, yeah?"

"that was my plan lovely."

you pull into the lot and help karissa get her duffel bag out of the trunk.

"i can't believe your leaving me."

"i'll be home before you even know it."

"oh yeah, right." you say sarcastically , walking into the airport. "you better be home for christmas. swear to god."

"i will be angel."


you go through security with karissa and wait for her at the gate. she shortly follows in your footsteps, taking a seat in a chair by the gate. you both waited until they called her number. she fidgeted with the ticket in her hands, staring down at it. as more people gathered, the longer it seemed you waited. you tapped your foot until they called her gate number.

"it's time. oh god, it's time. i can't do this. karissa don't leave. please don't leave." you say, teary eyed, hugging her tightly.

"you'll be okay. i promise you. i'll be home soon, okay?" she says, hugging you back.  "i promise i'll see you soon. i love you my sweet girl." karissa says, whispering in your ear.

"you'll call?"

"i promise. i'll write you too. i love you morgan." she says, giving you one last hug, and walking away into the plane.

thats it. she was gone.

karissa left on friday. it was saturday night, and usually you'd be going out with her. instead, you were staying home, in bed. you fidgeted with the engagement ring on your hand as you waited for the popcorn to finish cooking. you spun it around on your finger as you wondered if she still had it on, and if she even thought of you. when the popcorn was finished, you brought some upstairs and played your movie.

it was november. officially one month without karissa. today was friday, and the mail just came. you were inside baking, distracting you from the discomfort of an empty house. you slid the slippers over your feet and went outside to the mailbox. as you shuffled through the bills, and letter addressed to 'mrs morgan bardsley' appeared. it was from karissa. you ran inside, and tore it open.

the letter was written in her bestest most neatest handwriting. there were a few dried tear drops that scattered the off white paper, which means she must have been crying as she wrote.

dearest morgan,
hi my love. i can't stop thinking of you. i hope your doing alright, and i'm sure mom's been by checking in on you and all. every morning we gotta wake up at 4:30 and run for 7 miles in uniform. for the first couple weeks it was hard to get used to, but it's been alright. what have you been upto? i really hope you've been keeping busy. it's really hard without you here, but i keep thinking to myself that you'd reassure me and tell me that id be okay. they won't let us use our phones at all, but they did let me keep my ring on a necklace, (to which i was FORCED to do) or i had to take it off and i was not about to take that off. i made promises and i gotta keep those promises!! the sergeants think that we will be home about a couple days before christmas, but i honestly hope it's earlier because i NEED to see you before christmas, (for obvious reasons, christmas orgasm duh) anyways, i really hope your doing okay, and i promise i'll be home soon. i love you so so much my sweet girl.

all, seriously all, of my love (sending it to you right now. imagine me kissing you) xoxoxoxo, karissa <3

you cried as you read, thinking of your wife, and if she was doing okay. your mind filled with melancholy thoughts, of her coming home, but her not being there. you missed her presence, you missed her hugs and kisses. you missed her.

you decided to write her back. you addressed the envelope first, making small little doodles on the blank spaces.

dear my karissa,
hii my love. when i tell you i SCREAMED when i got your letter in the mail. i was actually so thrilled. i'm glad training is going alright!! getting up at 4:30 and running seven miles is actually insane, i don't know how you do it to be honest. momma bardsley has been by, and i actually love her so much. we talk about you (good and bad) over lunch sometimes, or i go over there and hang out with her. she actually came over the other day, and brought some things over; she said they were yours from your 'youngin years' yes, that's exactly what she said. we talked about christmas, spoiler alert. she's already bought your gifts. right now, i'm sitting on our bed, in your clothes head to toe. the blanket i'm covered up in you used last, so it smells like you. i want you. i miss you. i really need you home soon. i love you so much my girl. i love you more than anything in this world.

(i'm kissing you right now) xoxox, morgan <3 <3

immediately after you wrote it, you folded the paper and closed the envelope. you walked outside and mailed it out.

it was december. snow was falling and karissa was gonna be home in a few weeks. her mom, kim was over, she was helping you plan a surprise trip for karissa's birthday, which wasn't until september, but you needed to buy tickets months in advance. what you didn't know, was that karissa was coming home today, and her mom was texting karissa during the plane ride.

we are landing in a half hour. karissa texts her mom.

she has no idea.

that's good. i've done some shopping, gifts for her ect. need anything once i land?

no i'm all set.

okayy. i cannot wait to see her.

she can't wait to see you 'in a couple weeks


as you come from the back room with your laptop, kim puts her phone down.

"i think the bahamas would be nice. she's always wanted to go." you suggest, looking up sandals resorts.

"yeah! i think she'd love that. where were you thinking of staying?"

"probably just a sandals resort, i could get the like birthday package or something."

"that sounds good!! what does the website say?"

"it says that for 11 days, 10 nights it would be $15,600, for a room and round flight. we would have to stop in miami, but that's okay."

"she would love that morgan. honestly. we could do a little something here, or at the house when you get back."

"i'm gonna book it now, i think. i have the money, so i really wanna do this for her. i'm gonna get her that guitar she really wants too."

"morgan honey, that's a lot of money. she wouldn't want you spending that much on her."

"kim, come on. you know me, and you know her. i'm gonna spoil the shit outta her, just because i can."

"okay, but i'm just saying-she's probably gonna be mad." she replies, laughing.

"that's okay- she'll get over it."

i've landed ma. karissa texts

okay hon.

i'll be home in about 30, hunter is here i guess, to pick me up.

okay!! she's talking about your birthday.

tell her i don't want anything.

come on hon, you know she isn't gonna believe me.

i'll deal with it when i get home. what's she doing now?

i'm sitting at the table, morgan is looking at something i can't tell you.

just tell her i don't want anything!! i just want her, for christmas and my birthday.

that isn't going to go so well.

i'll see you in 30, hunt just picked me up. he says he wants to call morgan, but i cant say anything, because i'll ruin the surprise.

yeah, have him call her.

kim puts her phone back down on the table, as you close your laptop. your phone sits beside you, as it rings. it's hunter. you pick up, and pace around the kitchen.


"hi honey. how are you doing?"  hunter says

"i'm getting by, i miss her so much. these couple months have been going by so insanely slow. do you need anything?"

"honey i know, she'll be home soon though, i promise. yeah, i was thinking, since kay is coming home in a couple weeks..that we could throw her a little party."

"ye-yeah uh-that sounds good."

"you alright?"

"yeah-just talking about her-gets me all emotional and stuff."

"i'm sorry hon. she'll be home before you know it."

"i know, i keep telling myself i'll be alright, but i don't know if i can keep living without her. i know, it's only been 3 months, but it honestly feels like 3 years."

"you mind if i swing by?"

"no-not at all, your mom is actually over too-she's been her almost all day."

"okay morgan, i'll see you in about 20?"

"see you then."


"bye." you say, disconnecting the line. you wiped the tears from your face, then grabbing a bottle of wine, and two glasses.

"pino?" you say, turning back to kim, lifting the glasses.


you pour a good amount into each glass, and walk over to the table.

"thanks honey. what did hunter say?"

"he was saying how he wants to throw a party for karissa, a welcome home party. so he is coming over now, i guess. he said he'll be here in like 20 minutes."

"okay, that'll be fun!"

"yeah, i thought so. do you want something to eat?"

"yeah, i can help with anything?"

"no, i'm all set!! i'm just gonna have leftover spaghetti and meatballs, you want some?"

"sure morgan, thanks"

"of course."

you put a good amount of food on the plates, and heat them up in the microwave.

"thanks honey." she says, as you hand her the dish.

"your welcome." you say, sitting down, smiling.

you hear a truck pull in the driveway, and shut off.

"that must be hunter."


you turn around in your seat, and see him shut off the car. all his windows were tinted to a dark black, and you couldn't see through the windshield.

he gets out of the truck, as you turn back around, finishing your dinner. he walks up the stairs, and into your house.

"hey hun-" you get cut off by the sound of a heavy bag hitting the floor. you turn around, and see karissa standing near the door. your eyes immediately well with tears. "tell me your joking. tell me your fucking joking."

"hi my love." she says, still dressed in her military uniform.

"oh my god." you say, sobbing. as tears run down your face, you get up and run into karissa's arms.

"hi my sweet girl." she says, kissing your lips.

"i think i'm hallucinating, or dying." you say, checking your pulse. "nope, maybe i'm going insane."

"morgan love. i'm here. you aren't going insane angel."

"your home. your back. i can't believe your home." you say, hysterical

"im home morgan." she says, placing the hat on her head, on top of yours.

she picks you up, and wraps your arms around her neck. you breathe in, letting the familiar smell of your wife, that you loved so much, fill your lungs. she was home at last. home safe, with you.

"can we get a fit check?"

"we can for sureee. this jacket is crazy heavy too." she says, putting you down.


"hi momma." she says, walking across the room, and hugging her mom.

"hi honey. dad is so proud. he's beyond amazed."

"the golden child has returned!" hunter says, bringing in bags from his car.

"shut your dumb ass up hunter! i would've walked home if you didn't insist on taking me!"

"children children...calm down." kim says, making a downward motion with her hands. she looks at you, "karissa is 28 and hunter is 23 and sometimes i still feel like i'm babysitting."

"aw thanks ma!! love you too." karissa says, fake smiling. "oh babe, i think you should know, i have muscle now."

"didn't you always?"

"yeah, but like now...i HAVE muscle."

"you should show me."

"okay, come upstairs." she says, smirking as you follow behind.

"okay first, my jacket. from the army." she takes the camo jacket off, and puts it on you. the last name "bardsley" is printed on a patch which is stuck to the left side.

"holy fuck thats heavy!"


"okay next, the pants. my personal favvv." she says, laughing. she takes the pants off, leaving her in just a shirt and women's boxers. her legs were toned, just like she was saying.

"these are THERMAL LINED?!" you say, shocked. "and your legs...you weren't kidding."

"the good stuff. i'll try and get you a pair, unless i already did. i might have an extra pair.. and my legs yeah...that's just the start."

"these pants are so comfy what the fuck."

karissa laughs, and smiles. "next, the big reveal, is the shirt. just a basic green shirt, but it's what's under it is the surprise."


karissa lifts up her shirt, to reveal toned abs.

"i'm jealous. i'm so fucking jealous."

"so i take it you'll be running with me?"

"hell yes." you say, changing back into your clothes.

"baby why don't you have a christmas tree up? you didn't even decorate!"

"i didn't want to do it without you."

"well we can do it later, if you want."

"it's snowing!!" you say, looking out the window.

"let's go dance." she says, putting her clothes back on. "what are you standing there for? come on!"

"okay okay." you say, throwing on your slippers, and a hat you had hanging on the doorknob.

karissa takes your hand, and runs downstairs with you.

"where are you two going?" hunter asks.

"dancing in the snow!" you both yell.

it was almost sunset, and the snow was falling down pretty hard. you ran outside in the front yard, and karissa spun you around and danced as the snow fell.

"are you crying?" she asks you.

"a little."

"why my love? what's wrong?" she says, hugging you.

"i'm just so glad your home, and i just missed you a lot but i'm also sad that we basically missed christmas. and i'm freezing."

"baby i missed you too. we didn't miss christmas, we still have this whole week!! if you were cold then you could have just asked for my jacket, and i would have given it you."


she stands behind you, and puts the jacket on.

"want me to zip it for you, little girl?"

"yea please." you say, in a high pitched voice.

she laughs, and zips the jacket up.

"my slippers are soaking wet, love."

"you want a piggy back ride?"

"YES!!" you yell.

"hop on baby."

"i'll hop on other things too. what if i'm too heavy?"

"just get on. you aren't heavy."

"suit yourself." you say, climbing onto karissa's back.

"your positive?"

"i'm 100% sure."


karissa walks up to the door and opens it.

"fuck is it cold out there."

"wait!! i wanna get a picture!!" kim says, taking her phone out.

"aw such a cute coupleeee." hunter says, sarcastically.

"shut up hunterrr." karissa says.

you both pose for the picture, as kim takes multiple pictures of you and your wife smiling and making funny faces.

"i took like 20, pick the best one."

"thanks ma. are you gonna get off me babe?"

"mmm, no i think i'm gonna stay here. pretty comfy."

"suit yourself."

"you kiddos want dinner?" you ask

"who you callin kiddos?" hunter asks.

"you. you hunter. and your sister."

"oh you tryna fight?"

"yeah. yeah square up. let's square up." you say, jokingly.

"shit it's about to go down." karissas says

"put me down baby." you whisper to karissa.

she puts you down, and you get ready to "fight" hunter.

"alright hunter, come on, throw hands." you say, smiling.

"alright alright."

"hunter if you touch her so help me god, i will actually fight you. just saying." karissa says, sternly.

"oh right. 2 months in army training and sissy thinks she's all tough."

"don't fucking test me hunter."

"no one's fighting anyone!" kim says.

"we'll fight in the snow, come on!" you say, motioning for hunter to come outside.

"it's cold out there!" he says, shivering, as the cold air blows into the house.

"no it isn't! stop being pussy and come fight me."

"sissy says i cant."

"babyyyy come on. i wanna see if i can take him."

"no. morgan he'll hurt you."

"this weak bitch? nahhh. plus i can get my army wife to fight back duh!!" you say, putting on snow boots.


hunter walks outside. you run to the lawn, and make snowballs.

"SNOWBALL FIGHT!!" you yell, into the sky.

hunter laughs, throwing the first snowball, right at your face.

you laugh, and the snow slides down your face.

"oh jesus christ. i thought they were actually about the square up." karissa says, to her mother.

"he wouldn't do that to you and her."

"glad he knows better."

"well...are you gonna join them?"

karissa paused. "yeah." she runs down the stairs, and into the grass.

she rolls a snowball, and pitches it right into hunter's stomach.

"you bitch!"

karissa rolls another one, making it huge. she throws it at you, as it hits your back.

"oh it's payback time!" you say, laughing.

"oh yeah?"

"yeah!" you yell, forming a big snowball.

you softball chuck it at karissa, and it hits her in the arm.

she laughs, throwing one at hunter.

you all stop, and for a brief moment, it was silent. huge snowflakes were falling down around you, and the world felt like it stopped. you look up into the big dark sky, and exhale, seeing your breath.

"it's a big world out there." you say, still looking up.

"sure is." karissa says, walking towards you.

"it's a gorgeous starry night." hunter says.

kim still stood on the porch, taking out her phone.

"i wanna take a picture. everyone smileeee."

you all gather together, as kim takes the picture.

"thanks ma." karissa says.

"what about we head inside? it's chilly out here." you say.

"i'm probably gonna head out. it's getting late." hunter says.

"aw alright." you say, frowning.

"i really should too." kim says, stepping down onto the walkway.

"welcome home sis."

"thank you again, for the ride."

"anytime sis. i love ya." he says, hugging her.

"i love you too." she says, smiling.

hunter hugs him mom goodbye, and you wave him off.

kim embraces you, saying that she had fun with you. you thank her for everything, being there and all. she drives off, leaving you and karissa in the snow.

"hi my love." she says.

"hi angel."

"wanna go in?"

"i'd like that."

"very well then." she says, holding out her hand, and leading you inside.

when you reach the warmth of your home, karissa shuts the door, locks it, and closes the curtain that touches the floor.

you hug her, kissing her lips once more. her hands glide over your body, as she pushes you against the door, picking you up. her tongue makes it's way into your mouth, as you makeout after months of not being able to see her. she pulls away, and travels down to your neck, making small hickies in places you knew you wouldn't be able to cover up.

"there. now everyone will know your mine."

"i think everyone already knows."

"oh really? so you don't think people think your legs are open for em, when you walk out on the street?"

"karissa..that's pushing it.."

"mmm..wrong answer."

"what do you want me to say?! hello world i'm a slut and belong to karissa bardsley?"

"god..i've missed you. and that sass."

"you mean ass..right?"

she laughs, "yeah. that too."

"you tired?"

"i am, love."

"wanna go to sleep?" you say, making a cute yawning face.

"mm, i do. seeing how it's 10:30."

you run upstairs, and take off your clothes, changing into a satin set.

"that's mine!!" karissa says, sitting on the bed.

"mine now. oh and babe, you need to wear like all your clothes again so they smell like you again."

"oh my god morgan, how much of my shit did you wear?"

"all of it."

"oh my god. well i guess i'll have something to do for the next week."

"yup!" you say, turning down the sheets.

you both climb into bed, shutting off the lights.

"can you cuddle me?"

"is that even a question?"

"well, i've been sleeping in a lonely bed for like 3 months so i didn't-"

"come here." karissa says, patting her stomach for you to lay on. you smile, before laying your head on her stomach.

"go to sleep angel. i'll be right here. i love you morgan, sweet dreams." she says, playing with your hair, and scratching your back.

"i love you." you whisper, before falling asleep.
