Chapter 10

*Angel POV*

The streets are full of tourists, it is much easier to pretend to be one of them while looking at something suspicious.
When we met again, Jake showed me the video of John Fusch being interviewed. That worried us a lot and made him strengthen the signal by forcing his tracking program to identify phones at a greater distance. He spent days working non-stop and, as Jack was worried about him, he decided to sit on his lap watching him type.
What if I felt a little jealous? Maybe so, but seeing him sitting on Jake's lap, with a concentrated face it was very funny. 

Just like the place we stayed last time, we cleaned everything meticulously so that dust and dirt didn't bother us. We also rented another studio to leave another computer in case we were followed here too.

As far as our relationship was concerned, I now understood my parents better when I was little and I would go to their room because I had a nightmare. It's not that we have the same intimacy as before, but seeing how Jack used to ask us to sleep with us, with that terrified look, It reminded me of those moments of terror that I myself had gone through last year, so we accepted.
It was strange. A strange feeling. I watched him as he fell asleep peacefully, with a smile. It made me feel proud to see how I took care of him. Jack became the only child I can tolerate.  

But I have not admitted this in front of Jake. I don't want him to laugh at me when I refused to let him stay with us.
But I still don't accept being called 'mom' in private! On the other hand, Jake does usually call him dad.
    "It is strange that he call me that." he said nervously.
     That's what you get for accepting Jake, now you can't run away from your responsibilities. 

I look at the letter that I am going to send to my parents. I tell them that I'm fine, as always and not to worry. I feel like it's a little hard every time not to get a response from them, to know if it affects them. Maybe they took it to mean I'm on a long vacation.
I put it in the mailbox and walk away, shopping bags in hand.
I'm like all those tourists who pass by on the street, I'm not afraid that someone might recognize me.  

I stop at the window of a television store. On the news I see an interview from a few weeks ago by John Fusch. He looks too happy.
I get to read his lips when he says Jake's name and I put a hand to my chest. Sometimes I feel that because of my superior, I gave myself away at the press conference and he knew that I was still in contact with him because of my attitude despite the fact that I hid it well. Or at least I hope he don't know.
    "I should have run out before entering the room." I mutter as I walk away from the room.
     At least we're away from him. He can't get to Jake. And he can't get to him using me either.  

I open the back door of the abandoned apartment. I wonder how long we'll be here and where we'll go next. I wish we could go a whole lot further still, somewhere where they wouldn't know what Jake did. Was that possible? But it would mean having to leave my family in the end. Never come back. I guess now it's a big decision, because it's not about two people right now. We are three. And it is that I could not leave them both to their fate. And especially since one is a small child and the other is a grown man who hardly sleeps if I don't make him sometimes.
I enter the apartment going to the computer room. As always, Jack is on Jake's lap, watching him work. I walk over to them and ruffle Jack's hair.
    "Hey Jack" I say to the little guy ", watching what Jake is doing again?"
    "I'm getting better and better at understanding what he's doing" he answers, looking at me and then at Jake ", isn't that right, Dad?"
     Jake looks at me and I smirk at him. Now he has to carry the weight of calling himself that.
    "Yes dad, tell me, are him getting it right? Do you ask him questions to see if he is paying attention?" I cross my arms, waiting for him response.
     He sighs and finally smiles.
    "He still have many years to learn." he answers Jack, then looks at me "Any news from outside?"
    "We'll talk about it later." I answer, avoiding showing concern at that moment.
     I lean down and kiss Jake on the lips. I hadn't greeted him yet.
I smile during the kiss and even hear him make a throaty sound, like a laugh.
    "I thought you forgot about me." he tells me in a deeply sexy voice.
    "I save the best for last." I whisper, caressing his cheek.
    "You're always kissing." we hear Jack say, with a laugh.
    "That's because we love each other so much" I answer, tickling him ". Okay, I'll go and prepare the food. Are you here to help me, Jack?"
     He nods and gets off Jake's lap, and he thanks me by moving his lips with a 'thank you'. 

We wait for the food to finish cooking on the small stove that heats it up.
I notice that Jack has a sad look.
    "What's up?"
    "You do not love me, do not you?" I am surprised by his words. I was not expecting that question.
    "Why do you ask that?"
    "Because I think you love Jake more than me."
     I take a deep breath, pushing my hair back from my face, uncomfortable.
    "Well, there are different ways of loving and obviously I love Jake very much" I clear my throat a little nervous with the explanation ". But let it stay between us, I like you too much."
    "Does that mean I can now call you Mom?" He asks me quickly.
    "We'd better still wait a bit for that" I answered somewhat nervously ", but don't tell Jake, okay?"
    "Why can't he know?"
    <<Because then I would have to agree with him.>>
    "Believe me, it's better this way" I taste the food and nod. It is ready ". Jack, why don't you tell Jake that out for lunch? "
    "Yes!" he runs out and I let out a small laugh. 

   We sit on the floor with the plastic plates.
Now that he's not working, I have to talk about him, John Fusch.
    "I saw our best friend in a store window." I say in a funny tone.
    "Surely his interview will have been broadcast throughout Europe" he comments putting his plate aside, with a thoughtful expression ", what worries me most is that they know what I am like."
    "We're lucky it's not like that" I take his hand and smile at him ", he still doesn't know what you look like, so you can rest easy, they haven't published any photos of you."
    "That is a relief." he smiles back at me, intertwining our fingers.
     He caresses my back with his thumb, slowly.
His green eyes sparkle like emerald jewels, with an intensity special to me.
    "You are talking about the bad man again, right?" Jack says curiously "why is he chasing you? You're supposed to be the good guys."
    "Well, because..." Jake starts to say slowly and looks at me concerned "Because I watched something important and dangerous, something important people did not like me doing."
    "And it was?" He tilts his head curiously.
    "I prefer not to tell" He squeezes my hand hard, I can feel his fear ". It is better that none of you know what I saw, to protect you."
    "If it was something bad, you should tell it," he says and I look at him sadly ". I didn't say anything to any adult for fear of Jonas, but you are an adult and they can listen to you, right?"
     Jake sighs, squeezing my hand tight again.
    "It is not-"
     We hear an alarm from the computer and Jake gets up quickly, leaving the room.
Jack follows him and I go after them.
The boy stands next to him, watching as he begins to type.
    "We do this..." I hear Jake mutter "And.... Diverted" I see him smile with pride, although I can see in his eyes that he has been scared ". We are safe."
    "How did you do it?" asks the excited little one "How did you manage to keep the bad guys from finding us?"
    "Do you want to know how?" I frown as I saw him pick him up and sit him on his lap, beginning to teach him.
     I wonder why this change so suddenly. 

*Jake POV*

Fear seized me when I heard the alarm. I had jumped up straight to the computer, jamming my signal and rerouting it to the first studio.
The idea of ​​what would happen if I were not next to them, someone must manage the programs, it crossed my mind. And what better than to teach Jack, a child that the laws will not be able to touch.
I taught him few things, something simple. I could see Angel's face looking at me confused by my actions. She knows perfectly well that something is going through my head when I teach him. 

I was working on the computer until night fell. The area where the first computer was was too busy.
I pinch the bridge of my nose, tired.
I need to rest a bit now that It is calmed down. And they will be entertained for a long time.
I get up and go to the room, where I see how she watches over Jack while he sleeps.
    "Would you like to take a walk?" I ask whispering.
    "It will be around the area, do not worry." I smile at her so she does not worry and she nods.
     She gets up from the ground approaching me, holding my hand. 

The streets are lonely. Not a sound disturbs the neighborhood.
She grabs onto my arm, supporting her head. I hear how she sighs, she sounds happy.
    "You deserved a break." she tells me and I look at her. She smile at me
    "You should know better than anyone." I let out a laugh and lowered my mask, kissing her forehead.
     We return to silence. A pleasant silence that I hope she do not hear my heart pounding right now.
    "Why did you do it?" I look at her when I hear her question, somewhat confused "I thought you didn't want to teach him."
     I stop and take her hands, caressing the lats.
    "When I heard the computer alarm, I remembered when I had to leave you alone" I look at her warm eyes watching me. they make me feel at home "If something happens, at least I have prepared Jack for the worst."
    "Jake..." Shee separates her hands to take them to my cheeks, caressing me carefully "You are not going to leave us alone and nothing is going to happen to us" I lean in a little and she tries to get closer to me a little more, without erasing the smile ". And if something happens, we will follow you wherever, whatever happens, I will not stop being on your side."
     I lower the mask and kiss her. I attract her to me holding her by her waist. I notice her smile.
    "Macie" I whisper her name against her lips and I can feel goosebumps rise on her skin ", I am lucky you are still by my side after all."
    "Do you think I'll ever stop being by your side?" She asks with a laugh, surrounding me with her arms "You're never going to get rid of me."
    "That is quite a tempting proposition."
     We laugh and kiss again.  

We celebrate tonight that our first detour of our pursuers has worked. Jack left us after sleeping in his room soundly. 

I caress her back from bottom to top, while she begins to fall asleep. I would like to do something special for her, she does so much for me and I do nothing for her.
    "I promise that one day I will give you a special day." I murmur close to her ear and she hugs me closer, as if she understood.
     I look up at the ceiling, staying awake. I must not fall asleep after what happened. I hope she understands. 
