Chapter 7 || Camp Zodiax||

Sagittarius got the Prophecy.

He looked at Leo.

The Daughter of Nemean takes her final breath

Sagittarius knew something about the Lion that represents the Leo sign.

It's the Nemean lion.

The fierce Lion that destroyed most if not all of Nemea.

Hercules was sent to kill it as his first labor.

Sagittarius had a good feeling that it meant Leo in that part.

"Sagi...?" She asked ever so softly.

Sagittarius looked at Leo.

Her red face.

Seems like she grew out of her shell.

Sagittarius only stared at the group.

He had a feeling that he had to tell all the signs about this.

There were twelve of them, and Twelve in all in the Prophecy.

"Sagittarius?" Taurus asked.

"I need to tell you all something..."


"IM SORRY....WHAT?!" Libra raised her voice so high pitched.

"I could relate to us.." Capricorn said quietly.

"Oh come on! We don't know for sure..!" Pisces said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Listen here Seaweed brain, it very much could relate to us!" Gemini shot back.

"Hey! Don't call me that!" Pisces started to get defensive.

"Break it up!" Leo roared.

Everyone got quiet.

"Listen, it's a Prophecy. Prophecy's don't always make sense. It may or may not relate to us. We don't know for sure. All we know is that it came to Sagittarius, so Sagittarius can tell us what we'll do next." Everyone turned to the tall silver haired boy.


"Yeah!" Aries cheered.

Sagittarius didn't know what to say.

"From the sounds of it, we may have a fight on our hands.." Leo said, her lips curved a smile.

"I don't know what to—do...I'm not made for leading..." Sagittarius shrugged his shoulders.

"Well then...Leo?" Virgo asked.


"You clearly have the leadership skills. You also clearly have confidence, so why don't you lead?"

"Oh...well alright."

The signs cheered.

"First off, we really have" Leo looked around.

"What? What's wrong?" Cancer asked.

"This may sound weird...but I see....coordinates!"


"Yeah! 15° to the south, 60° to the east, 10° to the west, and...20° North.."

"Uhh...Someone write that down..!"

Pisces wrote it down.

Scorpio butted in.

"Sooooo— you're telling me...we're traveling to these coordinates. Following what you see..? And we'll go from there?"

Leo looked at the group.

"Pack light."


The group either had Backpacks or nothing.

Leo was the only one with a Satchel.

She wore Blue jeans, and a Orange shirt with a Black baseball cap.

Her hair in a ponytail, small strands of hair making their way out form the hair ties grasp.

"Alright we're set?" Leo asked.

"Seems like it." Cancer said.

Cancer wore Jean shorts, a White T-shirt, and flexible black sneakers

Her hair was in a braid, to keep the hair out her face.

"Alright then, let's go." Leo started to walk.

The group walked, they actually made it 15° south, and 20° North. They made it 50° east and 10° West.

They knew this thanks to a compass Leo brought.

"Who keeps a compass on them?" Taurus asked.

"It's a Locket...well, it's disguised as a Locket." Leo opened it, and sure enough a compass was inside.

"Oh! Cool!"

"My grandmother gave it to me. On my 10th birthday."


Finally after long hours of traveling, they made it 60° East.

"Finally-what is this place?"

There was one of those huge signs.

'Camp Zodiax'

Around the X were the 12 Signs.

"Whoa!" The group got a look inside.

Pegasi, Kids well-Teenagers to be exact, running around having fun. A man who was oddly short approached the group.

"Which signs are you?"

He asked it, like it was a casual thing he talked about everyday.


"Your sign...if you can see this place, you must be special to the signs."

"I don't...I don't understand."

The man sighed.

"Your star sign, Astrological sign, Your sign of the Zodiac? Also know As the Zodiac signs! What's yours?"

The group didn't know how to respond.

"Wait...Mr.Orion?" Aquarius asked.

Once he said that, everyone saw it.

" come along!" He continued.

"Wouldn't he know?"  Virgo whispered to Taurus.

"Maybe he's too old and forgot?" Taurus only said it with such little hope.

Mr.Orion guided the group to this large Cabin.

A Cabin, the flag had a large X on it.

" it is.." Mr.Orion said opening the door.

A woman.

Tan skin.

Long wavy Dark brown hair.

Fiery Orange-Brown eyes.

She wore a Orange shirt that said 'Camp Zodiax Rocks!' On it.

Blue ripped jeans

And her shoes were black.

"Oh great...more children.." She grumbled.

"Ms...Ophiuchus...they're-new campers!" Mr.Orion said.

The woman didn't seem amused.

"Children..." She mumbled.

"You know...You wouldn't be here...if you didn't insult Phecda...She holds a mean grudge." Mr. Orion said in a small voice.

"You DARE insult my choices?!" She yelled.

"I mean..let's not do this in front of children.."

The woman calmed down.

She had This small flame in her eye.

" them to the cabin Dipper"

Mr.Orion nodded slightly, he exited—the signs out before him.

"Sooooo—whoooo was Sheeee?" Scorpio asked.

"Her names Ophiuchus call her Councilor Ophiuchus. She runs this place. Be careful. She's got a temper."

" mentioned Phecda..."

"Yes, she is the Leader of the Big dipper. Phecda Holds a mean grudge. She told Ophiuchus that until the day she dies, she will NOT allow her to stop running this place. It's torture for her because Ophiuchus hates kids."


The group walked with Mr.Orion

They made it to a large cabin, like the shape of a log cabin. 

It had the flag with the letter 'D' on it.

"Whoa! Cool!"

"No, not cool! You need your cabins!" Mr. Orion interrupted the excitement.


"You stupid children..." he mumbled leaving.

"Well...we're here what?"

"Sagittarius tell me the Prophecy again."

Sagittarius was a little caught off guard.


"Two break down the wall, Six Fall. Four Stand, One Stalls forever, the Daughter of Nemean takes her final breath, One chooses Death. The last One stands, He takes his final saying, and soon is sacred to all, and is now in all prayings"

"Ohh..weird." Leo mumbled.

"We'll figure it out!" Aries said her voice high pitched.

"Of course we will!" Cancer said, a bit of hair stuck to her forehead from sweat.

"Well...we're what?" Aquarius asked.

"Quick question!" Libra butted in.

"Does anyone we're meant to be here?" She asked.

"Yeah...I do." Gemini said.

" anyone else?"

All the others nodded.

"Seems like this is our...Meant to be Home."

"Well...let's check this place out!" Aries fisted the air.

"Alright.." Pisces agreed.

"I can't wait to see if there's a Fighting area!" Aries started punching the air.

"Slow your role! We haven't even checked out This cabin!"

The group looked through the cabin.

As they entered the ONE bedroom, Aries and Libra were having a pillow fight.

Once that was done, they finally Exited to the sound of a Conch horn.

Other campers were lining up.

The signs didn't know what to do, so they lined up one after another.

"Good afternoon campers!" Councilor Ophiuchus said.

"Don't respond to that. Today we have some new Campers! Welcome the new 12!" She pointed to the signs.

"Alright! Aries Cabin you'll lead! Taurus cabin you go after. Gemini cabin next, you know the drill."

A Cabin of Teenagers led the way, clearly the Aries cabin.

The signs made it to a Outdoor mess Hall.

Trays of food were being served.

The signs took a tray each.

Before they could sit and eat, they watched as students put food into some...pit.

It was food they didn't want.

The signs did the same.

"What are we doing this for?" Sagittarius whispered to an Aquarius cabin kid.

"Oh! Newbie! We're doing this to honor the Galaxy."

"By giving up good we don't want?"


The kid went back to sit down.

Eventually the signs sat down.

"This is weird.." Pisces picked at his food.

"Tell me about it.." Aries took a sip of her water.

"Attention!" Councilor Ophiuchus hit her Spoon to her glass.

Campers went silent.

"Tonight is the night we honor the zodiac sign Libra." Some cheered.

"As you know, the Zodiac Libra is represented by Balance scales. Balance is in order-you go to the Libra sign."

There were some claps.

"Repeat after me!"

"I Promise to the Sign of Libra, that I will honor Balance and Justice. If there is anything wrong or anything that doesn't balance I promise to sever justice and fix it."

Campers repeated.

"Thank you. Now eat."

"What was that?" Libra herself asked.

"I don't know..."

The campers finished eating.

They all filed in a line for each cabin, then went to their own cabin.

The signs made it.

"First day here...I feel weird." Libra crashed on her claimed bed.

Virgo sat on his bed.

"Why? Because they honor your sign?"

"NO. That made me feel special...I'm feeling weird because we're just...Here. We're not at home, we're not at school! We're"


"Listen! I'm pretty sure that we're meant to be here." Leo butted in.

"Welp first day done." Aries said with little enthusiasm.

First Camp Zodiax...Officially done.
