Coming Out of The Ice

December 2017

As I woke up I stretched and yawned Shuri was standing there.

"How long has it been" I ask

"A year" she says "A friends if Tony Stark has offered to take you in while you adjust to your surroundings in the 21st century, she live in Queens near Brookly-"

"Yes Ill go" I say visibly excited " Sorry I interrupted you"

"Its fine now go grab your stuff. Tonys helicopter is picking you up" I hadn't been in a helicopter since HYDRA.

"Ok" As I walked out I looked in Bucky's room. He was still in cryo. As I looked at him something clicked and I was flooded with memories of me and him before HYDRA.

"Don't let go Buck" a six year old me said while on a small bike.

"I won't, I promise" a 20 year old Bucky said. "If you can go 10 feet without my help we'll go get ice cream at the shop down the road"

"Ok" I say "you can let go now" I start pedaling and I stay up after I went for a while I hear my brother.

"Ok, Gin you can stop now" I pulled the brakes and stopped as he ran up behind he said "Lets go get some ice cream" I smiled at him.

"Thanks Buck" I said as I skipped down the road next to my big brother.

A tear slipped down my cheek as I kept walking outside. I squinted my eyes at the bright sun outside.

"Miss Kolotov" someone said. "Im Tony Stark a friend of mine's oddly attractive aunt has offered to take you in" I was a little weirded out by his wording but I got in the chopper and we took off. "So Elizabeth, you got a nickname or something other than Elizabeth"

"Yeah you can call me Liz, Mr. Stark" I said into the chopper head sets.

"So Liz where are you from" Mr stark said

"Im from Brooklyn, but I was in Russia for the last 80 years"

"How good are you in a fight" he asked

"Pretty good I was trained in the Red Room and HYDRA for a long time I picked up a lot."

"The Red Room? Were you trained with a Natasha Romanoff"

"Yeah, me and her got really close through notes passed through the loose bricks and training" I said. "I miss her alot, but I doubt shes alive only like 1 in 20 students survives  there. How do you know her"

"I worked with her for a long time, she was an Avenger so was I until Capsicle chose his old pal over us"

Bucky I thought as I thought about the memories of us.

"We're here" he said as we landed at a huge compound. There was a kid standing there he had to be about 14 or 15.

"Hi" he said as we got out "Im Peter" he said looking me in the eye. Im not good at keeping eye contact so I looked at his nose so it looked like I was.

"Hi, Im Gi-Liz" I said hoping he didn't notice the slip up.

"Hi Liz" a woman said from behind him "Im May Parker"

"Hi Miss Parker" I said

"No, please call me Aunt May"

"Ok Aunt May" I said with a smile.

"We should get going we have a long drive" Peter said showing her a device I figured out is a phone.

Half way to Queens

"Do you two want lunch, there's a thai place up ahead" Aunt may said

"Yes please" me and peter said

"I've never had thai food" I said realizing I had no idea what it was.

"Its really good" Peter said with a smile.

"I think you'll like it" Aunt May said "Its my favorite food"

After lunch

"Liz we talked about ourselves for a while why don't you tell us about youself" Peter said.

"Sure, my parents left me and my brother when I was two and he was 16. We were fine though. My brothers best friend Steve helped watch me when my brother was at work and on his off days we would go out and have fun around Brooklyn."

"Where is your brother now" Aunt May asked

"He died in the war" I said sadly it was half true that's what everyone thought anyway.

"What war" Peter asked confused

"World War Two, I know your going to say Im crazy, Im not. After his funeral I went for a walk and a organization called HYDRA took me to one of their facilities and trained me to become their youngest weapon. I was nine, after about 60 years in and out of cryo freeze they sent me to the Red Room. Thats where I met Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow, she was 10 and I was too so we became close friends and then HYDRA took me back and now Im here"

"Whats HYDRA" Aunt May asked

"Its the Nazi deep science division, they fell after Project Insight failed miserably"

"Whats Project Insight" Peter asked curiously.

"I don't know, I was in cryo for most of it"

After we arrive at their house

"You and Peter will share a room if that's ok with you"

"Of course thats ok" I said just happy to have bed to sleep on. Me and peter sat on our beds and started talking about Mr. Stark.

"You two get to know eachother Im going to go get pizza"

"Ok" we both yelled. I looked on his old computer and started watching something about this Spider man that had been around for about a year.

That's me I heard.

"Did you say something"

"Nope" he said.

Holy shit I think I just read his mind. I didn't know I could do that I thought excited.

I sat down on my bed and looked Peter dead in the eyes and said "So its you" while pointing at the computer

"No, why would you say that" shit she knows he thinks

"Your right, I do know and keep it PG Im only 12" the look on his face was worth every word. He looked shocked confused and just done with all the mindreading shit in general.

So you can hear me right now.

"Yep" I said grabbing the woodenstick in the corner of the room and opening the attic

"No" Peter yelled as I grabbed the suit and dodged him as he ran towards me.

"Can you even see in this" I asked holding it up "Are you wearing spandex while saving the city" I said through giggles.

"Yes and yes, please dont tell Aunt May"

"Don't tell Aunt May I have powers and your secrets safe with me" I lean in closer to him and stare him down "but if I hear one word about my abilities out of you anywhere, alot more people than just Aunt May will know"

He looked kinda scared and I felt a little bad but Aunt May and Mr. Stark can't know a thing until I'm ready to tell them.

"Im home" Aunt May said

"Lets go" I said

Then we sat down and had some pizza by the time we were done it was about 9:30 so me and Peter got ready for bed. I was using my powers to cover up my scars on my face and arms so no one noticed. I was a little nervous because I cant use my powers while I sleep but Ill be fine.
