Chapter Three

Lucky for me, Connor was running after me, he caught me, so I wouldn't have gotten hurt.

He ran me back to my cabin and had an excuse to stay out of our next classes until I felt better. Soon I woke up and he asked me: "Hey, Hazel, are you feeling any better?"

"A little, but not a ton, I'm starving, what time is it?" I groaned. It felt like there was somebody playing drums in my head, pounding pain.

"Slow down, one question at a time. I'll go grab some kind of food from the cafeteria, oh, and it's 4:15 A.M." He walked out the door of the cabin.

I couldn't believe he stayed up just to take care of me, I mean, I couldn't be that sick, could I? My head kept sending me flashbacks of when FireStar ran off.

I heard a rough knock on the door. I stood up slowly, walked to the door, and opened it, FireStar was standing right in front of me, I stood there for a second, trying to process this so FireStar pushed past me and started pacing the floor.

She explained why she chose me. She said she chose me because she knew I had a good heart and she knew I would need me in the future. She touched my arm with her hoof and scraped up my arm a little bit, but I didn't feel it at all.

"Hazel! Wake up!" Connor said urgently.

"What happened?" I said concerned.

"I went to get you food and I found you struggling on the ground!" He looked very concerned.

"What is happening to me Connor?" I asked.

"Er, I uh talked to the doctor and she said you'd be fine if... I stayed with you, and something about a... really long named symptom, that had to do with... something happening like that." He was obviously very serious about it, but uncertain at the same time, I wonder why he has to stay with me.

Connor helped me back into my bed suddenly I felt two pinches on my back, and I also felt a little queasy. Connor asked if I was ok, because I flinched, I said I was fine, when really wasn't. Connor grabbed the plate of food he brought for me and put it on my nightstand next to my bed.

"Hazel. You should rest or at least try to. Unless you want some food first." 

"I'll have some food, I'm starving." I grabbed an apple from the variety of food items. As I took a bite of the juicy apple it felt like I suddenly could move a part of my back from left to right. Strange. I've never felt that before.

"So, is your foot ok?" Connor asked helping himself with a cupcake. 

"What's wrong with my foot?!" I exclaimed. 

"Nothing, it just has a bruise." He gave me a don't be so concerned about everything look. We bursted out laughing.

"I think I'm going to rest now." I giggled as I placed the apple back onto the plate.

"Ok, then you rest. See you in the morning." He replied with a cute look.
