A Very Long Prologue

Sorry, this is so long, I write all my stories on a Google Doc so sometimes I overwrite. 

Qibli P.O.V.

Qibli glazed up at the dawn sky, clear of both storm and war. Yes, he thought relieved, peaceful at last.

"It's over," Turtle's voice said from behind him, "No more fighting, no more death, and no more strife."

"Yes, yes it is," Kinkajou said seriously, which was unusual for the little bright, bubbly dragonet who would always threaten to throw pineapples at people.

"Wait a sec, where has Winter gone off to?" Moon asked.

"The spell must have sent him back alongside all the other Icewings," Anemone replied.

"But the spell went really well, the war is over. I hope," Moon added.

"No, it is not," came Dartstalker's voice from behind them as he landed with a thump.

"You go away right now or-" Kinkajou started.

"Or what?" Came Darkstalkers mocking reply, "You'll throw a pineapple at me? Hm?"

With each word he said, he took a step closer until he was looming over them. "Well, you managed to stop my forces," Darkstalker sneered, "But it's not over, at least, not until I kill you all for interfering in my plans." As he turned to look at them with a glint of anger and hatred in his eye, Qibli shrank under his glare and gulped, knowing that if Darkstalker decided to do something against him, he would be powerless to stop him. Suddenly a voice called out "STOP!."

An adult female Nightwing landed, throwing up rocks and dirt as she skid to a stop in front of them. She stood protectively, wings spread out to the fullest, in front of them, staring Darkstalker in the eye. "No," Darkstalker whispered so quietly that they almost didn't hear it, "No, it can't be. You are just a trick sent by that animus Seawing prince."

"Who are you?" Qibli asked as his brain whirled around to find a Nightwing who would stand up to Darkstalker like that. Moons gasp came from beside him, "Your Foeslayer, aren't you? Darkstalkers mother."

The Nightwing-, no, Foeslayer nodded, "Darkstalker, my beloved disaster," she said, her voice full of anguish, "Why are you doing this?"

"To punish all those who have wronged me, and to get rid of all those who stand in my way, like these four," Darkstalker said coldly, "Now out of my way."

"No," Came Foeslayer's firm reply. "I said MOVE!" Darkstalker shouted, trying to wack away his own mother with his wing, but Foeslayer stood strong.

"Fine, but now, to finish this, shall we?" Darkstalker said, pointing a claw at Moon. Time seemed to slow down for Qibli as Darkstalker shouted, "Avada Kedavra!"

He saw, horrified, the green light of the Killing Curse, the most unforgivable of the three Unforgivable Curses, headed straight towards Moon. Qibli saw the curse head straight towards Moon, but then, a black blur suddenly pushed Moon out of the way. There was a huge flash of green light, and Qibli closed his eyes.

When Qibli opened his eyes again, he looked around before Kinkajou's wail drew him to where Moon was standing a moment before. Qibli gasped. There, lying on the ground, was not Moon, but Foeslayer, motionless, with Darkstalker looking horrified at what he had done. "No," Qibli whispered, taking a step toward her body, "No, it can't be, she can't be dead."

Anemone was sobbing into Turtle's chest, with Turtle's wings warped around her. "She died after pushing Moon out of the way," Turtle explained. Moon looked horrified.

"Look what you made me do," Darkstalker roared, "For that, you shall pay!" Qibli watched, eyes wide with fear, as Darkstalker shouted the words and shot the curse at Moon. Frozen in place with fear, Qibli watched with wide eyes as it hit Moon on her wrist as she lifted her arm to shield herself, but instead of her collapsing, lifeless on the ground, there was another burst of green light, and Qibli ducked.

When Qibli stood up again, Moon had collapsed on the ground, and Darkstalker was gone. Qibli ran to Moon's side and checked her pulse. Please let her be okay, please let her be okay, he desperately thought, then he felt it, it was faint, but it was there, he sighed in relief.

"She's okay," he announced to Turtle, Kinkajou and Anemone, who were waiting nervously. "But, how did she survive?" Turtle asked, confused, "The curse hit her full-on, she should have died, like Foeslayer, and where did Darkstalker go?"

"Let's figure all of that out later," Kinkajou said, "First, let's get Moon some medical help."

"I'll carry her," Qibli offered as he picked up Moon, bridle style and flew to the Medical Ward, Turtle Anemone and Kinkajou following behind him.

When he got there, Qibli was met with Jade Mountain Academy's top healer, Meerkat, and a panicking adult Nightwing, who Qibli guessed is Moon's mother, Secretkeeper. Qibli set Moon down on a spare bed next to a Sandwing who had bad burns on his palms, must have run into Peril. Qibli thought, ouch.

"My baby!" Secretkeeper wailed, "My baby, she's not dead is she?"

"Calm down," Meerkat told Secretkeeper, "She's not dead, just unconscious."

"You!" Secretkeeper growled at Qibli, completely ignoring Meerkat, "You killed her! And Moon told me she liked you!"

Moon likes me, Qibli thought, shocked, she actually likes me. "Calm down," Meerkat told Secretkeeper a bit more forcefully this time, "She's not dead. Now, how about you come with me, and tell me what happened." Meerkat said, and Qibli looked at her, she's so pretty, Qibli thought lovingly, her dark purplish hair, the silver teardrop-shaped birthmarks on the side of her eyes, and her perfect wing- "Hey!" Meerkat's voice interrupted Qibli's thoughts, "Did you hear what I asked? What happened to her?" When Qibli didn't answer, Meerkat said, "Hey, I know you're worried about her, but unless you tell me what happened, I can't help her."

"She was hit," Kinkajou said in a shaky voice, her hair, wings and tail were blue-grey, the colour of sadness, Qibli thought. "What curse hit her?" Meerkat asked. "The killing curse," Kinkajou whispered, "You Know Who hit her on the wrist." Qibli noticed that everybody in the room stiffened at the mention of the killing curse and You Know Who. "But that's impossible!" Meerkat cried, "Are you sure it was the killing curse and not just a stunning spell?"

"What other spell you know has the words Avada Kedavra and a flash of green light?" Qibli demanded. "Okay then," Meerkat said, "Why don't you guys wait outside while I examined her? I'll get you once I'm done."

"Okay," Qibli agreed, "Come one, let's wait outside like Meerkat said." Qibli walked out of the room and made a hand gesture for his friends to follow.

Turtle, Anemone, Kinkajou and Secretkeeper sat on the chairs outside while Qibli paced around the room, all he could think about was Moon, and if she would be okay or not. "I should be heading back, mother will be worried about me," Anemone said, "Also, should I tell mother about the truth about everything?"

"No," Turtle replied, "I'll explain to her soon enough. Also, stay alert, Darkstalker may still be out there." Anemone nodded at Turtle before taking off towards the Kingdom of the Sea. Qibli stopped his pacing to nod at Anemone before continuing. "Will you please stop pacing!" Kinkajou burst out, "You'll make me lose my lunch!"

'Sorry, it's just that I'm worried about Moon," Qibli admitted. "I know," Turtle comforted Qibli, "But she'll be okay, Meerkat is one of the best healers in Pyrrhia."

"Yeah!" Kinkajou injected, "He's such a good doctor, he took such good care of me when I was in that come after Soar-no Shapeshifter-no, what was his name again? Oh yeah, Chameleon attacked me. The next time I see him, I'll throw a pineapple at his snout!"

"Moon will be fine," Secretkeeper told him, "She managed to survive for months on end by herself in the rainforest. Also, I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier, I was just worried for her, and I wasn't thinking right-"

"No, it's okay," Qibli interrupted Secretkeeper, "I understand." Secretkeeper smiled at Qibli, "I can see why she likes you now, you'll make a great son-in-law someday." Qibli blushed so much that he looked more like a Skywing than a Sandwing. Kinkajou giggled from behind him, Qibli managed a smile.

After a while, Meerkat came in, and told them that Moon would be fine, and they could go see her now. When Qibli saw Moon, she looked no different than before, except for a scar on her left forearm in the shape of a crescent moon, it was in the same place that the curse had hit her. Meerkat asked them to explain in detail what had happened, and Qibli told Meerkat the whole story, with Kinkajou and Turtle filling in points. "So it looks like the killing curse that was meant to kill Moonwatcher killed Darkstalker instead," Meerkat said, slowly, "That's impossible!"

"Moon's okay, that's what matters," Qibli said, "And Darkstalkers gone, I hope."

Wow, this is long, 1500 words long. 
