Chapter 7

Started what?! She's taking over bodies. What is is this? The last adventure all over again? I mean seriously!!!

Relax Kink. Listen, you have to tell Malachite he CAN NOT see his family anymore. The possession of them could take over him to, and we need him. He's intelligent and may be the key to defeating her. I don't care if you even tell him of me, but he must know!

Okay. But this is serious, isn't it?

*sigh* Yes.....

Kinkajou summoned all of her energy into this. She was about to tell someone of the prophecy and it was a Hivewing she barely knew! If this was how her adventure was going, then let's go! "Listen, Malachite. There's something you need to know. You can't see them right now."

"Are they possessed." he asked. "Because I'm pretty sure that's what's going on here."

At least he didn't need to know. Malachite was smarter than he looked. "I need your help. There's someone I need to find and right now everyone's been acting up."

"Got it!" he mused. "Where we heading? I can show you multiple places around." He was looking as if this mission may help. Yes, it would help save his family and he was super smart.

"Ok." she sighed. "But do not tell anyone about this. Keep your lips shut!"

The two scoured the continent in search of Knowledgeable. He didn't know where he was, so finding him was a bit of a struggle. It's not like Kinkajou could see where he was in a flash!

Now, is there anyone you can see who is possibly free from the control? The more allies we get, the better. Trust me, defeating her isn't going to be easy.

From what I can see, the only possibility would be Blue and maybe Luna. I haven't exactly seen her in a while.

Well while you search for me, see if theirs any change in their personality. Plus, they may know where I'm located.

I guess it's worth a shot. Oooh! And I'd get to see why exactly Cricket likes a shy Silkwing!

Er..... Yeah.

When she finally found the two Silkwings, Blue was in the middle of nowhere with Luna. Either these two were running from mind controlled zombies, or they were just plain dumb! They did look young to be out of school.

"Hey guys!" she called. Malachite had gone off to search for some ominous place or something, so Kink was left to do this on her own. Just great! "Whatcha guys doing out here?"

Luna looked up at her and Kinkajou saw something was definitely wrong. There was also a searing mark along Blues side and he was sulking. Kinkajou was getting worried about this. Yes, she already knew who did this.

"Cricket and Katydid attacked him." Luna explained. "I'm not sure why. The two are going crazy and I'm just getting him a away for a minute. It's weird. They haven't exactly been themselves lately."

"She broke up with me and said I was to dumb to be a partner." Blue said through tears. "She said that was common for Silkwings. All piles of garbage!"

Kinkajou was in shock. Beauty was going to destroy all dragons, and for what? A bit of revenge? She needed to be stopped. "Well at least you guys aren't like that."

Kinkajou explained the story of Knowledgeable and Beauty. When she told them that some people were being possessed by her, Blue looked hopeful. They agreed to join her and it looked as if things were going to be ok!

When the group set out, there were some complications. Number one, it look forever to get them all ready. Two, they had to avoid creepy puppet dragons. Three, little dragons.

When they were about to head off, a Hivewing and Silkwing rushed up to them with pleading eyes. It was kind of cute, but they were trying to save the continents! They didn't need little dragons on their tails!

"Please let us come with you!" the Hivewing begged. "Me and Dusky never get to do anything!" She looked as if she was only maybe 1 or 2, but sounded like she was 7 or 8. Luna and Blue acted as if they knew her.

"You and Dusky will be fine, but we have some quick questions." Luna sighed. "Guys, this is Bumblebee and her Friend, Dusky. By the way, Dusky only has his mom so he may be a little shy."

Poor guy. We definitely need to listen to them!

"We need to know if you've seen anyone acting strange lately?" Blue explained. "There is something going on."

Bumblebee started at them with wide eyes and began to speak. "Cricket has been kind of mean and her mom to. Then there was Dusky's mom, who made Dusky leave his family. And then Sundew who was kind of more pushy than normal Sundew. She even locked up Willow!"

Kinkajou was very concerned. If Beauty had even gotten to Sundew, she must have enough power to take over everything! She needed to be stopped, but how could even energetic Kinkajou stop her?

First, you find me. Then somehow I do like super explody stuff and we win! It will definitely be that easy!

No need to mock me. Your the one who's trapped.


"We can tell them" Kinkajou assured. "And who knows? Maybe they'll be helpful. I was only their age when I learned to fly." Kinkajou could see the doubtful faces of the other three, but she ignored it. Like what was the worst thing that could happen.

"Ok." Blue sighed. "As long as Malachite can deal with two little dragons."

"I'll be fine."

When they set out, Bumblebee was looking quite excited. It was as if she had been looking forward to an adventure for years! Dusky on the other hand was looking as if he regretted living. Kinkajou felt sympathy for the young Silkwing.

"So like..... how long will this take?" Dusky asked with nervousness in his voice. He didn't exactly look like someone who wanted to do the whole saving the world thing. There was something in him that reminded her of Turtle.

Bumblebee kept nudging him eagerly which gave Kink signs of herself. Immediately she felt a twinge of nervousness in herself. Kinkajou hoped the two didn't end up like her and Turtle. Separated and barely friends.

I'm sure they'll be fine, and you know you could see your friend once this is all over. Trust me, you don't want to ruin your friendships, kid.

Knowledgeable was right. The past was the past and she needed to for now focus on what the five were doing. They needed to save all the dragons! Then, something caught her mind.

Two of the same kin, 

Fire of the sky,

They didn't have this so called fire, so what exactly were they supposed to do? They didn't even know what the fire was! How do you work with that?

Do you know what the "Fire" is?

I do, but unfortunately I'm unfortunately forbidden to tell you. You, the chosen one, have to figure it out.

The chosen one. I like the sound of that!

Of course you do.

"Hello Kinakjou" a voice from behind said. She spun around to see a dragon behind the group. He was a pale orangish red and carried a small scavenger on his back.

"Hello, Sky and Wren"
