“What’s wrong?” I asked, forgetting our argument. 

“It was Kye. He said Charlotte fell from the stairs and was bleeding a lot. She’s in the hospital now.”

“What? How?” I was confused. It was definitely unexpected. 

“Oh my gosh. She’s pregnant.” Nikita covered her mouth with her hand like she had just discovered Charlotte’s pregnancy. 

“Kye must be so scared. I have to leave for the hospital now.” 

“I’ll come with.” I said. 

“Me too.” Nikita added. 

“It's late.”

“We'll go with you.” Nikita protested. 

Tristan didn’t argue any further and hurried to grab his car keys then drove us to the hospital. 

After Tristan made the formal requirements with the receptionist, we were finally able to meet Kye. He was sitting on the floor, ignoring the presence of the chairs, his face was so pale and he looked frozen till his eyes met Tristan’s which made him jump to his feet. 

“Kye. What happened? How? Is she fine now?”

“She definitely isn’t. She lost a lot of blood. I don't know what to do.” He seemed like he had been holding back his tears but couldn’t hold onto them anymore when Tristan pulled him into a manly hug. 

“She’ll be fine.” He assured him. 

“I’m scared. She was bleeding profusely, she was bleeding everywhere. Will she be fine? She was hurt, our babies were definitely hurt too. She hit her head and her stomach. I’ll die if anything happens to either of them.”

“It’ll be fine.” I tried to be assuring, petting his head to calm him down as tears rolled down his face. 

“Charlotte will be fine. Don’t you know how strong Charlotte is? She'll be fine.” Though Tristan sounded confident,I could read the extreme fear that accompanied his voice. 

“She was fucking bleeding.” He pulled away from the hug. “Look at my suit coat.” He pointed at his gray suit coat on the floor that was covered with blood. “Oh God, nothing must happen to Charlotte. I was feeling strange since a few days ago when she had been joking about death. What will I do if her stupid playful prophesies come true?” 

“They won’t. Please be calm.” Tristan put him to sit while Nikita and I rubbed his back to placate him. 

“God, please don’t do this to me.” He cried, burying his face in his palms. 

“Nothing will go wrong. Have faith.” Nikita also tried to sound convincing and failed at it. 

“Please be strong .” I also attempted to convince him but the fear reeling inside of me made my voice crack. 

“Yes, be strong. You’ve always taught me to be strong. Please…” Nikita sat beside him. 

“I’ll check up on how she’s doing.” Tristan said and took his leave. 

We still tried to calm Kye down but to no avail. He was already so pale and sweaty, I feared he’d pass out. 

I left his side to have silent prayers for Charlotte and her baby. 

After a while, Tristan bumped into me, his eyes read complete horror. 

“What’s wrong? How is Charlotte now?”

 He pulled me into a tight hug, not saying anything. “Hazel…” he said in almost a whisper. 

“What’s wrong? Did you check up on her?”

“I’m also very scared. There's a glass on the door and I saw her. Her condition is bad. I’m really scared if any of them will survive.” 

I hugged him back, also rubbing his back. “Don’t say such nonsense. She’ll be fine.” I wasn’t certain if my assurance was valid anymore. Was her condition that terrible? Oh God, my beautiful Charlotte couldn’t go. 

“Hazel, Charlotte is still so young. She can't just go. Charlotte was a big part of my childhood.” 

“You're scaring me.” I pulled away from him. 

“Kye…” he walked up to Kye while I followed behind him. Kye raised his head to him, tears clouding his eyes. “Where were you? How did she fall?”

“I really don’t know. We were together. We decided to watch a movie then I left her to go to the kitchen to grab popcorn and snacks when I heard her scream. I ran from the kitchen, only to meet her on the floor in a pool of blood with her blood stained along the staircase. 

“I— I don’t… oh my gosh. Charlotte had been through a lot in life for her life to be cut short.” 

“Tristan!” I snapped at him “her life won't be cut short. What is wrong the both of you?” 

“You haven't seen the condition she’s in .” Kye dropped to the floor again. 

“Just be calm both of you.” Nikita spoke. 

Hours passed, each hour more terrifying than the previous hour. I was scared that either Kye or Tristan was going to pass out. I was mostly scared for Charlotte. I didn't want to see her, I couldn't bear the trauma of seeing her in a bad condition. 

A nurse finally came out of the emergency with tools in hands. 

“Wait!” Kye jerked up to her, causing her to flinch. “How are they doing? How’s my wife and baby?” 

“Uh… we’re—”

“Please just tell me. I’m her husband!” 

“It turns out your wife was pregnant with twins. We had to carry out an emergency cesarean on her to remove the premature babies, but the first baby we took out died. She's Currently under operation to deliver the second. Hopefully, the second baby will be alive.” 

“Twins? My baby died?” Kye's breath quickened. 

“Excuse me, please.” She scurried away, permitting Kyr to drop to the floor again. 

“I didn’t know we had twins. How's that possible? Now my baby is dead?” He buried his face in his palms again. 

My legs felt wobbly but I still managed to pray for the second baby and Charlotte.

It took almost an hour before two nurses came running out of the emergency room with equipment with them. They didn’t respond to Kye’s call for them; they seemed to be too focused on whatever they had to do, increasing Kye’s uneasiness. 

I was patient till another nurse came out of the emergency room. Kye and Tristan didn't let her escape them this time. 

“How is Charlotte?” Tristan asked. 

“And my baby?” Kye added. 

“The baby has been successfully taken delivered mother's womb and has just been transferred to the NICU. However, for the mother, she's still under serious attention.” She heard a beep from the room then quickly ran back to the room. 

Kye followed behind her, stopping when the door was shut. He peered into the room through the glass and his body became even more pale and stiffened. 

“What happened?” I asked him. 

He slowly turned to us. “Charlotte’s medical monitor reads that she’s running out of life. Plus, I think the doctor just said she’s dying. My wife is dying.” His words made me feel weak. 

A/N: Still… there'll be more information in the next chapters. Thanks for reading. Bye. 
