Next part..

Aryan and Ayan smirked at manik crying, "how much my Ma cried Mr.manik Malhotra,now you cry. There are many ways to go" Ayan said with hatred but inside it hurt him.

"Yes bro" Aryan and he saw Manik crying more, they felt a little bad, but  shrugged it.

"So what is the next plan?" Aryan asked.

"You will see tomorrow" Ayan smirked, Aryan too smirked seeing his bro, both glanced at Manik and left for their room.


Next morning

"Darling, I am so hungry, breakfast fast" Rajan shouted for his food, boys glared at him, others enjoying it.

"Nanu, my poor ears, please stop shouting. Ma will come" Aryan shouted at him in irritation.

"Coming, coming. Only a few seconds late na chachu" Nandini with servants placed food on table, and sat beside boys.

"Darling, my stomach is asking for food in the morning" Rajan pouted, Nandini smiled at his childishness.

"Nanu, you also love food like me." Abir asked, laughing.

"No one will eat like you idiot" Muskan said, Abir glared at her.

" Food is important,kids.It's one life we should eat everything but in limit. That is my policy" Rajan said to the kids.

"But for that you shouldn't empty whole food. Keep some for others too" Ayan said sarcastically.

"Guys please, stop talking and start eating." Nandini glared at all, immediately all started eating. Nandini noticed Manik and Abhi still hadn't come to the table.

"Nandu, where is Abhi? And where is manik too?" Rajan asked, looking at all.

"Chachu Bhai......her words cut by hearing a shout. Nandini started sweating and how will Abhi react to seeing all.

"Nandu, Nandu please bring me coffee baby" Abhi shouted while running to the table.

"Bubby" boys ran to him, Abhi smiled and hugged both.

"Hey buddies, sorry yesterday I was so busy at work, so I can't play with you both" Abhi made a sorry face. The boys shrugged their shoulders and said " no problem, we will play today". Abhi smiled and looked a head, his smile vanished. Nandini and others except Rajan were scared of his reaction.

"What are they doing here?" Abhi asked strictly.

"Bhai(Nandini runs near Abhi) , they are a chachu friend family, going to live here for a few days" Nandini held his hand,abhi glared at her. Nandini made a pleading face. Boys seeing their both reactions. Abhi looked all and his eyes stopped at one person who looked at him in tears, he looked away. It's mukthi.

"No one loves me darling, see your brother no even see me" Rajan said sadly, palming his face. Boys and Abhi rolled their eyes. Nandini smiled and looked at the staircase above, Manik standing and seeing all. Their eyes met, which showed more emotions, but boys pulled Nandini to their place breaking the eye lock.

"Drama king, stop it. How are you?" Abhi went and hugged him.

" Very awesome and handsome, Abhi, this is my friend Raj Malhotra. I told many things about him na, and his family. Raj this is my son, Abhimanyu Murthy, Nandini elder Bhai, but not handsome like me" Abhi said small hi to all and sat beside Nandu.

Muskan, Priya, Abir and Rohan were shocked to see Abhi. "He? Don't we see him in that photo" Muskan whispered to the three, who nodded yes.

"Seriously please start the mission soon" Rohan said, the trio nodded.

"But first we need to speak to them(indicating boys), cause we don't know anything." Muskan said.

"But they are rude, will they speak to us?" Priya said, looking at her hands. Abir and Rohan rolled their eyes.

"They will," Abir said.

"Babies, any problem. You guys need anything" Nandini asked, seeing them whispering to themselves.

"No Barbie doll, nothing" Priya said, for which Nandini nodded smiling.

"So soon, your little one started calling Ma, Barbie doll. She is faster than you" Aryan whispered to Ayan, who glared at him.

"How many times should I say to you, she is not mine, shut up your pig mouth" Ayan said and glanced at Priya who saw them. He glared at her, she looked down immediately. Aryan giggled and said "like him".

"Chachu, actually I am leaving the hospital to discharge papa." Abhi stood up having coffee. All attention turned there.

"My brother is coming home" Rajan said in tears, Nandini became emotional, and the boys held her. All glanced at her and Rajan.

"Yes chachu, they didn't see any improvement, so we thought we will bring him here so he will get used to the house atmosphere and get well soon " Abhi said glaring at Raj and Neyonika.

"Raj..what happened to Ram?" Raj stammered in confusion and fear.

"He meet with accident seven years ago by saving Nandini, was in very critical situation, and finally slip into coma" Rajan words shocked all, Raj and Neyonika looked down in shame, Mukthi glared at her parents, Navya and Pihu was in tears, Cabir and Arya looked each other in shock and saw Manik hearing all, his face shown guilty and pain.

"Abhi you go and do the formalities, I will come with you" Rajan said. Abhi nodded and kissed Nandu's forehead and said " no crying, will be back soon (turned to boys) take care of her and you too." Boys nodded and held their Ma tightly, Abhi kissed boys forehead and left, but glared at Malhotra at last.


In Manik room

" Manik, why didn't you come to have breakfast?" Cabir and Arya came inside his room.

"Not hungry," Manik whispered.

"Not hungry or guilty to face Nandu" , Arya said, for which Manik and Cabir looked at him.

"Cabir said all to me, Manik please once think about her man, she loves you so much" Arya pleaded him.

"But I don't  hate her, Arya. even though I'm sorry for her and the kids. It's my fault, did you see what Rajan uncle said? Ram uncle is in coma, because of whom. Me. I am responsible for all" Manik cried palming his face.

"Manik, stop it. You are not a fully responsible man." Cabir held his shoulder.

"I am , I am fully responsible. I married Nandini, and threw her out of my life when she was bloody pregnant with my son's. The man who praised me, trusted me with his daughter and made me famous is now on death bed. because of me, Mukthi and Abhi suffering,what a father should do to his kids, I didn't even did once, I never held them first, named them, I never was, my son's don't know me, they called me stranger you know. I don't even know my son's name" Manik cried in pain, Cabir and Arya were in tears.

"It's all my mistakes" Manik knelt down and cried. Cabir and Arya hugged him, he cried in his arms.

"So only I decided to go back, I don't want to make Nandu life more difficult. I will go to Mumbai and sent divorce paper" his words shocked Cabir and Arya

" Are you mad? Manik I thought you realise your mistake and take good descision but you...fuck off you idiot" Cabir shouted in angry, Arya too glared at him.

"What? Cabir, at least you say what I should do?" Manik cried in anger.

"You are so dumb Mr.malhotra" three turned to the voice, say Aryan and Ayan standing near door.

"What? Dumb?" Manik whispered.

"Yes dumb, you can't even take good decision and try to fight back, sorry not dumb but a crowd you can't even fight for him self" Ayan said sarcastically.

"Don't call me that," Manik said strictly.

"Really then what should we call, intelligent. Sorry that didn't suit you" Aryan said in anger, Cabir, Arya and Manik looked at them in confusion.

"Boys, what are you doing here?" Arya asked

"Unfortunately we heard your conversation, so we thought to put the brain in your friend's head" Aryan shrugged his shoulder, Manik was eyeing both.

"Actually we thought Manik Malhotra is brave, a fighter and will do anything for his family and loved one, but here he is planning to run away. Is this called a crowd" Ayan said, glared at Manik, who was just looking at them.

"Haan...Haan half right"Cabir agreed to him, Arya hit his head. Boys smirked, they went close to manik, as he was kneeling down.

"If you are not a crowd, Ma says humans make mistakes, but brave ones realise it and correct it for the next level. if you are brave." Aryan said.

"If you are brave, realise your mistakes, analyse them, correct them and win. But Mainly fight for your loved one" Ayan continued, Manik seeing them quietly. Cabir and Arya become numb hearing both. No doubt they are Nandini sons. She grew up well with good manners.

"Because Manik Malhotra has that strength right, then.... win US" Ayan said and glanced at three, Manik still in trance. Boys walked till the door and turned to Manik, who saw them in trance.

"For our name, you should pass all Mr.malhotra" both said and dashed out from there.

"What the hell happened now?" Arya shouted seeing the door, Manik trance broken, looking down thinking about the boy's words.

"They are something man, Nandini grown them with so much value then you stupid Manik" Arya whispered seeing Cabir and Manik in deep thought.

"Cabir what happened?" Arya shook him.

"Boys said win US, us means. What do they refer to?" Cabir's words made Manik mind think, and Arya  scratched his head in confusion.

"You are so dumb Mr.malhotra"

"we thought Manik Malhotra is brave"

Mainly fight for your loved one

"Manik Malhotra has that strength"

"win US"

"For our name, you should pass all Mr.malhotra"


"WIN ....US"


"Mani you+ me+ our kids= us" Nandini words echo in his ears, his eyes widened and looked at Cabir and Arya who looked at him in confusion.

"They know I am their father" Manik whispered in tears,  which shocked Cabir and Arya.

Outside, Aryan and Ayan are smirking at each other.

"Manik Malhotra, the game just started


Word's:- 1731

How was the update guys..?

How was Manik realisation?

Boys secretly started their move...how was it?

Few words both Manan

Few words about Abhi

Few words about babies(Muskan, Priya, Abir, Rohan), boys

Share your views

Unknown writer✨❤️
