|| Will You||

"Dad, Can you tell me a story?" My daughter,  Lane, asked me. Of course, I obliged to her request and began to tell her the story of myself and her other father.

          I had been developing feelings for Patrick every since we were young, maybe 13 or so. He had beautiful strawberry blonde hair, and eyes of an astonishing Blue-Green. He was a typically shy person, and was quite reserved for a percussionist and choir kid. I knew he was Gay,  Extremely gay, and I wanted him to be my prom date. He had no clue, but I knew from the moment i met him, that i was head over heels in love.  I decided to use the nature trail as the location for the promposal, and have the guys help me. I sent Andy and Joe over to Patrick's to keep him busy, and then bring him blindfolded. I had Ryan and Brendon go buy roses, And I sent Tyler, josh, Spencer, Kenny, and Dallon for fairy lights and Food. I had taken a soft purple blanket, as that was Patrick's Favorite color, and Placed it on the ground.  Ryan and Brendon arrived with the roses, and i used a bouquet of them for their petals, Randomly placing them atop the pathway. I laid the other bouquet on the blanket as Tyler and Josh came back with the decor, and helped me hang the lights and lanterns in the trees. Soon, Spencer, Kenny, and Dallon had retrieved a small picnic  feast. I set it up, the sun beginning to set, and texted Andy and Joe to take Patrick to the " store".  Within the hour, They had arrived, and Patrick had been walked over to me before removing his blindfold. His eyes fluttered open, and landed on me. He gasped and slowly made his way toward me, giving me a quizzical look. "P-Pete, Buddy, what is all this?" He asked. "I believe you know, but if you don't," I spoke, "I will show you." I told him. I had a trick up my sleeve, and it was crazy. I had my football team come marching with a banner, and the whole band and choir playing a soft tune. They stopped in front of him, and chanted "Pete wants you to go to the dance with him!". " I walked in between the banner and Patrick, " Will you?" I asked, but something funny happened. Instead of giving me an answer, he walked up to me. He pressed his lips to mine, before pulling away. "Was that a good enough answer?" He asked. I nodded, and this time, kissed him.

"So that's how your father and I became a couple." I told her. She began to smile, and i felt a strong pair of arms and a small frame against my back. "That story never gets old, babe." Patrick said from my back side. I kissed him, and at that moment, I knew this was how it was meant to be.
