CHAPTER 1 : Into The Night

Night approached, and all of the pups went to their pup houses sadly thinking about Rocky's sacrifice. As the pups went to sleep, for Zuma, he was tossing and turning in his pup house trying to sleep, but he can't due to the fact that Rocky was gone. With sadness, Zuma turned to his left looking at Rocky's pup house where Rocky used to sleep in. He then attempts again to fall asleep, but no matter how he positions himself, he won't fall asleep. With a bit of annoyed, Zuma got out of his pup house and went to Rocky's grave not far from the lookout. He sat down in front of it, thinking about his friend who just sacrificed himself for the better. He looked up into the sky, seeing the stars twinkling in the night sky. Zuma sighed and let a tear out from his eye.

A few minutes later, Zuma felt someone tapping on his shoulder. With shock, he looked behind him in a defensive stance, but to his surprise it was someone that he couldn't believe who it was. Zuma's eyes widened in shock like he couldn't talk or do anything, because what he saw was Rocky. "Rocky?!? Is that you dude???" Zuma said in verifying if what he's seeing right now is Rocky. "Am I dreaming?" Zuma questioned himself because he couldn't believe what he's come into contact with right now. Rocky just giggled a little and tapped Zuma and playfully runs away like he wants to play tag. "Wanna play?" Rocky asked Zuma. He still couldn't believe what's going on, but still, he decided to play with him. Rocky then ran away and Zuma plays tag with Rocky. The two played with each other for a while, until after some time, they got tired and laid down on the grass beside each other watching the stars twinkle in the night sky. After minutes of watching the stars, Rocky stood up and walked into the forest. "Hey Rocky, where you going dude?" Zuma followed Rocky into the forest, but the farther Zuma goes, the more Rocky starts to disappear. "Hey! Wait up!" Zuma said as he tries to keep up with Rocky. Rocky then soon faded away slowly, until he was completely gone. Zuma was now all alone in the forest, scared. He sat down with his head down, scared and thinking on where Rocky went. Soon he got tired and fell asleep deep inside the forest.

Morning arrived and all of the pups back at the lookout woke up. Chase decided to go check on Zuma to see if he's okay, when he realized that Zuma isn't in his pup house. "Hey, where did Zuma go?" Chase said in confusion. He then told the other pups that Zuma is gone and decided to go look for him. Skye went inside the lookout to tell Ryder that Zuma is missing. Ryder then tried to contact Zuma through his pup pad, but Zuma was unreachable due to Zuma's unstable signal. "I guess we need to look for him" Ryder said as he called the pups through his pup pad. "Paw Patrol to the Lookout!" "Ryder needs us!" The pups then went inside the lookout and went inside the elevator, but Marshall accidently tripped over and bumped on the pups. "Well that was quite a trip, isn't it" Marshall said jokingly and the pups laughed at Marshall's joke. They went up the elevator, had their uniforms and pup packs on, and jumped out of the elevator into their positions as they arrive. "Paw Patrol Ready for Action Ryder Sir!" Chase said and Ryder then discussed about what they'll do to find Zuma. "All Right! Paw Patrol is on a Roll!" Ryder said slide down the pole and got on to his ATV. All of the pups then went down the slide and in to their vehicles.

Meanwhile with Zuma, he woke up from the light from the sun. He yawned, stretched his legs and arms and got up. "Why was I here again?" Zuma asked himself and tried to remember what happened. "Oh yeah, heh heh" Zuma then frowned and tries to find his way out from the forest.

The search has begun, Chase tries to find Zuma within the property of Adventure Bay, Marshall in Yumi's Farm, Rubble in Jake's Mountain, and Skye in the sky above the forest floor. After some time, Skye found Zuma walking like he was trying to find his way out. "Ryder, I found Zuma in the forest" Skye said to Ryder through her pup tag. A few moments later, Ryder and the other pups found Zuma. "Zuma!" Ryder said in relief. Zuma turned around to see Ryder and the pups. "Hey Ryder! Y-you were looking for me?" Zuma asked him. "Yeah" Ryder replied. "We found out that you weren't in your pup house, where did you went off last night?" He asked. "Um..." Zuma said trying not to tell him what really happened. "I..."
