Chapter 26: Kayla!

I looked over at Kayla's hospital bed as the nurses kept asking her questions all at once. "Let her speak!" shouted one nurse, smarter then all the others.

Kayla spoke up and said, "I'd like some water and my guitar." a nurse left while the others checked the machines. "Jane, I don't like him by the way. Lewis, hi! Dad, one: can I have my guitar? Two: Nice performance last month." I was surprised and happy. "What?" Kayla asked as if she didn't just wake up from a coma. Everyone looked at her with wondrous eyes.

"You've been in a coma for a month." Lewis said.

"That's nothing, you should ask my dear twin what she did in the last 28 days." I immediately blushed thinking back to the first kiss.

:Jane, what did you do?!" Lewis practically yelled at me. I glared at Kayla- who smiled like she did nothing wrong.

"I'll tell you the rest tomorrow." Kayla grabbed her guitar and played a few notes. Kayla took  a sip of water and placed it back only to find two slips of paper.

"We're moving to Bristol?!" she asked. Rythian nodded while I jumped for joy. That was when the doctor poked her head into the room.

"Hi Kayla. how are you doing?" Kayla shrugged.

"Can't complain." she told her.

"Well, I'm Dr.-" 

"Dr. Warren, I know who you are. You were the one talking to Dad about me being in a coma." Kayla shook Dr. Warren's hand as Rythian laughed.

"Well you seem find but we'll have to keep you overnight for observation." the doctor looked down at her clipboard.

"Fair enough." Rythian replied.

 The Next Day: Back At The Hospital

The nurses were working to detach Kayla from the machines while Lewis was begging Kayla to tell him about what happen. "If you must know, Jane kissed Cal." my face turned into a bright shade of red while Rythian chuckled.

Lewis face palmed. "You dad is going to kill me." I crossed my arms, willing to stand up fro myself.

"He kissed me first." I declared.

Kayla picked up her neatly folded clothes. "Are you denying that you kissed him back?" she laughed at my glare. She entered the bathroom to put on the clothes her father brought her.

Kayla and I were walking down to the waiting room. "You big fat tattle tail face!" I said as we entered the waiting room She smirked at something as I stood with my hands on my hips facing her. Kayla turned me around and I blushed at the sight of my boyfriend.

Kayla cleared her throat and cal looked up at me. He walked over to us as I was still blushing. "Hi Jane. And... Jane am I seeing doubles?" he looked at Kayla and I. 

We both stood still not saying a word in an act to creep him out. I couldn't take it any longer and burst into laughter. Kayla shook her head. "This is my twin, Kayla." I explained.

Kayla and Cal shook hands. "Hi, I'm-"

"Yeah, I know who you are, Cal." The sourness was obvious in her tone of voice. Cal seemed to have tons of questions as he looked at me. That was when Lewis and Rythian came storming in with arms full of Kayla's stuff.

"Cal." Kayla nodded as she dragged me away.

"What the bloody hell was that?!" I yelled as Kayla ignored me. We got in Rythians car and drove off.

I wonder why Cal's in Sweden. Isn't he suppose to be in Bristol?
