Dreams Do Come True

Remember how I had a dream that I got pregnant? Well...

I guess dreams do come true.

I guess me and Lacey are going to be expecting around the same time. I always wanted to be one of girls that wait a year after being married to have a baby.

I have to tell Rob. But, he has a big game coming up I don't want to distract him. So, I'll wait a few days before I tell him.

Next Day

"Hey, baby girl." Rob comes up to me and wrap my arms around his neck.

"I'm excited that I get to move in." I tell him. I'm also very nervous because it'll be easier for him to find out I'm pregnant.

"I'm excited, too."

"I wonder how Lucas is going adjust? He just got used to Hunter being gone."

"I know I way we can make things easier for Lucas."

"What?" I ask.

"A puppy!"

"A puppy?" I give him a strange look.

"Yeah. It'll be like practice before we have a baby." I need to tell him.

"Speaking about babies....I'm pregnant." I play with the bracelet my mom gave me for my 18th birthday.

"You're pregnant?"


"This is great!" Rob picks me up and spins me around.

"It is?" I'm so happy he's glad. I'd thought he'd be worry and mad. I don't know what I was thinking.

"Yes. I get to be a dad. And you know the best thing?" He lifts up my chin so I can look into his beautiful eyes.


"My kid will have the best mom ever."

"I love you." I tell him.

"I love you,too." He tells me. "Now we need to get your stuff out of your apartment and to my house."

We go inside and of course being the gentlemen he is, Rob takes everything for me.

Once we're in his truck I ask him, "What about that puppy you mention?"

"We'll look tomorrow." He says.

"Okay," I say and kiss him on the cheek.

We pull into his, I mean our house.

We get the boxes unloaded one by one. Once we get all the boxes inside we fall onto the couch. He puts the TV on to sports and I fall asleep on his lap.

I Love Rob Gronkowski

(Ooo, something really big just happened!

I've come up with idea to whoever comments the funniest joke, I'll give one of their stories and them a shoutout  in the next chapter. And this will continue throughout the story.

Love all of you guys who keep reading and voting!)
