The following morning was not nearly as pleasant. I was sleeping blissfully in my bed. The night before exhausted me in the best way. I could've been dreaming about Bianca. I don't remember. Either way, the peace didn't last long enough.

My phone started ringing at four am. My eyes snapped open. My gut said it was too important to miss. And my gut was right. I grabbed the phone and put it to my ear.


"Barry, I need you to help me. This isn't about The Streak." her voice was tense and serious. I could hear yelling in the background on her end of the phone. With how early it was in the morning, she must've gone back to the police station right after our date. I sat up and cleared my throat.

"W-Why? What's going on? J-Just explain everything to me. I'm sure everything will be al--" I was trying to comfort her. But as I already should've known, Bianca Kingsley was never a woman in need of comfort. Or at least, she never wanted to be.

"There's a shooting happening. I'd call 911, but we are 911. I need you to get backup. Use the radio you have to call out to the police on patrol." she firmly instructed me.

"Okay, okay. I got it. But...just in case...Bianca I--" she hung up on me. I was instantly panicked. She wouldn't hang up if she didn't need to. Going to the CCPD on a normal day was already nerve racking. But me? Going in during a shootout? Sure I wouldn't have to go in. But the idea of actually calling out to the other police officers scared me. They'd figure out that I had a police radio. They'd question me. I wasn't good at keeping secrets and I didn't trust me odds of staying quiet when being interrogated. I'm already afraid of a few things. Those things were bugs, obnoxiously tall people, and guns. How would I manage?

Then I remembered. Barry Allen would be useless. But I didn't have to be Barry Allen. I could be The Streak. The Streak could be her hero. I was now fully alert and focused. I put on my suit and ran as fast as I could. I came into the police station without a second to spare. I immediately heard gun shots, the sound of innocents screaming. I kept my mind trained on Bianca. If I focused on one thing; I wouldn't be scared. A good man once told me to save one at a time. I was starting with her.

"I SAID, EVERYONE FREEZE!" one man shouted. First, I ran around every room. I couldn't find Bianca anywhere. But I did find the men causing a scene. I stopped in front of one of them. I grabbed the barrel of the man's pistol.

"Actually, it's time for you to freeze." I vibrated my vocal chords. The man pulled the trigger. I instantly caught the bullet and redirected it to his foot. It wasn't long before I started to get the hang of this pattern; he shot, I redirected. He threw a punch, I moved into a different direction. It was going fine. I was redirecting bullets and blocking them. I was doing a good job. I was being a hero. There was no need for interruption. Yet, of course, my favorite interruption had to do what she does best : interrupt.

Bianca slowly began to rise. Turns out, she had been under the desk net to me the whole time. My eyes bulged as we made eye contact. Anxious and frustrated, I spoke without changing my voice.

"Bianca, now isn't the time to impress me!"

"You know my name?"

"Shut up! Both of you!" one of the men I was fighting grabbed her neck. I was getting more frustrated. Only I get to do that.

I ripped his hand away from her neck. Somehow, I then threw my fist at his cheek. This was the first time I had ever punched somebody before. But it seemed like I did a good job. The man groaned and held his jaw, allowing me even more time than I needed. I turned to her. I scooped her up into my arms. Now holding her by her back and her legs, I took her to my office. I put her under my desk.

My plan was to lock my office door behind myself and finish saving everyone else. But before that, I decided to grab her cheeks.

"Stay here...or else." I successfully altered my voice this time. I couldn't afford to have her hear my voice again. I allowed her to place a hand on my shoulder.

"...How do you know my name?" for a few moments, we just stared at each other. Then, her being her, she grabbed my mask.

"Show me your face."

"Honey--" I pushed her hands away from my face. She placed her hands on my cheeks again.

"I won't tell anyone, I promise. You just saved my life." her voice seemed sincere. But I knew it wasn't.

"You'll tell me." I laughed, pushing her hands away again. I slowly frowned. It really was one of the saddest moments of my life. All I was trying to do was laugh with her like I always did. All I was doing was playing around, treating her as if she were my close friend in the very least...treating her as if she already knew that I was under the mask.

I got too comfortable.

I looked away. I knew I should've left. People could be dying. I don't know what came over me, but I felt like I couldn't move. I looked to her again.

"Who are you?" once I heard her voice again, I started panicking. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't leave her. I was shaking. I wanted to run. I needed to run. I felt physically unable to leave her. She leaned in towards me. "What are you so afraid of?" I avoided eye contact with her. I felt like I was being possessed.

"You'll kill me."

"Who told you I was going to do that?"

"You." she raised a eyebrow. When I looked to her, she gasped. I could see it in her face. My secret was no longer a secret. "I should've known. I shouldn't have let you—I—"

I grabbed her face again and slammed my lips against hers. I didn't know what else to do. Underneath that desk, we were safe from the world. We were safe from the lies we both told each other, how the world would see 'The Streak'. That was definitely a moment I'm not gonna forget. Even if I ever want to.

She kissed me again. I kissed her back. She pulled away, I kissed her again until she pulled away.

"I'm sorr--" she ripped off my mask. She threw it on the ground. I was completely still again. She shook her head and looked away. "W-We could work this out. We could—" I stuttered. I tried to move towards her. She put her hand on my chest and pushed me away.

"You escape this time. We never speak again." she wouldn't look me in the eye.

I didn't want to not talk about it again. I wanted to question her.

Yet, I ran.
