
Opening your eyes was quite the scare for you.

Oh, how horrible it would be if you found yourself waking up next to a handsome man who happened to be your husband and also does not love you whatsoever but is extremely rich and is putting a roof over your head? You sniffed in distaste. You weren't one for gold diggers. Money was never a big problem for you. You were poor, but you've got enough to get by. Loneliness and the lack of intimacy were the main issues! Not that you would outrightly acknowledge it, though.

The room you woke up in was different than the previous one. It was just as big as Minho's bedroom but it had a more natural tone than Minho's royal-like room. Holding your palm to your forehead, you winced in shock at the bumpy surface on your skin. You did remember tripping and falling head-on against the clothing rack but you did not think it would create that much damage. All you thought would happen was a small red spot and eternal suffering of you acknowledging how stupidly clumsy you were.

Aside from that, at least you gained a little information about yourself: you trip easy, you faint easy, and you scar easy. It was unlike your regular body; your threshold for pain and fatigue was high due to constant working, and you definitely did not use to trip on solid ground. Being teleported here has turned your body into a typical romantic drama protagonist.

Your feet touched the cold tiles. Surprisingly, there were no fluffy slippers for your them to slip into. You got out of your bed and immediately went out to the hall in hopes to search for someone. There has got to be a soul working in this mansion. You could not have possibly smeared vaseline on your forehead and tucked yourself back into bed in a state of unconsciousness.

The atmosphere was eerie as you made your way down the hall. The sound of your bare feet tapping against the carpet could be heard in this quiet house and for once, you thought perhaps having such a giant home was not the best idea in the world. It has got you missing your small and cozy apartment where most things were within reach and sight. If only it didn't take half of your pay check every month.

"Oh, I see you've woken up!"

You flinched at the sudden voice, albeit it being very gentle and harmless. Turning around, you found a middle-aged lady dressed in casual clothes holding a basket of crumpled up laundry. Not wanting to act too suspicious and out of character, you gave her a small smile as you accessed her figure as quickly as you could.

She was not wearing one of those maid costumes, which was not surprising. You wouldn't say you want to see an old lady in one either despite hoping to see an actual maid in a rich household just to experience that drama dream you've got stored in your head. But looking at the laundry basket she was holding, you were pretty sure she was only here to do the chores and she would leave once the day gets darker.

"Um... yeah, I have," you replied to her as your hand reached out to softly touch the nasty bump on your forehead. You grimaced a little at the texture before you looked back at the lady, "Uh, is–is dinner ready?"

She nodded her head with a faint laugh, happy to know you haven't lost your perception of time yet. Nudging her head to the end of the hallway, she said, "Mr.Lee went and bought home some takeout from your favorite restaurant after he got off work. They are in the kitchen if you are feeling hungry."

You arched your brows pleasantly. Alright, that was very nice of him. Considering you weren't holding any grudges against him yet, he did that our of sheer kindness, or responsibility—it didn't matter. Free food is free food. You would thank him if you see him later but honestly, that would hugely depend on your mood and how he acts when you do see each other again, which you knew you would.

"Okay. Thank you very much." You nodded at her with gratitude, mirroring her hushed voice. "Ah, and thanks for fixing my head and tucking me to bed."

"Of course, it is what I'm supposed to do." She smiled. Your surprised look—from mistaking that she was the person who brought you back to bed—did not go unnoticed. Immediately, she added,"But Mr.Lee was the one who brought you back to your bed. That was not me."

You blinked at her in bewilderment. The inside of your chest fluttered just a little at the idea of someone hoisting you up bridal-style and putting you back to bed. It didn't cross your mind once that he might have laid you on his back instead. You were dramatizing the experience. You had to because Minho did not seem like the type to fit under the romantic category. His face? Definitely. His personality? No.

Nonetheless, you were flustered at the idea of it. It was the first time someone has held you up like that since your father years and years ago.

"O–oh, that is–" you cleared your throat and your mind, then you looked up at the lady with a smile–"um, is he home? I want to go thank him."

"He is," she nodded, "I believe he is just in his office room."

Great. Location unlocked! All that remained would be how to get there.

"Thank you. I will just get going now." You bowed slightly before you quickly spun on your heels and left the hallway.

After some more trials of opening doors that lead you to empty bathrooms and empty guest bedrooms, you were starting to hate this house more and more. At this point, you wouldn't get a big home even if you've got all the money in the world. The hatred and annoyance have rooted too deep in your brain, you have automatically crossed your castle dreams off the bucket list.

Your feet tapped quickly against the carpet so your legs could take you down the hall and to the next doors quickly. Letting out a frustrated groan, you grabbed the door handle as soon as a new door was in reach and you twisted it open to reveal a rather embarrassing sight of Minho and a girl being all over him near the edge of his desk.

You couldn't decipher whether this position was reciprocal. It was amazing that your brain could even function logically enough to think that perhaps Minho didn't want to be stuck in this position considering how awkward the view was. You forgot for a moment you were looking at this from a spouse's perspective, and panic surfaced when you dodged the girl's annoyed eyes and instead looked straight into Minho's shocked ones.

Your jaw dropped open slowly at the sight in front of you as if you were just looking at it for the first time. You were finally processing it, though. Then, for some stupid reason, you reached your hands up to your face and quickly smacked the heel of your palm to your eyes. Your back arched at the impact and you started wailing in (fake, but debatably genuine) pain. You disliked couples, also you thought it was funny to act out of the role you were destined to be: a wailing woman.

The real dilemma here was if you wanted to confront them or act as if you haven't seen anything.

Unfortunately, confronting them may lose your status as Minho's spouse, thus the roof over your head and the trust funds. It would be immensely entertaining to confront them, but you needed to keep everything else in mind. For now, pretending you didn't see anything was the best response.

Minho and the girl were startled out their minds at your peculiar response. Minho's instincts told him to stand up straight and approach you to check and see if the fall this morning was more serious than he assumed it to be. But before he could listen to his heart, your incoherent wailing started to turn into audible words.

"Oh! My eyes! I can't feel my eyes! I can't see!" You let your hands go free around the air and kept your eyes shut tightly to act blind. Your spun your torso about, almost dancing to a rhythm of a trot song, and your arms flailed closely beside your figure to avoid hitting the door frame. "I have not seen a thing! I've gone blind!"

His lips quirked up in amusement, but the amusement was quickly diminished when the girl who just recently tried to lure him into a deceptive make-out session spoke.

"What the hell is your problem?" she asked out loud, possibly glaring at you but you could not see (because your eyes were closed, not because you've actually gone blind. You've got me fooled!), nor do you care.

However, you did almost let a gasp past your lips because good lord, the audacity of this woman! Did she see no problem in seducing a married man? An unhappily married man but a married, ring on the finger, contract signed, vowed spoken man nonetheless! Does 'through sickness and health' mean nothing to people anymore?

As much as you didn't care for Minho, the concept of adultery is and will always be preposterous! You were thinking in big words just so you could emphasis how much you hate the act of cheating!

"It seems like somebody is being unfaithful and I am trying to make sure I don't make a memory of it," you replied calmly with your eyes still shut and your body turned at the wrong person. It was hard to take you seriously. When there was only silence, you muttered to yourself, "God, I hope amnesia happens when I leave this world. This is not a good sight to remember for them."

Minho furrowed his eyebrows at you after your answer. Surely, you wouldn't accuse him of cheating? You barged in at the wrong time. You didn't even try to understand the situation from his perspective. His arms were crossed in front of his chest to create a more dominant stance before he commanded, "[Name], open your eyes."

"Did you not hear what I said–ah, you probably didn't because I muttered." You sniffed the tense air before you shook your head. "No. I am trying not to make a memory of this."

"[Name], I said open your eyes," Minho repeated louder once again. He marched over to you and, impulsively, gripped a stronghold of your chin to tilt your head up. "I said look at me!"

You snapped your eyes open at the forceful tug, a strangled noise bursting from your throat at his violent action. You weren't scared, no, not at all. You were angry, annoyed, and actively seeking retaliation you would't have engaged in back where you came from.

Your hand reached out to grip his wrist and you squeezed tightly until Minho showed a sign of discomfort on his face. A smile almost crept their way to your face; all those years carrying bags of groceries with your mom while walking home was worth it! But the matter at hand called for a more serious demeanour. This experience concerned not just yourself but whoever was once in your place. The aftermath of your choices would change their life, and your call was to stand up for them.

Your brows furrowed and your eyes flashed with cruel disbelief as you glared at him. Shoving his hand away from you, you croaked out, "How dare you treat them like this?"

Minho looked confused. Them? What did you mean? Who were you referring to? Before he could open his mouth to ask, you took a step back and glared pointedly at him. There were droplets in your eyes that you were unable to hide completely. Nobody has ever treated you this roughly before, but you weren't upset. Those were frustrated waters. The more visible part of your hooded eyes wore a deep-seated contempt that Minho has never seen from you before.

You felt like a completely different person to him.

"I can't believe they love you," you sneered. "How could anyone ever love you like this?"

Like a bullet, your words pierced through him, hitting bull's eye on his board of insecurities. He was rendered speechless at your words. All he could do was cast his gaze down at the floor and think about them. You, taking the silence as an opportunity, glanced back at the girl who stood quietly behind Minho. She didn't quite return your gaze, possibly shocked to hear such harsh and defensive words coming out of your mouth. Not once did you consider how she was feeling. She was practically invisible until her appeared in your sight.

You rolled your eyes before you turned and left the room. All thoughts to thank him earlier vanishing in thin air, and it would take quite the journey before they come back to you.
