
It was the first day of school. Liam had to go but he didn't want to leave Theo's side he didn't knew why but he just didn't. When Theo woke up.
"Good morning L"
"Hey Good morning Theo"
"I think it's time for you to get to
"I don't want to"
"Get up come on"
"Ugh okay"
"I will drive you okay"
Liam got up took his backpack and got down took a apple and went to the car with Theo.(hey i don't know how school works in America I will do my best)
Theo and Liam had arrived at the school Liam was late.As he was rushing to leave the car he kissed Theo and told him "bye love you" and run to class. Theo just stood there not knowing what just happened and he was thinking what did just Liam did HE KISSED ME WHAT WHY DID LIKED IT WHY DIDNT I HOLD ON AM I GAY OR SOMETHING MAYBE BUT LIAM JUST KISSED ME okay I have to calm down.Theo left the school and was going back to the house still in shock was Liam just playing with him or he did really.....
Liam's POV
I got out of the car and run to my class I was late and when I got there I sat down and I was relieved that the class hadn't started yet and then it hit I KISSED THEO I KISSED HIM why did I do that I don't like boys but I like Theo no no I am straight who am I kidding I like Theo like like a lot. BUT WHY DID I KISSED HIM.The ring bells and he all got out of the class I see Mason I wanted to tell about what happened "Mason Mason" I yelled "Heyy Liam"Mason smiled"I have to tell you something important" I said "what happened"
"ikissedtheoandithinkiliketheoalot"I said to fast "You did what I didn't hear you"Mason said confused "I kissed Theo and I think I like him a lot"I said this time a little slower "YOU DID WHAT"Mason said with excitement "I kissed him"I said looking down "Details now"Mason demanded "well he drove me to school and I was in a hurry and as I got out I kissed him and said bye love you" I said playing with my hands "I KNEW IT CAREY OWNS ME 30 BUCKS"Mason said "For what" I said confused
"He said that Theo will make the first move and I said it will be you and I WON"Mason said "Congratulations but what do I do now"o asked him "Be with Theo"Mason said "I don't think he likes me that way"I said with a sad face " "Yeah sure baby wolf" Mason said with sarcasm "oh please don't think so"I said "okay pretend nothing happened what see what he is gone do"Mason said "I will what would I do without you" I said "Nothing or be dead"Mason answered and then Corey walked in "Heu guys what's up"Corey asked "Liam KISSED Theo my 30 bucks please" Mason said "Fuck I thought that Theo would do it" the bell rang again the rest of the school day was boring the only think I could think is what Theo is doing right now or Why is he so hot or Why does he have to call me these nicknames or How do I tell him that I like him more that I am falling It was my last call so I decided to text Theo to pick me up

Hey Theo can you pick me up around 3:30
I am going to class So bye I will be waiting in the parking lot
Okay see you baby wolf

I didn't see that Theo texted me cause I was in class the bell was was about to ring I been waiting for this moment for 6 hours and after a couple minutes it did I was about to go to the parking lot when I felt someone touching me I was hoping it was Theo but I was Hayden
(Liam ,Hayden)
" What do you want"
"I want you Liam"
"Can't you leave me alone"
"But I thought you love me"
" look Hayden I loved you now I love someone else "
"Is she prettier that me"
"He is adorable"
"You are not gay you love girl love me"
"But I am and I don't love you bye"

I managed to escape from Hayden i got to the parking lot but I didn't see Theo so I decided to
check my phone if he was gone pick me up or just leave to walk home.I opened the message that he send me he called me again baby wolf that made blush and then Theo showed up in his truck "Hey looking for me"He said he had the most beautiful voice
Theo's POV
I was a little late so I got to the school as fast as I could I was still thinking about the morning I saw Liam "Hey looking for me"I said "Yeah take me home plz"he said like a little girl "You lost little girl" I laughed "oh shut it Reaken" he said. "So what happened and why are angry" I could smell the anger on him but there was something else I could not figure it out "Well Hayden stopped me and started her craziness again she told loved her and I told I don't I love someone else and she asked if she was prettier that her and I said he is adorable and she told me I can't like guys and i left"he finished and looked down "What girl doesn't give up"I said I was in a little shock "yeah she doesn't"He said with anger "so who is that mysterious guys you?" I said hoping it was me no hoping begging that it was me "I can't tell" Liam smiled
We arrived at the Liam got out of the car at was running to the house he got in I was right behind him. He just jump on the couch and fall immediately at asleep.
Liam's POV
When we got home I run to the couch and jump on it I fell asleep so easily next thing I know I was covered with blankets but still in couch it was so comfy I didn't want to get up but I wanted water so I thought why don't I call Theo who was in the kitchen
"what now"
"Can you bring me water"
"Go get it yourself I'm bored"
" Please I will do anything"
"Anything huh"
"Yeah just bring me water"
"There you go"
It's been 30 minutes since he bring me water I was bored so I got up and walked to Theo and asked him "Hey do you want to do something" "I have something in mind"he said as he stepped closer to me he was too close to me we were face to face literally "And what is that"I smiled and turned a little pink from how close he was "Well"he grabs me waist and pulled me more close he puts his lips on mine I didn't realized that he was kissing me when I did I kissed back he pulled me away "Why did you stop"I asked worried that I did something "Are you sure you want to continue kissing you"he asked what a gentleman "just shut up and kiss me" he pinned me in the wall and started kiss me it's was amazing I felt like I was in heaven
I made him fall to the floor so I could get on top of him and I stated kissing him again he pulled away and said "Well Baby wolf two can play this game"he rolled me over now he was on top of me he puts my hand up and holding them with his he started kiss my neck it felt so good but then someone knocked on the door.
