All The Stories Are True

Zoe's p.o.v

I woke up to my alarm. Great, I actually have to get up and go to school. I'm so tired and it's not like I actually need a mundane education but I guess I have to act like I'm one of them. Luckily, i only have 2 years left. But I still can't stop thinking about what happened yesterday, I dragged myself out of bed and over to my wardrobe. I picked out some black skinny jeans and my "I don't bite" top then I grabbed my black leather jacket and went to get ready.

Once I was ready, I put my hair in a high ponytail before finding my daggers to hide in my boots.When I was completely ready, I grabbed my phone and went out the door not forgetting to double lock it. You never know who might try to break in. Just as I left the apartments I got a message from my closest friend, Jackson. He's a downworlder, werewolf to be exact, but nobody knows apart from me and its the same with me being a Shadow hunter only he knows, I cant risk The Clave finding out I'm still alive. I slowly walked to school as there was no rush seems as it was only five minutes away. But as I walked forward I felt people's presences behind me but when I turned there was no one which only meant one thing - it was either a demon or a Shadow Hunter. I tried to ignore the feeling in my stomach as I reached the school gate where Jackson was waiting for me.

Jackson's p.o.v

I saw Zoe walking up too the gate were I was waiting. She seemed really deep in thought. I walked up towards her. She smiled at me as I approached but it wasn't a genuine one. It was one she used when she was thinking but trying to act 'normal' at the same time. I asked her what was on her mind but she straight away shut me out saying that she would tell me later. So I left it at that, I have learnt over the years not to push Zoe into talking. It doesn't work, it just pisses her off. We started walking back through the gates into school whilst joking about what I was going to wear on the day of her Birthday which is coming up soon. It seemed to lighten up her mood. Just as we entered school the bell went telling us to go to registration.

Lucky, me and Zoe are in the same form.

*Time Skip*

After 4 hours of boring old lessons, it was lunch. So me and Zoe went behind the school were no one would be. Then she told me everything that happened yesterday. I didn't know what to say, I knew nothing could really ease her mind so I just hugged her. I wouldn't let "them" come back in her life and ruin the new life she has worked so hard to build.

To try and cheer her up a bit, I started talking about her birthday. Shes gonna be 17, we gotta celebrate. I tried to persuade her to let me throw her a party but it didn't work. Just as I was about to tell her the other idea's that I was thinking about the bell rang. Wow, what a way to stop a guy in his tracks. Convenient much... I can't believe we have been talking for an hour.

Luckily, we only have one lesson left so I could talk to her more after school. Its Tuesday therefore it's our TV show marathon night. It did happened to be Games last for Zoe which was good  as its Zoe's favorite subject. I think she likes it cause its like extra training for her but lets just hope it keeps her mind off of them stupid Nephilim.

She's lived on her own since she was 8 because of them and I really don't want them to find her because they will make her go to the institute which I will not allow that place holds to many bad memories.

Zoe's p.o.v

The day slowly went by. It was finally lunch which meant I could talk to Jackson about yesterday. But I still couldn't budge the feeling that I was being watched.

Me and Jackson went behind the school because no one ever goes there. Once we were there and sitting on the ground. I told him everything. He looked so shocked all he  could do was hug me and say that he would do what ever it takes to help me which i thought was kind but at the same time made me think that he has spent way to much time with all these mundane's.

After that he started talking about my birthday. Here we go... He want to throw me a party but I'm refusing. I don't like being round a load of people. He then went quit, he most be trying to think of more idea's. I really didn't want a big fuss, its only my 17. Just then the bell went which meant I had Games. That's good though because I love Games its basically more training for me. As I walked to the girls changing rooms to get ready for Games the feeling of people following me got stronger. But I just tried to forget about it. It's probably nothing, just me over reaching.

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Hey, hope you like it. I would like to thank Coldbloodedother because she is amazing. If you don't follow her  then go look up her account its awesome. And her mortal instruments story is one of the best I've read.
