
Two years later

Luke's pov

We laid underneath the stars together, her head resting on top of my chest. We enjoyed the beautiful sky in silence, comfortable silence. She popped her head off of my chest and looked at me.

"Luke?" She asked.

"Yes, Sierra?" I answered.

"I have a serious question." She said.

"What's up?" I slowly sat up, and so does she.

"Listen, I really love this, and I really enjoy you, but it all doesn't feel... special." She explains, a frown appearing on her face.

"Wait, what do you mean it doesn't feel special?" I questioned.

"Well, it feels like we're just going out as friends, and not boyfriend and girlfriend. We've been 'dating' for almost five months, and you never asked me to be your girlfriend." I could see the pain in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Sierra. It's just that-"

"Yeah, I know. You have commitment issues from your last relationship. You know what, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought that up. That was really stupid and insensitive of me." Sierra explained.

I put my head down in shame. I thought that waiting would make things better, but it's just making things worse.

"Look, Luke, I really like you. I like you a lot, and I will never treat you the way She did. I'm not trying to rush you." Sierra explains.

She pulls me close to her, resting her head on top of mine. I really do like this girl, and I can't ruin this relationship. I can't let her get away. She's done so much for me, and she's been waiting so patiently for me. We met last year at a party that Crystal, Michael's girlfriend, brought us to. I remember everything about that night. I remember the conversation we had, the food we ate, and the songs we listened to. She wowed me with how intelligent she was. She taught me things that I never knew about, but it could be the fact that she graduated college, and I didn't even go to college. I never saw her after that party. I meant to give her my number, but she left before I could. It wasn't until the beginning of this year when I met up with her again. We started hanging out more and more, and eventually I started taking her out on dates. I never officially asked her to be my girlfriend because I'm scared to rush things. Sierra is the first girl I dated after Ally.

"I'll make it up to you, trust me." I gently grabbed her face.

She smiles and kisses my forehead. I wanted to kiss her lips, but I didn't. I never kissed her lips yet. I want to so bad, but I'm scared that would be rushing things.

"Well, it's getting really late, I think I should head home." Sierra said.

"Wait, can we stay out for five more minutes?" I asked.

"Sure, Luke." She smiled, snuggling up against me.

I smile as we get into the same position we were before, her head resting on my chest and my arm around her. I will make things up to her. She will be my girlfriend, and this relationship will last.
