Chapter 3

For ten minutes, JJ leads Victoria to the FBI's place. Once they arrive, Victoria seems a bit down and worried.

"Em, do you hear me?" She asks and JJ nods. "Great, do you have news of your car?"

"Tell her we have them." Emily informs JJ.

"All good, they have them." JJ says.

"All of them?" Victoria reflects. "Ask Garcia to send me the pictures and a plan of your building."

"Is something wrong?" JJ puts her hand on Victoria's hand feeling a slight tingle in her stomach.

"It's too easy." Victoria tries to relax. "And easy is not something I know."

"Garcia says it's done." JJ says.

Victoria looks at her phone and breathes out.

"They are all here." The brunette confirms. "We should hurry."

"You are kind of scaring me..." JJ admits. "I rather see you all confident and cocky."

"I am not cocky." Victoria smirks.

"Sure, look at your face right now." JJ chuckles.

"It looks perfectly fine to me, don't you think?" The brunette flirts looking into JJ's eyes.

JJ doesn't answer but seems frozen for a second. Victoria chuckles making her move again and she decides to hide her blush by escaping the car. JJ waits for Victoria to join her. The brunette does so but seems not as comfortable as before.

"As for now, you follow me and don't do anything stupid, okay?" Victoria becomes suddenly overprotective and puts her arm around JJ's waist.

"Is..." JJ starts her sentence, but Victoria cut her microphone first. "Why did you do that?"

"They might be listening to us." Victoria whispers.

"They are my team, of course they are listening." JJ frowns.

"Not them, JJ." Victoria speeds up and enters the building leading JJ to the stairs. "Which floor?"

"Eighth." JJ mumbles.

"I need you to go there, warn Emily, tell her exactly this. "Bianchi, 2512, Turin". This order, nothing else, okay?" Victoria calmly says. "I'll be on the roof, probably dying."

"What? No, I don't let you alone right now." JJ refuses holding on the girl's arm.

"Don't be so upset, love." Victoria smiles a bit. "I'll be fine."

"You don't seem like it." Jennifer worriedly tries to read the other girl's face.

"If you stay, we'll be two dead people tonight, if you go, he'll be the only one." The brunette looks deep into the blonde girl's eyes holding both sides of her face gently. "Trust me, please."

"Fine, try not to die, Emily will be devastated." JJ warns Victoria.

"I know..."

The girls go upstairs and once they reach the sixth floor, they hear a man yelling and shouting at the first floor. Victoria commands JJ to hurry up and to give her the earpiece. JJ obeys and leaves Victoria alone.

After a few floors, Victoria hears Emily in her earpiece.

"Tori, listen to me, it will not happen again, I am here, I promise you'll be alive." Emily calmly says.

"I trust you, Em, that's why I am here, right?" Victoria whispers. "He'll be alone, you've got all of his guys, except Brad who is shooting at the first floor. Send your men there. Come on the roof."

"Will do, lil sist'." Emily's voice breaks a bit. "I love you; you know?"

"The feeling is mutual." Victoria reciprocates.

"You and your stupid lack of love expressions." Emily chuckles a bit.

"I've been raised well." Victoria chuckles back.

"I hear you talking, Victoria." A man voice echoes. "I know you're heading to the roof, just like your damn father."

"Go fuck yourself, old man." Victoria yells back.

The man starts to run making the girl sprints as well. Once she arrives to the roof, Victoria praises to find a nice spot to hide but nothing seems to make it easy. She turns and smirks seeing a little roof upon the main roof. She jumps on it and hide behind the small wall. Thirty seconds later, the door is broken down by a tall and muscular man.

"You can't hide from me, little girl." Sergio Bianchi chuckles madly. "Even your mother wasn't that a coward. She faced death right in the eyes. She knew what she did, and she was ready to die for it. Your dad could never pull the trigger on her head, I did it with the greatest pleasure."

Victoria is trying hard to hold back her tears remembering every single second of her mother's death.

"Which death did you like watching the most? Your mother? Your girlfriend? Or that poor little Virginia?" Sergio continues getting seriously on Victoria's nerves. "Come on, Vic, didn't you like seeing her little head exploding in your face? Too slow to save her from the deadly end I reserved her."

"Shut the fuck up, you, son of a bitch." Victoria stops hiding and jumps on the man's back taking him by surprise.

A heavy fight starts between the two, Sergio is stronger due to his body type, but Victoria is so much faster and so angry that she has the upper hand on the older man. Sergio has to let his gun fall on the ground to be able to compete with his niece.

"He taught you how to fight, I see." Sergio smirks. "You've always been his favorite, no matter how helpful I was, I had no chance against you. He didn't believe me when I told him you were just like your mother, helping feds and betraying him."

"I've never betrayed him. I would never do that to him." Victoria hits the man in the face and runs to hide.

"Oh, really? What about your little girlfriend, then? Not the pretty blonde from tonight, the other one, the one I've killed in London two months ago."

"Eva? She wasn't even my girlfriend." Victoria chuckles madly. "As always you don't understand shit! Eva was in London because she wanted to warn us against the Napoli gang coming after us. Dad dealt with it and won. But where were you, huh? Where were you when I had to kill fifty men alone because we've been outnumbered because of you thinking we were betraying the family. Where were you?!"

"I was planning my revenge on your father. And it's about to happen right now. Stop hiding and fight like a woman. You had great examples growing up, I want to see that now." Sergio commands while picking up his gun. "Remember that Lauren girl who used to hang out with us, she was a fed, your mom, she was a fed, your little girlfriend, a fed, her daughter, a fed, oh no this was just pure pleasure."

"You piece of shit." Victoria runs to the man and tackles him hard before he can even shoot making him hit his head on the concrete. "Don't you dare talking about Virginia or even Lauren. You're just a monster, a fucking monster."

Victoria keeps on hitting the man in the face insulting him and crying at the same time. Emily finally runs to her, preventing her from destroying the face of the now dead man.

"He's dead, Tori, he's dead." Emily hugs the younger girl tightly. "It's over."

"He killed them in front of me, Em, it'll never be over." Victoria cries harder. "First mom, then Eva and Virginia, she was so young... so young."

Emily keeps on comforting her friend rocking slowly from side to side. The BAU team arrives on the roof after having secured the hotel. They are all shocked looking the man lying on the ground, his face completely covered in blood.

"She is not one to mess up with..." Luke comments.

"Hard life for a twenty-five-year-old girl..." Tara sighs. "She'll never have a normal life."

They all leave the roof except JJ who stands here looking at Emily and Victoria. Something breaks in her at the sight, so much pain and angriness can be read on the face of the younger girl. It has nothing to do with the confidence and the beauty JJ could have admired before.

"You'll have time to talk to her after." Spencer friendly taps JJ's shoulder. "I have the feeling she is not going to leave us this soon."

"Same feeling here." JJ smiles sadly. "She might be a great plus one after all."

"You like her." Spencer smirks.

"Not at all." JJ defends. "And stop smirking like that."

"Of course, JJ, whatever you say."
