3rd person's POV

Seohyun can't utter a word. She just feel her world slowly collapsing as her tears starts to pour down. She don't know what to say, she don't know what to do, she don't know what to think. It just hurt so so much.

"Baby-" she cuts Jungeun off

"Leave." she needs some time alone


"Please leave" Seohyun's voice cracked as she burst into tears.

"Darling, we wil-"

"LEAVE!" Seohyun yelled, that make Jungeun and Jinsoul back away a bit. Maybe their child really need some time alone.

"I-I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to s-shout" Seohyun apologized and wipe her tears hastily.

"It's okay, baby" Jinsoul gave her a comforting smile and caress her head.

"We'll be just outside, okay?"

Seohyun nods

"We love you, Seohyun-ah" Jungeun pecked her forehead before heading outside together with the others.

Eunjin stood there, looking at her big sister. She slowly went to her and hugged Seohyun. She always acts like a tsundere when it comes to her but this time, she won't be like that.

"Unnie... I love you. I'm just here for you... Always" Eunjin kissed her cheek and smile at her.

"Thank you, Eun"

Eunjin smiled and move the curtain separating Hyunhee and Seohyun's bed due to her sister's request before getting out of the room.

Seohyun can hear Hyunhee's voice from the other side of the room. The older is apologizing to her.

All she can do is cry. She's so weak. And she hates it. She can't even move her upper body because it hurts so damn much.

She shut her eyes tightly and bit her lip.

Her dreams crumbled into pieces in a span of a second. After those years of training...

Outside the room, there's Jungeun who's peeking inside through the glass window of the door. It's a heartbreaking scene to her. Her child crying alone. She wants to be by her side so bad but Seohyun wants to be alone.

"WAE?! WAE?! WAE?!" they heard Seohyun's muffled shout and Jungeun broke down to tears.

"Ryu, is there really no hope for Seohyunnie?" Jinsoul asked

"There's still a hope, unnie. But it takes time to recover. Seohyun have to take countless therapies and undergo medications... Time can only tell if she can swim again" Ryujin said

"Dammit" Jinsoul cursed

"She'll take therapies, I don't care how many times or how much it cost every session as long as she can swim again" she said while looking seriously at Ryujin.

"I want you to find the best therapist you can find" she added making Ryujin nod.

"I will do my best, unnie"

"Thanks, Ryu" Jinsoul thanked her and went back to Jungeun.


"Seohyun-ah, you need to eat" Jungeun said and caress the girl's cheek.

"I don't feel like eating" Seohyun said coldly

"Baby, you need to eat so you can go back to swimming the soonest"

"Mom, do you think I can still swim at this state??" Seohyun scoffed

"I can't even move my body" she added

"My body is weak. I'm useless now. Useless. "

"Don't say that" Jungeun cup her face

"It's hurting, mommy" her tears fell down to her cheeks and quickly wipe it away.

"Stop thinking like that, okay? Your mommy Soul and I will do everything so you can recover soon"

"What for? I'm hopeless already, mom" Seohyun cries again

"No, no, don't lose hope, okay? You can do it, you will still bring home gold for me, remember?" Jungeun said

Seohyun promised to her that she'll participate in the nationals and bring home gold medal for her.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to fulfill my promise to you, mom"

It was Jungeun's dream to be a professional swimmer and bring home gold medal to her family but due to lack of financial support, she had to give it up.

Seohyun grew to like swimming and she promised to herself to fulfill her mom's dream but now it's almost impossible for her to do.

Jieun couldn't help but to climb up to her unnie's bed and give her a warm hug. She wrapped her arms around her carefully, afraid that she'll hurt her Seohyun-unnie.

"Do you want me to feed you, unnie?" she asked and Seohyun looks at her and smiled.

Jieun sat up and get the bowl of soup from her mommy and starts feeding Seohyun.


"Are you mad at me?" Hyunhee asked, it's already midnight and they were left alone in their room.

"No" Seohyun answered

"I'm sorry" Hyunhee apologized again

"It's not your fault, stop apologizing" Seohyun said

"Are you alright? Does something hurts?" she asked

"I'm fine, my forehead just hurts a little" Hyunhee said

"It's dark... You're scared, right?"


"Come here"

Hyunhee gets out of her bed slowly and carefully and bring the IV pole with her. Seohyun move aside a bit, making a space for Hyunhee.

Hyunhee lay down beside Seohyun and hug the younger carefully.

"It's okay, they injected something to me and make me drink some pain killers earlier" Seohyun said because she noticed that the older is hesitating to hug her tighter.

"I'm really sorry, Seohyun-ah"
