Chapter 5

Finn's P.O.V.

I stared down at my phone as Cody's last message popped up in my notifications.

'I've gotta go:( text me when you get into the venue.

P.s. Be early, and go to the VIP door :)'

I beamed down at my phone before Spencer tapped me on the shoulder, "you should probably go if he wants you there early."

"For god's sake, how many times do I have to say it; don't read my messages!" I said turning around to him.

"Look, just be careful kid. I know you like him and I can also tell he like you but don't get your hopes to high. He's famous and might be a bit of a dick in real life."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. You know I'm not the kind of person to fall in love with a dickhead."

"Anyway, go! You'll miss the show." Spencer said pointing towards the hotel door.

"Thank you, for everything. I'll see you later." I said smiling to him. He just waved and got up to shut the door behind me.

"Have fun! But don't get into too much trouble!" He shouted down the corridor to me as I opened the door to the stairs. I didn't like lifts and besides going down stairs wasn't that difficult, even if I was three stories up.

By the time I reached the venue there was a long line of people queuing up outside the door. I walked along the back of the line searching for the VIP door. It was at the end but luckily had no body lining up. I walked up to the security guard standing next to it with a clipboard. "Hi" I said quietly "I-I'm F-Finley" I could feel the eyes of the other people in the main line's eyes burning into my back. I scratched the back of my hand nervously.

" Finley... Ah, Finley the Amazing it says," "Oh yeah, C-Cody d-doesn't know m-my l-last n-name." I stuttered and stumbled over my words as I began to get more nervous. As the anxiety levels increased I could feel an odd tingling sensation rising up my spine. "It's fine, I put her name down." A familiar voice said from inside. Cody appeared behind the body guard and quickly grabbed my hand pulling me inside. I looked up at him and tried to calm myself down. But it didn't work. Breathing became more difficult as my chest grew tighter. I squeezed Cody's hand as my legs grew weaker hoping he would know what to do. I felt him grab my waist and lower me down to the floor. "Hey, shh. Finn it's me, were safe now okay." Hi voice was the only thing I could hear, I shut my eyes and pictured his face. I heard him start to sing softly and quietly while gently rocking from side to side.

"Bold enough to fall

Flat on my face

But I walk as they crawl

Slowing down

It's such a waste of

Time to let go

Tapping my fingers

To the rhythm of a metronome

Counting opportunities

Take apart

The gravity

That's holding me down

Make a point

To find a resolution

To be my own solution

Is this what it feels like?

Finding out

That I've got the guts

To say anything

Feels like

Breaking out

When I can

Give up my reputation


I can see

Honestly, I've got the guts

To say anything"

By the end of the song my breathing was back to normal and I opened my eyes to see his staring back at me. "What happened?" He asked concern written over his face.

"The other people. They were all looking at me..."

"And do you know what they would have seen?"

"A stupid, fugly and fat bitch walking up to the VIP door just rubbing it in." I said slightly more angrily than anticipated.

"No, they saw a beautiful woman who deserves to be happy. and deserves to have anything she could ever dream of." I just shot him a small smile not really feeling up to arguing. "Oh, you're bleeding!" Cody exclaimed noticing my hand. I looked down and then back at him "so I am." I said bluntly, "honestly its nothing. I always scratch my hand when I feel nervous or uncomfortable."

"c'mon, We have a first aid kit in the green room." he said getting up from the ground.

"Wait, will everyone be in there?"

"Everyone who's playing, yeah"

"Oh my holy Jesus"

"What?" He said standing up "I thought you'd want to meet the guys,"

"well yeah but..."

"but you're nervous about it." he said nodding to my hands which were subconsciously scratching at each other. I quickly put them down to my sides. "Don't worry Finn. If worry's never helping tell me why, why worry at all" He sang the last part smiling as he pulled me to my feet, "I'll be right there next to you, just hit me or something when you get too nervous and I'll take you somewhere quiet." I nodded and started following him down the winding corridors. Cody took my hand and led me to a plain white door. All of the people I look up to the most were sitting behind it. Doing whatever it is that they do.

Before I had time to prepare myself the door was being pushed open by Cody's free hand. He stepped into the room dragging me behind him. "Guys, this is Finn she' friend." Maxx almost choked on his drink when Cody said 'Friend'. Jack and Alex from ATL were sitting on one of the sofas with Rain standing behind hitting the back of it with drum sticks. Patty from As It Is was sat on the other with Zach and Dan. Zack from ATL was doing chin ups on a bar across a door frame. They all looked up at me and smiled saying whatever versions of hello they wished. "Hi," I said quietly looking at the floor.

"No need to be so nervous, were not going to kill you," a familiar voice laughed, I looked up to see Alex Gaskarth standing with his arms out stretched.

"I-I d-don't r-really like h-hugs. H-how 'bout a c-crisp high five?" I said cursing my stutter and releasing my clean hand from Cody's grip before raising it.

"Ah, You seem like a Deadpool Fan" He smiled before high fiving me. I couldn't help but notice it now, he reminds me of my mother. I'm not sure how but they look similar.

"Yep, I-it's my n-new favourite film! Apart f-from any kind of a-animation."

"really what's your favourite animation?"

"Classic d-Disney Robin Hood by far. Y'know, the one with the totally out of proportion animals."

"Really, I'm a sucker for peter pan." by now we were sitting down on the sofa next to Jack. Cody was searching the cupboards for something. I didn't take my eyes off of him. I couldn't. He was so much more handsome in person. And tall; which was irritating. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Jack speaking from next to me. "You like him don't you?" I blushed still watching Cody.

"Err..Yeah...but he...I'm just..."

"Trust me he'd have to be blind or something to not like you." Alex said.

"GOTCHA" Cody exclaimed with his head still in a cupboard. He pulled his upper body out of it holding a small green box.

"What's that for?" Patty asked from the other sofa. Cody just pointed to me and I lifted my bloody hand up. "Ah." Cody walked over to me and started to clean up the wound. I couldn't help but smile at how cute his concentrating face was, his eyebrows knitting together as he subconsciously fiddled with his lip ring.

"done." He said as he stood up from the floor in front of me and smiled.

"Why, thank you kind sir," I said once again in my fake posh accent. I smiled back to him as I leant back on the seat. usually I wouldn't be so relaxed in these sorts of situations but for some reason with these people and especially Cody, I felt more at home than ever before.




Told you you'd get two :D

Also have you ever heard of the band Fatherson (they're in the video). They're AMAZING!!! I only started listening to them like yesterday but seriously they're pretty damn good.



