As the five of us trained and tried to figure out the answer to the riddle, Lloyd was sitting on top of a bike that Pythor was leading. The two laughed as They knocked things down. They walked on grass that wasn't allowed to be touched. Stole and ate a lot of ice cream. Threw rocks and sank kids' boats and laughed at their tears. Stole candy from actual babies. Crashed back at the Anacondrai tomb covered in candy.

"Wow. You're the best henchman a mastermind could ever have." Lloyd complimented the serpent. " Oh, Lloyd. You're the best mastermind a henchman could ever have." Pythor said back. Lloyd chuckles as Pythor asked the boy why he had no friends. " Well, I could've had friends back at my Boarding School for Bad Boys, but I decided to run away and never let them see me again." Lloyd laughed evilly, shaking around his cotton candy.

"Really? Uh, why would you run away from making friends? Everybody needs friends, even tyrants." Pythor told the boy. " Well, uh, maybe I didn't run away. Maybe I uh, I got kicked out." He admitted. " From the Boarding School for Bad Boys?!" Pythor lifted his neck up. " I don't believe it. I hear they are the breeding ground for the truly despicable. And if you ask me, ho-ho, you are a handful."

"Well, thank you, Pythor, but they told me I wasn't bad enough. They said I lacked the amoral ambition to be one of tomorrow's masterminds." Lloyd remarked. Remembering exactly what they told him. " Well, you'll show them." Pythor got up " That's right! I will show them!" Lloyd agreed. " Then why don't we?" " Uh, why don't we what?" "Let's get revenge on the very school that rejected you. And when the ninja come to the rescue, we'll have a trap laid out for them." Pythor planned out, picking up the child. 

" A double revenge?" Lloyd smiled. "A double revenge. Get some rest. Hijacking an ice cream truck is a lot for anyone, and if you're going to rule the world, well, ho-ho-ho, you'll need to get your sleep. Oh, and one more thing." Pythor trailed off. " Yes?" Lloyd looked at the same.. " I'll be your friend." Pythor smiled wickedly. Lloyd yawned and the two hugged. " Oh Pythor, you're the best." Lloyd laid on the ground and soon fell asleep. Pythor tried to get the map but Lloyd rolled over much to Pythors annoyance.

The five of us entered the room Sensei was in and he stopped what he was doing, "Oh. You must have found the answer to what is the best way to defeat an enemy." He asked. Cole started, " We have Sensei, it's- on three guys. One, two..." " Teamwork!" We all said together. Sensei Wu asked if that was what all of us thought. We all agreed but were wrong. We groaned. " I'm starting to think whoever figures out this riddle can be the Green Ninja for all I care." Cole said as we walked back to the deck.

 I flinch and grab onto Jay as the alarms started to blare." What's that?" Jay asked. "Who cares? It's something else besides training." Kai said and we ran into the bridge. " Break it down for me, sis." Kai said as we ran in. " Lloyd and a Serpentine have overtaken Darkley's Boarding School for Bad Boys." She told us. " Another snake? Doesnt he get bored of being mistreated?" I mumble. "That place is a cesspool for the crooked and the misbehaved," Jay commented on the school. "Well, that doesn't mean they don't need our help. Step on it." Cole said as Zane did a flip and pushed the button to make the Bounty fly.

Lloyd laughed evilly as he skateboarded in the balls with Pythor after tieing up his former classmates. "Hey, how are the booby traps?" Lloyd asked. "Every door, window, and hole into this place are spring-loaded." Pythor told the boy. "Ah, good. I'm sick and tired of those ninjas sneaking their way into my evil doings." Lloyd frowned angrily

We soon arrived above the school and Zane suggested going in using stealth. "Ah, we've done that. What about using our Golden Weapons that turn into our vehicles?" Kai asked. "I'm still working out the kinks on that. Anyone have any other good ideas?" Cole asked around. " Be actual Ninjas and sneak in. Like we should do?" I hold up my hand like I was in class. " I have one idea," Jay started. " But you guys gotta trust me." I gulped as Kai said he didn't like the sound of it.

Down below, Pythor and Lloyd were standing on the roof. Pythor was trying to calm down Lloyd. " Relax, we've made the perfect trap. We're in broad daylight so there isn't any shadows. But even if they could get in—" Pythor was cut off my Lloyd shouting whats that. Pythor fired a net but it was just a lizard. "Oh, good. Yeah, good reflexes. I was just testing you. If I know these ninjas, they're cleverly sneaking their way right past us at this very moment." Lloyd oh how wrong you are.

" Jay, I don't know about this." Kai said as we all stood on the anchor. " I embrace death but you four are needed." I was still scared. Zane and Cole gave me a worried look right as the anchor dropped. We screamed as the anchor crashed into the school. The edge of my gi actually caught onto a now broken piece of wood at almost the top while the boys were on the bottom. I tried to get loose as the boys used different ways of getting up.

Pythor went down to deal with the other Ninja as I tried squirmed around. I felt the edge of my gi being grabbed and pulled up. The sound of a kid grunting made it obvious who was pulling me up. I sat on the edge of the gaping hole and looked at Lloyd who panted slightly. " Thanks Lloyd," I smiled. He helped me just as I helped him. " You helped me when I was stuck. It's only fair I repay you by doing the same." Lloyd smiled back.

After a bit of comfortable silence, Lloyd noticed that the others were making their way up. Pythor came up and blocked off the trapdoor as if that did anything. "Shocked to see me?" Jay made a pun. " Wait how did you get here so quickly (Y/n)?" Jay asked and I shrugged. Lloyd told Pythor to do something but Pythor only betrayed him, taking the map.

 "Wh-what are you doing? I thought you were my friend." Lloyd looked at the serpent. " All you wanted was to make the Serpentine your slave. Well, sorry, my dear boy, I have other plans." Pythor disappeared as I and Jay walked over to him. Lloyd tried to escape but couldn't due to how high up we were. The Bounty was lowered and Wu and Nya were standing on the deck. "Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon, you come here right now." Yikes, he used his full name.

I walked over to Lloyd, nudging Jay away, and took Lloyd's hand. " It's ok Lloyd. We're not gonna betray you like the snakes." I smiled at him. I lead him to the Bounty and he looked down in shame. " What should we do with him? Wash his mouth out with soap for a year?" Cole suggested. " Ground him indefinitely?" Kai added. "Have him sit in a corner for a century?" Added Zane. " I know exactly what we must do." Wu stared at his nephew who gulped in fear.

 "And that is why Jack the Rabbit never trusts a snake. The end." Wu finished up the bedtime story that he read to Lloyd. I was sitting in a bed on the other side of Lloyd. I was moved there because we're both kids and also Lloyd is comfortable with me. " Oh, if my dad had read me that book, I would never have made that mistake. I'm sorry, uncle." Lloyd apologized.

"Oh, you do not need to apologize. I am sure that if your father was still here, it would be the first book he'd read. Good night, nephew. Sweet dreams." Wu pat the boy's head as Lloyd said good night as well " And good night to you (Y/n)" " Good night Sensei." I smiled as the light were shut off and Wu left. I laid down and looked over at Lloyd who looked to be already falling asleep. A smile on his face.

Sensei walked out onto the deck and the four boys walked over to him. " I don't get it Sensei," Kai started. " Why isn't the little brat getting punished?" Jay asked Sensei Wu as he left the room. " Yeah, we had to train all day and he gets read a bedtime story? It's not fair." Cole brought up. " Hmm, you're right, I nearly forgot. Why are you not still training? Did you find the answer to the riddle?" Sensei asked. Kai sighed, " No, Sensei. We still don't know what the best way to defeat your enemy is."

The four of them walk away slowly, hanging their hands. " It is to make them your friend" Wu told them. " So (Y/n) was right?" Jay was confused on how a little kid was able to get it so fast. " (Y/n) had answered the question correctly and yet none of you thought that what she said was plausible?" Wu questioned. The boys shook their heads. " (Y/n) is young, not unintelligent. Perhaps you should listen to her more than yourselves. You might learn a thing or two." Sensei walked away from them.

" Hey, Lloyd? Are you awake?" I whispered. I looked back over and saw the boy's red eyes slowly open, " Hm? Yeah, I am." He sat up slightly and looked at me. I smiled, " Even though you were trying to be a villain, you're still really nice." I look at the ceiling. "What does the mean?" He asked. " I have a hunch that, you're the exact opposite of what you were trying to be." I giggle a bit. Lloyd looked at the ceiling too. " Opposite of what I'm trying to be?" He repeated. " Like your destined for something great," I added. Lloyd smiled, " Destined for something great. I'd like that."
