
Hey everyone,

As requested I will start uploading this story now and try to keep up with uploading it weekly.
If you like this story please let me know. I appreciate all of you who leave comments, they really make my day!
I don't want to give too much away so I'll let you be on your way.

Happy reading!
Nat xx

Ps. If you don't already follow me on Twitter!

As the comet hurtled toward her the last thing on Cheryl's mind was Toni. She should be scared, terrified even, but she wasn't. Heathers words gave her some kind of peace, she and Toni were soulmates. It wasn't that hard for her to believe, in Cheryl's heart there was only ever one person she wanted to share her life with. A connection between her and her ex lover that sparked the moment they met, so was it so hard to believe that their fate was written in the stars?

A bright flash forced her to squeeze her eyes shut as she accepted this was the end for her. After everything life had thrown at her Cheryl was dying for the people she cared about and a town she had grown to love. Her sacrifice meant her family, friends and Toni could live on even if it was without her. As her skin began to burn from the energy around her she let out a mighty scream before everything went black.


As Cheryl came to her senses something felt off. Different. The mattress beneath her didn't feel like hers. Strange. The redhead was used to waking up in her bed alone and she hated it. At least she did until she felt a warm body wrapped around hers and a heavy arm draped over her middle. The sense of unfamiliarity launched her out of her sleepiness as she turned over to see the last person she ever thought she'd be sharing a bed with.

'Fangs? What the hell!' Cheryl screamed pushing herself back off the bed hitting the ground with a thump.

'Oh my god babe! Are you all right?' He reached his hand out to help her, but it was swatted away.

'Why are you in my bed?'

Cheryl pulled herself up from the ground as she took in her surroundings with a frown. This wasn't her house.

What was going on?

'Your bed?' Fangs repeated. 'Don't you mean our bed?'


'Toni, are you feeling all right?'

'What are you talking about you-' Cheryl cut herself off when she looked to the right where a mirror stood. Where she expected to see her reflection she saw Toni's.

Was this a dream?

'Why don't you take a seat?' Fangs asked placing his hands on her arms.

'Don't!' Cheryl snapped taking a step back. 'Don't touch me!'

'What's gotten into you?'

'The comet. What happened after the comet?' Cheryl asked.

'You know what happened Toni.'

'I have to go,' Cheryl said as she rushed to the door.

'Like that?' Fangs asked looking over her.

Cheryl looked down realising she was in a baggy band t-shirt and a pair of cycling shorts. She should care, but clothing was the last thing on her mind right now so she ignored him practically running out of the apartment without looking back.

Her feet ached, but she'd managed to run all the way back to Thistlehouse. It was run or take Toni's motorcycle and there was no way she was doing that. Honestly, she expected to wake up by now, this was obviously some kind of weird nightmare. Maybe she was unconscious after the comet or possibly even dead.

Either way there was no way she was in Toni's body. Out of all of the possibilities this seemed the most unlikely.

She didn't even think about knocking as she reached the door to her home, instead she burst straight through and headed for the staircase only to be stopped in her tracks.

'Toni what are you doing here?'

'Heather?' Cheryl answered.

'She hasn't woken up yet. I promised you I'd call if she did.'


'Are you all right? You seem... uh, confused.'

Cheryl opened her mouth to speak however nothing came out so she just ignored the woman stood at the bottom of the stairs and made her way to her bedroom. When she swung the door open she saw herself sleeping in her bed, carefully she took a step closer as an uneasy feeling seeped into her veins.

'Toni, nothings changed since yesterday,' Heather said gently placing a soft hand on her shoulder.

'How long?' Cheryl asked.


'How long since the comet?'

'Three days. Are you feeling all right?'


Cheryl was cut off by a groaning sound coming from her own body laid in her bed. It got both hers and Heathers attention instantly.

'Cheryl? Cheryl are you all right?' Heather said rushing over to the bed.


'Are you all right?'

Cheryl's dark eyes lifted from Heather as she brought a hand to her head before they landed on the woman behind her.

'What the hell is-'

'Don't try to get up,' Heather said quickly. 'You've been unconscious for three days. Don't move I'll be right back.'

Cheryl waited for the two of them to be alone before she stepped forward, she wasn't quite sure what to say.

'Who are you?'

Hearing her own voice from the outside was bizarre, she was sure it was deeper.

'Toni is that you?' Cheryl asked.

'Well yeah. Is this a dream? Or do I all of a sudden have a doppelgänger?' Toni forced through her banging headache.

'It's me... Cheryl,' she hissed quietly.

Toni threw herself back against the pillows, 'what are you talking about?'

'Look at yourself,' Cheryl said rushing over to her vanity grabbing a handheld mirror throwing it on the bed almost scared to get too close.

Toni picked up the mirror without even lifting her head, at least until she looked into it. At first Cheryl watched Toni as she laid frozen for a second before she reached up and touched her face.

'What the fuck-'

'I don't-' Cheryl started.

'Did you do?' Toni finished.

'What? You think this is my doing?'

'Cheryl I'm laid in your bed. In your body.'

'Yes,' Cheryl said shortly. 'And I am in yours, but it has nothing to do with me. Do you really think waking up with Fangs wrapped around me is my idea of a good time? Reality check- it's not.'

'Then how?' Toni said sitting up.

'I have no idea.'

Cheryl was still pissed at the thought of Toni blaming her for this mess. She hated watching Toni with Fangs, so why would she want to live it?

'What's the last thing you remember?'

Cheryl thought about it, the last thing she remembered was the comet hurtling towards her whilst she was thinking about Toni. Oh, maybe she did cause this.


'Oh, apologies Antoinette. The last thing I remember was the comet heading for Riverdale. In all honesty I thought I was dead.'

Toni felt herself flinch at that, the idea of Cheryl dying cut so deep she didn't even want to think about it so she didn't, instead she thought about how they could fix this mess.

'Does Heather know?' Toni asked. 'She's a witch isn't she?'

Cheryl considered it, 'she is-'


'Magic doesn't exist in Riverdale anymore, at least not physically. Heather is still a witch, however I don't think she'd be able to cast magic like before the comet.'

'So, what? We just don't tell her?'

'We don't tell anyone,' Cheryl said. 'At least not yet. Everyone's already been through so much. I think it's only fair to allow them their peace... at least until we've tried every option.'

'So I'm just going to live in your body and you're going to live in mine?' Toni asked. 'How will that work with Heather and Fangs?'

'Heather won't be a problem.'

'Cheryl, I think your girlfriend-'

'Toni, Heather will be leaving for Greendale.'

'Oh,' she said with a confused look on her face before she realised what her ex was saying. 'Oh, do you want to talk about it?'

'Absolutely not,' Cheryl said leaving no room for discussion.

'Okay then. So we may not have to worry about Heather, but what about Fangs?'

'What about him?'

'He's going to notice something's not right.'

'Then what do you suggest?'

'I don't know... he's my husband. I'm supposed to tell him the truth, right?'

Cheryl tried not to roll her eyes, but she knew Toni had taken a vow to him, it wasn't up to her to dictate what her ex told her husband.

'If you feel like you need to tell him Toni I won't stop you. I'll be in the library downstairs trying to find an answer to our little problem.'

Toni didn't even get the chance to reply before Cheryl was out of the bedroom. Maybe she should get up to help, she definitely needed to see her son, but her head was banging so hard she decided to give herself a moment to wrap her mind around everything that was happening.


After three hours of being locked away in her family library Cheryl was on the verge of banging her head against a wall. At least she would if it were her own. Being in Toni's body felt different to being in her own, she couldn't explain it, it was just a strange sensation.

In all honesty she thought Toni may have joined her by now however she understood why she didn't. So much had happened and the other woman probably needed some time to wrap her head around it. Cheryl didn't give herself time to do that, but she allowed that to Toni.

'Don't freak out yet,' Cheryl whispered to herself as she threw the book she was currently reading on the table. It's spine connected with the other books piled up knocking them off causing her to sigh.

There was a light knocking on the door before the sound of her own voice seeped through the crack in the door. Standing up, she moved towards the door realising that Toni's line of sight was a little different to her own. Slightly lower.

'Find anything?' Toni asked as soon as the door opened, she looked at herself before shaking her head slightly. 'This is so weird.'

'Nothing.' Cheryl shook her head. 'I checked every book I could think of.'

'I really think Heather is our best bet. We can speak to her together if you want?'

There was only one reason that Cheryl didn't want to talk to Heather and that was because of the conversation they had about Toni and their past relationship. She didn't want her high school sweetheart burdened with the information that they have a connection so rare she was sure Toni wouldn't believe her.

Or maybe she would. And then she'd ruin Toni's life, along with Fangs. As much as she despised the man she was once friends with, because he married the love of her life she wouldn't do that. She wasn't a home wrecker and if she were honest she wanted Toni to be with her because she wanted to, not because she felt forced.

So after delving deeper into her thoughts and realising Heather could mention Toni to her any minute thinking she was Cheryl maybe it was better to let her in on the secret. For her own sake.

'Fine. We tell Heather, but no one else except for Fangs.'

'I don't think I want Fangs to know,' Toni said.

'Why not?'

'I just don't think it'll make sense to him, but I did want to ask you a favour.'

Cheryl had a bad feeling about this, she knew what was coming, 'what?'

'I need you to pretend to be me, at least for now.'

'Toni, I really don't think that's a good idea-'

'Look, it's complicated but I don't really want to tell him right now. I'm not asking you to share a bedroom with him or anything-'

'And how exactly am I going to avoid that?'

'Just tell him you're not feeling well or you need some time to yourself.'

'Fine, but if he tries anything-'

'You tell him no. Fangs isn't like that. He's a good guy.'

'Right,' Cheryl said. 'I suppose we better put some boundaries in place before we speak to Heather.'

Toni frowned, 'boundaries?'

'We're going to be living in each others personal space, in each others bodies.'

'Okay, so what are your rules?'

'You must wash my hair every two days and absolutely under no circumstances do you eat more than one cheeseburger a week-'

'Cheryl are you kidding? I thought you were going to say something about showering or privacy.'

'Well you have to shower,' Cheryl said. 'You've seen my body before and there's no way I'm getting a reputation for being unhygienic.'

'Right.' Toni nodded. 'Same applies for you, but...'

'But? Toni I have to shower, but I promise you I won't look.'

'It's not that...'

'Then what?'

'My body has changed, after Anthony-'

'You needn't worry about that,' Cheryl said quickly. 'You carried a beautiful baby boy and you know that I've always admired your body. Nothing will change that.'

Silence sat around them and Cheryl was surprised she was so bold, although she would never let Toni pull herself down and anyway it wasn't a lie. She had always appreciated Toni's body and she always would.

'Oh,' Toni said snapping Cheryl from her thoughts. 'You have to make sure you tell Anthony you love him every day too. He'll be going to college soon and I want him to remember how much I love him.'

'Okay,' Cheryl said gently. 'I can do that.'

'Thank you.' Toni took a deep breath, 'shall we talk to Heather?'

Cheryl nodded as butterflies exploded in her gut, 'yes.'


Heather looked between them with an expression Cheryl couldn't quite read as she sat on the couch across from them.

'How are you feeling?' Heather asked looking at Cheryl who was in fact Toni.

'Heather,' Cheryl cut in getting the woman's attention from her own body to Toni's. 'We need to tell you something and it might be hard for you to believe.'

'What is it Toni?'

'I'm not Toni,' Cheryl said before pointing to her own body. 'That's Toni.'

Toni did an awkward wave as Heathers eyes darted between them.


'It's me, Cheryl. I don't know what happened, but this morning when I woke up, I woke up in Toni's body.'

'Oh no,' Heather said.

'Oh no?' Cheryl repeated. 'That doesn't really help right now.'

'Cheryl,' Toni said. 'Give her a moment to wrap her head around it.'

'Wait,' Heather said holding up her hands before pointing to Toni. 'You're Cheryl?'

'Yes, and that's Toni-'

'What's the last thing you remember?'

'The comet,' Cheryl answered.

'What about you Toni?' Heather asked looking at Cheryl and pinching the bridge of her nose.

'I remember after the comet. I remember yesterday, I was me. It was this morning that I wasn't.'

'Strange,' Heather hummed. 'It would make more sense for you to switch bodies when the comet collided not afterwards unless... Cheryl can I talk to you in private for a moment?'

'I don't really think that's necessary,' Toni said. 'I don't mean to be rude, but this is effecting me too and I think I need to be kept in the loop.'

'No, you're right I'm sorry,' Heather said. 'I'm sure I have some books in my private collection that may help, but for now I can only guess.'

'It's a start,' Toni said.

'I think the last drop of magic was used when Cheryl began to regain consciousness, that's the only thing that makes sense to me at this point.'

'But why would that make us switch bodies? I mean, as far as I'm aware it's only happened to the two of us. Why?'

'I have no idea,' Heather said and Cheryl knew she was lying. 'But I'll make it my mission to find out.'

'And what are we supposed to do until then? Pretend to be each other?'

'That's up to you, but I'm sure after everything your friends will understand.'

'We're not telling them just yet,' Toni said. 'This may be a quick fix so there's no reason to worry them, at least for now.'

The phone in the hall of the mansion began to ring. Toni looked at Cheryl, 'aren't you going to answer that?'

'You're me remember? You should probably answer it.'

'Oh yeah.'

'The phones in the hallway, to the right.'

As soon as Toni left Cheryl leaned forward towards Heather, 'tell me what you know.'

'This is so weird,' Heather said leaning forward herself making sure to keep her voice low. 'What was the last thing you remember thinking about?'

'That I was going to die.'

'That's all?'

'I was thinking about Toni.'

'I thought so.' Heather nodded, 'have you talked to her? About what I told you?'

'Absolutely not!' Cheryl hissed.

'Maybe you should. It might help.'

'No way, she's married and you have to promise you won't say anything either.'

'Fine. I'll go back to Greendale tonight and see if I can find anything.'

Toni walked back into the room luckily only catching the end of the conversation. She sat back down before looking between both of the women.

'Who called?' Cheryl asked.


'Why is Fangs calling me?'

'To see if I'm here.'

'And what did you tell him?'

Toni sighed, 'I told him that you'd woken up today and Heather called me to let me know so I came to check in. He wants to talk about this morning. Cheryl, what did you do?'

'I woke up in bed with a man and I admittedly freaked out. I'll take care of it for you.'

'Thank you.'

'I should probably get started on finding out what the hells going on,' Heather said standing up.

'Would you give me a ride back to Toni's place?' Cheryl asked.

'Wait, I'm going to be here alone?'

'Nana Rose is upstairs. Her carer comes four times a day, you'll be fine,' Cheryl said. 'And you're welcome to stay in any room you like. You don't have to stay in mine.'

Toni was nervous however she nodded her head as she and Cheryl stood too. There were so many ways this could all go wrong and there weren't many ways it could go right. There was no other option though so they did what they had to.


'Cheryl are you sure about this?' Heather said as they pulled up outside Toni's apartment.

'No,' she answered looking out of the window. 'But I'll do what I have to for now.'

'Why don't you just admit the truth to Toni?'

'I have to go Heather, call me if you find anything out,' Cheryl said before realising she didn't have her phone. 'Scratch that, call Thistlehouse and speak to Toni, at least until we can switch our phones tomorrow.'

Cheryl didn't say anything as she stepped out of the car until she grabbed the door to shut it.

'Thank you Heather for not telling Toni about... well you know. And thank you for helping us. I really do appreciate you.'

'Of course. I'll reach out soon.'

Cheryl gave her a small smile as she shut the car door, she had no idea what she was about to walk into however she was about to find out.

On her way up the stairs to Toni's apartment Cheryl tried to come up with reasons for the way she acted this morning and by the time she got to the door she had zero excuses. She was just about to knock on the door when she remembered this is where Toni lives and for now she is Toni.

Cheryl was relieved to see Anthony sat on the couch with Fangs, so at least she wasn't alone with Toni's husband for now. As she shut the door she got their attention, she gave them her best smile before heading over and taking a seat awkwardly on the couch.

'Mom, are you okay?' Anthony asked.

'Yes, I mean yeah, I'm fine.'

'Anthony would you leave your mother and I alone for a moment?' Fangs asked.

He frowned as he looked between them before nodding and heading to his bedroom. Cheryl thought she had a little more time before she had to deal with this conversion, but obviously not.

'What happened this morning T?'

'I'm sorry,' Cheryl answered quickly. 'I wasn't feeling myself.'

'You looked like you saw a ghost.'

'Yeah, I, uh, had a bad dream. I'm fine now.'

'Cheryl said you were with her this afternoon? How is she?'

Talking about herself with her ex's husband was extremely uncomfortable, but she went along with it the best she could. 'She seems okay. Maybe a little tired.'

'But health wise?'

'She's fine. Heather was with her.'

'It was good of you to check in with her, especially after what she did for the town.'

Cheryl cleared her throat, 'yeah, uh, it is.'

'So I was thinking you and I could have an early night, after everything I just want to spend some time with you.'

Cheryl knew exactly was he was talking about, she'd only been in the room a short period of time and he was already coming on to her. She obviously had to remember she was pretending to be Toni though so she had to handle this delicately.

'Actually Fangs, I needed to talk to you about something.'

'What is it?'

'Before I say what I'm about to say you have to promise me you won't take anything personally because its nothing-'

'Toni, what are you talking about?'

'I think I need a break-'


'Just for a little while,' Cheryl said quickly. 'I'm going through some stuff and I-'

'Is this about Cheryl?'

'What are you talking about?'

'You went to see Cheryl today didn't you? Has she said something?'

'What? No. Look Fangs I'm telling you I need a little breathing space, what does that have to do with Cheryl?' she knew she probably shouldn't ask, but curiosity got the better of her.

'You know I don't trust her...'

'With what?'

'You,' Fangs answered and Cheryl was surprised.

'She knows you're- we're married. She wouldn't do that and why would I be looking at anyone else when I'm married to you?'

Maybe she was going too far. Asking too much, she could say something that would slip her up and then it's game over however she couldn't help it.

'I just- I see the way she looks at you, she still wants you Toni, it's so obvious. I just worry that-'

'Is this because of what happened with Abigail and Thomasina, because-'

Fangs frowned, 'who?'

Oh shit, maybe Toni didn't tell him.

'Nevermind, I don't know what I'm talking about. Can we get back to us?'

'I'll take the spare room,' Fangs said, the defeat in his voice was obvious.

Cheryl let out a breath, 'thank you.'


Cheryl could tell that the bedroom she stood in was decorated by Toni. The space just screamed her personality and if it wasn't for the fact it was also Fangs room she might have admitted she liked it. After popping her head into Anthony's room to say goodnight she practically locked herself in Toni's bedroom and to say it felt surreal was an understatement.

Flopping on the bed, but making sure to stay on the side that was obviously Toni's Cheryl let out a breath before deciding she couldn't stay in a bed that her ex shared with her husband without at least changing the sheets, so that's what she did. After searching through the closet she found some clean sheets and pillowcases feeling a little better once she had changed them over.

Cheryl walked over to the vanity taking seat and closing her eyes for a moment before she opened them. The reflection staring back at her was obviously not herself, but Toni. It felt a little awkward and she felt like she should look away but she just couldn't. It had been so long since she was able to just look at Toni and as she took a closer look all these years later she noticed the little things that had changed.

Things that other people probably wouldn't notice like the way her cheeks had faint smile lines now and the slight crease in her skin between her eyebrows. Also the way her face had matured, she didn't look much different, but it was enough for Cheryl to notice. She suddenly noticed she was still in the same clothes from this morning and although she was hesitant she definitely needed to shower and change.

Luckily Toni had an en-suite so there were no reason for her to cross paths with Fangs again tonight. After turning on the shower she stripped out of her clothes leaving them in a pile on the floor and put Toni's hair up so she didn't get it wet. She made a conscious effort not to look in the mirror or down at the body that wasn't hers as she stepped under the running water. She wanted to respect Toni's privacy as best she could so she made the shower quick and got out wrapping herself in a towel as quickly.

If you asked her to, Cheryl could paint Toni's body from memory or at least the body she remembered, but still she didn't feel comfortable looking at the skin she used to spend hours worshipping. It wasn't her place anymore and although Toni said she didn't mind she still didn't feel comfortable.

Cheryl was glad that Toni still slept in baggy T-shirts and shorts, she remembered the times she used to steal the pink haired girls T-shirts with the excuse that they were more comfortable than her own pyjamas and while that was true it wasn't the only reason. The redhead used to love wearing the T-shirts simply because they were Toni's, they gave her a comfort that she just couldn't explain. She still had an old one in her closet back at Thistlehouse, but she wore it so many times after their break up it hadn't smelt like Toni for a long time.

Now though as she pulled it over her head she felt more relaxed and with that she climbed into Toni's bed ignoring the fact that it was Fangs as well. Sleep usually didn't come easy to her and tonight was no different, she tossed and turned until she huffed and sat up. Maybe Toni had a book in her nightstand she could read until she fell asleep. Still feeling like she was invading her exs privacy she opened the drawer revealing comic books. Some things don't change.

Cheryl couldn't deny she used to love laying against Toni's shoulder pretending not to be interested in her girlfriends silly comics when they were teenagers, she was much too mature for that or at least that's what she said at the time. She picked up the comic with a smile as she tried to relax back into the pillow and lose herself in a reality that wasn't her own.
